12-12-67 BZA Minutes 4�
December 12 , 1967
A regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey B�ard �f Z�ning Appeals was held
Tuesday, December 12, 19�7 at 7:30 p,m, at the G�lden Va11ey Civic
Center , 7800 Golden Valley Road, G�lden Valley, Minnesota. Member
Jensen presided, and the .f�ll �wing �embers were presenfi : Anderson,
Velz, Sruch. Ats� present were J�n Westtake and Dan Lynch.
MOVED by Anders�n, sec�nded by Bruch, unanim�usly carried t� approve
the minutes of N�vember 14, 1967 .
67- 11 -28 7500 Wayzata Boulevard ( 18} Sinclair Service Stafiion
This request has appeared bef�re the board on Oct�ber 10, 1967 and
N�v�mber 14, 1967. At that time the b�ard felt that the extent �f
the request was t�o substantiat . Since this time the petiti�ner has
deducted a portion �f his applicati�n for waiver .
The petitiQn is f�r the waiver of Secti�n -
Required (existing) waivers
S.Ob (A) t� a fr�ntyard setback �f 17' for the existing pump
island on the s�uth side. (REQUIRED 35' )
5.06 (B ) of existing driveway fr�m s reet in ersection �f 10�
t� an �pening �f 20� from street intersection on east
side of property. (REQUIRED 30� )
5.06 (B) of existing continuous appr�ac �n s�uth side of stati�n.
With new plans, the petiti�ner is asking f�r a tesser
waiver but stiil d�es not comply with
1 . (REQUIRED 30� ) from street intersection
2. '' is�6T tance Tefween driveways sha11 be 25' at the
curb cut ." (REQUIRED)
Required (pr�p�sed) waivers
5.Q6 (C) �f the minimum 20► larrdscaping on South and East side
5.06 (C) 4 � 5 guard rails and interi�r curbs
1 , (REQUIRED)Bumper -type fence of curb f�r adjacent
5.06 (D) of (4) outside parking spaces for proposed service stall
1 . (REQUIRED 4) per stall and located t� side o�
5.05 - of proposed service stali addition of 4� to a sideyard
setback of 16�
1 , waiver of proposed wing watl c�f 10� to a sideyard
setback of 10�
2. (REQUIRED 20� ) 10► �f green area and 10� open
3. all on pr�p�sed addition on west side of existing
A11 on pr�posed p1Qt plan 7- 17-67 (p�rti�ns changed for Dec. 12 mtg. )
MOVE_D by Ve1z , sec�nded by Anderson, unanim�usty carried to deny the
petiti�ners request. The b�ard noted that the prop�nent was trying to
B�ard �f Z�ning Appeals December 12, 1967 page 2
ameli�rate his existing situati�n. The Board also pointed out t� the
pr�ponent that the sc�pe �f the waivers is sti11 t�� substantial . In
view of fihis the bflard agreed �n their previous decisi�n. That is,
the site d�es not cc�mply with the ordinance. Therefore, the B�ard
recommends that the pr�p�nent attempt t� c�rrect the existing situation;
that is, to m�re c�mply with the �rdinance.
67- 12-37 735 Coi�rad� Avenue South ( 13) John H OisQn
The petiti�n is for the waiver c�f Secti�n 13.01 (a) Design Standards,
f�r rem�val �f the curb in frr�nt �f the parking area fr�m the rail -
r�ad easement track, west t� the east edge of the c�ncrete walk
(approximately 99� ) . The existing curb cut is now 35' which was put
in with the bitumin�us surfacing, September , 1967. Ats� a waiver of
Secti�n 5,05 and Section 13, 02 �f parking in the fr�ntyard setback.
The petiti4ner ask�d t� have this matter deferred f�r �ne m�nth.
67- 12-3$ 2132 Windsor Way (5) Fred Bohling
The petition is for the waiver �f Section 3. 07- (3) �f 2 � t� a side-
yard setback �f 13� on the n�rthwest c�rner for a proposed enlarge-
ment of a single garage int� a double garage (22 ' in width by 21 '
in length) ,
MOVED by Anders�n, sec�nded by Bruch, unanimously carried to deny the
application, The Board n�ted that the proponent had an adequate area
t� the rear �f his garage t� enlarge f�r stflrage. In d�ing so the .
pr�p�nent c�uld conf�rm with the �rdinance.
67- 12-39 5270 Wayzata B�utevard ( 19) Narr�Eldon Gerrish Architecture
The petiti�n is f�r the waiver of required landscaped areas for parkir�g
�n a proposed site pian Qf a pharmacy and restaurant, �f section-
13�02 (D) �f l0' t� a setback �f 0� off the west pr�perty 1ine.
13. 02 {D) of 19� to a rear yard setback �f 6' �ff the north
property line.
13.02 (D) �f 18' to a fr�ntyard setback �f 17' off the s�uth
property tine.
The petitio�er asked to have this matter deferred f�r one m�nth f�r
further study of the prop�sed site ptan.
67- 12-40 i20 Ed�ewa�d Avenue N�rth ( 17) Dan J, Lyneh
The petiti�n is f�r the waiver of Secti�n 1 . 03 of ( t ) princi pal b�ilding
�n any �ne such l�t �r parcel . The present l�t size is 31 ,046 square
feet which is in excess of the required 12,500 square feet.
In discussing the waiver , the Boarci asked tc� defer this request for
one month. The S�ard felt it is a unique request, and wanted the
Viltage Att�rney' s opins�n �n the request as to their p�siti�n. Also
during this time, because �f the nature of the questi�ns that came up,
the pr�p�nent is g�ing to w�rk with the Engineeri�g Department.
� 5
Bflard �f Zonir�g Appeals December 12, 1967 page 3
67- 12-41 6$27 Kingst�n Circ1e ( 17) Dean Koutsky
The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07 ( 1 ) for a fr�nt yard
Secause �f the curvature �f the circle in the cul -de-sac at this point,
and the unique nature of the tot, the S�ard loaked favorably upon this
request and instructed the building inspector t� issue a building permit
when the prop�nent has a registered survey of the lot with the proposed
dwe1ling l�cated �n it as t� the requirements Qf said petition. The
B�ard will take f�rmal acti�n on this petition next month.
A moti�n was entertained for adjournment at 10:00 p,m.
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Chairman Christiansen J Westlake
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