11-14-67 BZA Minutes ��� REGULAR MEETING OF THE
N�vember 14, 1967
A regular meeting �f the G�lden Valtey B�ard �f Zoning Appeals was
held Thursday, ��vember 14, 1967 at 7 :30 p.m, at the G�iden Va11ey
Civic Center , 7800 G�lden Va11ey Road, G�iden Valtey, Minnesota,
Chairman Christiansen presided and the f�ll �wing members were present :
Velz, Anders�n, Swedberg, Atsa present were Dan lynch, J�n Westlake,
Phyllis J�rdahl .
MOVED by Velz, seconded by Anders�n, unanimously carried t� appr�ve
the min�tes of October 10, 1967 , as mailed.
67- 11 -2$ 7500 Wayzata Boutevard ( 1 $) Sinciair Service Stati�n
The petiti�n is f�� the waiver �f Section 5.06 (A) �f 18' t� a front
yard setback of 17 ' f�r the existing pump island on the s�uth side.
Ats� the f�lt�wing requirements �f said Secti�n S.Ob which the
prop�nent has requested to be waived.
5.06 (B) waiver �f driveway from street intersection of 10� to
an �pening �f 20� from street intersection. (East side
�f pr�perty - existing)
5. 06 (C) waiver �f c�ntinuous approach �n the S�uth side of
station. (asking for a lesser waiver )
5, 06 (C ) waiver �f the minimum 20� landscaping on S�uth and East
side. (asking f�r a iesser waiver )
5.06 (C ) 4 � 5 guard rails and interior curbs.
5, 06 (D) waiver �f (4) outside parking spaces f�r pr�p�sed
service stall .
5. a5 - waiver of pr�p�sed service stall additi�n �f 4+ to a
sideyard setback of 16�
1 . waiver �f pr�p�sed wing wall of 10� to a sideyard �
setback �f 10� ,
all fln pr�posed additi�n �n west side �f existing
5. �5 - waiver of pr�posed new addition �f 10, 5 � t� a sideyard
setback �f g, 5 � �ff n�rth pr�perty line (to the n�rtheast
�f existing buitding, and c�nnected t� it . }
all �n pr�p�sed pl�t plan 7- 17-67,
MaVED by Swedberg, sec�nded by Anderson , unanim�usly carried t� deny
the petitioners request. The B�ard noted that at the present time,
the site does not c�mply with the Ordinance. Therefflre, the B�ard
recommends that the pr�pflnent atte�pt to correct the existing situation;
that is, tfl more c�mpty with the Ordinance.
67- 11 -26 752Q Golden Vatley Road ( 16) Calvary Lutheran Church
The petiti�n is f�r the waiver of Secti�n 11 . 06 �f 45 ' t� a rear
setback �f 5 ' , and a waiver �f 25� t� a sideyard waiver of 25 ' f�r
an existing d�uble garage in the N�rthwest c�rner �f the pr�perty,
(Pr�p�sal is t� m�ve the existing garage further in t� undeveloped
Northwest c�rner �f l�t . ) The garage is used f�r equipment st�rage.
Board of Zonin A eais November 14 1 6 a e 2 � 1
9 PP , 97 pg
The Board n�ted that the prop�nent was not represented at this
meeting, H�wever , the prop�nent did present his case at the
September 12 , 1967 meeting of the B�ard �f Z�ning Appeals , At that
time the 8�ard heard the reas�ns why the proponent felt they should
be granted the waiver , It was also noted that the B�ard felt the
petiti�ner was aware �f the N�vember 14, 1967 meeting because of a
letter received after the September 12, 1967 meeting, stating that
they wanted t� retain (excerpt fr�m letter ) ''the petiti�n for Ordinance
waiver t� m�ve our garage is still effective. ''
After c�nsiderable discussion regarding the request, it was MOVED by
Anderson, seconded by Velz, unanimousty carried, t� deny the request,
67- ti -32 1012 Quebec Avenue North ( 16) Richard M, lyons
The petition is for the waiver �f Secti�n 3. 07 �f 30� to a fr�nt
yard setback �f 5� �ff the n�rth 1ot line (Bassett Creek Drive) , aiso
a waiver �f Section 3. 12-1 f�r "Detached access�ry building shall be
l�cafied wh�lly to the rear �f the h�use" fc�r a pr�posed single car
garage 14� x 22 � ,
MOVED by Velz , seconded by Anders�n, unanim�usiy carried to approve
the waiver stipulating that the north side of the garage shall be
67- 11 -33 140g Independence Avenue N�rth (20} Donald E Br��ks
The petition is f�r the waiver of Section 3,07-3 (C ) of 2.0� t� a
sideyard setback �f 10. 1 ' �n the s�uth pr�perty line for a pr�posed
single family dwelling,
MOVED by Anders�n, sec�nded by Velz , unanim�usly carried, t� approve
the waiver ,
67- it -34 8100 Wayzata B�ulevard (23� Shedd-Br�wn, Inc
The petitTOn is for the waiver �f Secti�n 5 . 05- ( 1 ) �f 19� to a fr�nt
yard. setback of 56� off �f Han 1 ey Road for proposed garage (24� 8�' x
20� 0") . Aiso a waiver �n the exisfiing buiiding of Secti�n 5.05- ( 1 �
2 ) of 33.07 � to a fr�ntyard setback of 41 , 93 � �n the East property
line �ff Hantey Road, A1s� a waiver of existing bitumin�us parking
area of 25 � t� a frontyard setback �f 40� �ff Hanley Road, and a
waiver of 12 � t� a rear yard setback of 38� �ff the north property
line �ff bituminflus parking area.
The Board noted that the status �f the building and parking tot will
remain in a n�nc�nforming use. MOVED by Velz , seconded by Anderson,
unanimously carried to approve the waiver for the pr�p�sed garage only,
recommending a building permit be issued because it Supplements the
present buiiding with the stipulation that the garage entrance shall
face north or west.
4� B�ard �f Z�ning Appeals N�ve�ber 14, 1967 page 3
67- 11 -35 955 �innetka Avenue N�rth ( 21 ) Sidney Shapiro
7he petiti�n is f�r the waiver �f Secti�n 13.02 (D) �f 20� t� a
fr��ntyard setback �f 15 � off lOth Avenue N�rth from the rear �f the
pr�p�sed building t� 15 ' East of the East right-o�-way off Lewis
RQad, and a waiver of 20� to a fr�ntyard setback �f 15 ' �ff �ewis
R�ad frorn i5 ' s�uth of the s�uth right-of-way line �f lOth Avenue
N�rth to the s�uth pr�perty line f�r pr�p�sed parking lot, Als� a
waiver of 13. fl1 of b parking spaces f�r a total �f 38 parking spaces.
MOVED by Anderson, sec�nded by Velz , unanimously carried, t� appr�ve
the waiver of Section 13.p1 ��nl� of 1� parking spaces for a total
�f 25 parking spaces based �n tfie 25� square f��t requirement , with
the stipulati�n that all the required setback areas be landscaped
in accordance with the Z�ning C�de.
�7- 11 -36 7i5 ��i�rado Avenue S�uth ( 13) B J Schwartz
The petition is f�r the waiver �f Section 5 , 06 �f 47 ' fi� a fr�nt
yard setback of 28� f�r bitumin�us parking and access in maneuvering
of trucks and traiters f�r loading and un1�ading �f g��ds.
After c�nsiderable discussi�n, the petitioner withdrew his request
and is g�ing to w�rk �ut a tandscaping plan. It was p�inted �ut that
the vegetafii�n sh�uld be �f a certain size t� pr�vide screening naw,
and maintain its screening effect thr�ugh�ut the seas�nal change,
�7- 11 -37 735 C�1�rado Avenue S�uth ( 13) J�hn H 01s�n
The petiti�n is for the waiver �f Secti�n 13. 01 (a) Design Standards ,
f�r remflval �f the curb in front �f the parking area from the rail -
r�ad easement track, west t� the east edge �f the c�ncrete wal�
(appr�ximately 99' ) . The existin� curb cut is now 35� which was put
in with the bitumin�us surfacing September , 1967. A1s� a waiver �f
Secti�n 5 ,05 and 5ecti�n i3.42 �f parking in the fr�ntyard setback.
The petiti�ner asked t� have this matter deferred for �ne m�nth,
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airman Christiansen J� Westlake