04-09-68 BZA Minutes � �$ REGU7.�AR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VAZLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS April 9, 1968 A regular meetin.g of the Golden Va11ey Board of Zoning Appeals was held '.�uesday, April 9, 1968, at 7:30 p.m, at the Gol.den Va11ey Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Christiansen presided and the following members wsre present: Bruch. Alternates: Franzen, Swedberg, Swanson. Also present were Planning Director Otto Schmid, Secretary� Phyllis Jordahl. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOVED by Bruch, seconded by Swedberg, unanimously carried to approve the minutes of March 12, 1968. 68-l�-11� 7.1.�.15 Unity Avenue North (6) Jack Laboe The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07-(3-b) of 6� to a sideyard setback of 6,5� off the Soutri property� line of the present garage for a proposed addition to the garage. (required sideyard 12.5r) MOVED by Swanson, seconded by Bruch, to deny the waiver, The anotion carried with 1 nay. The waiver was denied on the grounds that no hardship exists. {The Board was of the opinion that it is important that required setbacks be maintained in Residential areas except where hardships can defi.nitely be proven.) 68-�.-1.� 21�00 Douglas I?rive 1Vorth (11) Earl J. Schutz The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.02 fbr a proposed double bungalow. l. "Coun-try Estates and one-family dwell.ings; except that two family dwellings shall be permitted on lots which a. directly abutt a heavier use district, or b. are directly across a street from a Conunercial, light Industrial or Industrial District. " The present surrounding zoning for the proposed double bungalow is Open Development and Residential. The petitioner is a1.so asking for a waiver of Section 3.0l�1 of 186 square feet far a total of 18,�6?� square feet. (required 15,750 square feet� MOVED by Bruch, seco�ded by Franzen, unanimously carried ta approve the waiver. (It was the opinion of the Board that granti�g this waiver would definitely upgrade the area.) . 68-�-16 ?�980 Coun�ty Road No. 66 (6) G. W. Reininger �'he petitian is �or the waiver of Section 3.02 for (2) proposed double bungalows. 1. tfCountr.y Estates and one-�amily swellings; except that two famil,y� dwellings shall be permitted on lo�,s which a. directly abutt a heavier use district, or b. are directly across a street from a CommerciaZ, light Incustrial or Industrial :�.strict.'" Tr.e present surrounding zoning for the proposed double bungalows is Reszdential. 55 Board of Zoning Appeals Apri1 9, 1968 Page 2. MOVED by Franzen, seconded by Swedberg, unaninously carried to deny the petitioners request for the followi.ng reason: the neighborhood for the most part is entirely single family residential in character. The petitioner was not present, but the following objectors were: Imn Ziehl 2001 Regent L1oyd Sussman 19�� Regent Wayne Gendrea 19�3 Regent Also in evidence was a petition, signed by the property owners in this area, who were also against said waiver request. 68-l�-10 5730 Wayzata Boulevard (13) Natalie Stuart) The petition is for the waiver of Section 13.02 (D) for 10� of landscaping to a sideyard landscaped area of 0� off the �ast property line (required 10� of landscaping) 13.02 (D) �'or �,O' of landscaping to a sideyard landscaped area of 0� off the West property line (required 10� of landscaping) 13.02 (D) for lOt of landscaping to a rear yard landscaped area of 0� off th� North property line. (required 10� of landscaping) 5.05 for 15t of a proposed building to a sideyard setback of 51 off the West property line. (required 20� for building setback) 5.05 for 15' o.� a proposed building to a sideyard setback of 5� off the East pr.operty line. (req�aired 20� for building setback) The petitioner asked to have his petition deferred for one month, 68-l�-17 2300 Louisiana Ave. North (11�) MeMaster-Fahlstrom Assoc„ Inc. The petition is for the waiver of Section 5.05 of 5� to a sideyard setback of 15t off the North property line for a proposed addition to the existing building, Also a waiver of Section 13.01 of s parking spaces fbr a total of 3? parking spaces. (required 1 parking space for every �.00 square feet) MOVED by Swedberg, seconded by Swanson, unanimously carried to den,y� the petitioners request since the Board believes no hardship exists and also that this would be a precident setting action in this area. 68-�-18 9100 Olson Memorial Highway (22) Dr, Gary B. Gibbons The petition is for the waiver of Section 5.�5 for 19�8" of an existing building to a sideyard setback of �t" off the West property line (required 20� for building setback). 5.05 for 19t8�� of a proposed building to a sideyaxd setback of 1t't off the West property line (required 20� for building setback) . r1r. Lipschultz was present as an interested abutti.ng property owner and stated that he had no objection to the propased waiver. I�OVED by Bruch, seconded by Swedberg, unanimously carried to approve the waiver, subject to the resubmittal of the petition and an up to date survey showing the location of the existing building and the proposed addition. The Board wishes to note that this waiver is fbr an 18 foot addition to the existing building, the setback of which will coincide with the existing set- back on the existing structure, It was noted that the petitioner withdrew a request for waiver of Section 13.02 (D) of the Zoning Code. . � � Board of Zoning Appeals Apri1 9, 1968 Page 3 68-�.-19 900 Sou�h Turners Crossroad (13) Larson-0].son Company The petition is for the waiver of Section 5.05 for 1.5� of an existin�; building to a sideyard setback of 18.�.' off the North property 1ine. (required 20� for building setback) �.OS for 1.5� af a propos�d building to a sideyard setback of 18.�.r off the North property line. (required 20� for buzlding setback� �.3.02 (D) for 10r of landscaping to a sideyard landscaped area of Ot off a portion of the Sauth property line. ( required lOt of landscaping) 13.01 of parking spaces for a total of 107 parking spaces. (based upon the 150 for offices and J�00 fox warehouse) MOVED by Bruch, seconded by Franzen, unanimously carried to approve the waiver, The Board noted �hat this proposed addition would be used in the place of the area presently being used for outside storage. St was the consensus that this addition wou.ld definitel,y be upgrading this area. b8-J�-20 7729 Plymouth Avenue (16) Wvman Builders, Tn.c. �he pe�itian is for the waiver of Section 3.07 - (1) of 1.7t to a front yard setback of 33.3� off the West property line o� the present house for a proposed fireplace. {requi.red frontyard 35') MOVED by Franzen, second�d by Bruch, unanimously carried to approve the waiver. 68-1�-21 7759 Olympia Street (15} Kermit A. Hi11 Co�struction The petition is for the waiver af Section 3.07-(1) of 101 to a frontyard set- back of 25► off the North �roperty line for a proposed home. (requi.red 3��) MOVED by Bruch, seconded by Swanson, unanimously earried to approve the waiver . with the condition that the petition be resubmitted with proper signatures. The Board noted that this proposed home would line up with the existing structures on either side. 68-i�-22 755� Olson Memo rial Highway (17) Murphy Oil Corp. The petition is for -the waiver of Section Z.OS for 25� of a �roposed building to a sideyard setback of 2�1 off the East property line. (required 50� for building setback) 5.05-(1-a) for l�Ot of landscaping to a sideyard landscaped area of 35t off the North property line. (required 75t of landscaping facing Residential or across a street) 13.02 (D) far l�� of landscaping to a sideyard landscaped area of lOt off the East property lien. {required 2�t of landscaping) , The petitzoner asked to have this petition deferred due ta a pending lot division. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:�.0 p.m, i �: , `'' � 1 . , � ,� � , � � ��� ��-���t�-�-�-' C airman Chris�iansen Sec e ry� on Westlake