03-11-69 BZA Minutes c7�i REGULAR MEETING 4F THE GQLDEN VAI,T,EY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS �?arch 11, 1969 The reg�zlar mee-�f.ng of the Golden Vall�y Board of Zoning Appeals t�aa� held Tuesday, March 1.1, 19d9, at 7:3U P. �. at the Golden Valley Civic Genter, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Galden Va31ey, Minnesota. The follawing Board member�, constituting a c�xox�zm, were present: Donald E. Franzen Dr. Robert R, HoQVer Pau1 D. Sens�ad Morton D. Silverman Mr. Mahlon H. Sw�dberg, an alt�rnate member af the Board, was present for the hearing of the requests but absent far the motions of the pr4ponents► requests. Mr. Dan J. Lynch, Buildi.ng Commission�r, was pr�sent at the invitation of the Board. The first order of bus�ness was the appointment of a pro tetn Chairman. Dr. Rober-t R. Hoov�r was appointed to preside as Chairman and Mr. Jon L. �Jestl�ke, Secretary of �th� Board of Zc�nin,g Appea3s, acted as Secretary of the meeti.ng. The next order of business was the consideratian of the minutes of the meet�ng of the Board h�ld on February- li, 1969, copies of which had been distributed to the Baflrd. It was moved b� I�ahlan Swedberg, secanded by Robert Hoover, to approve th� minutes of the meeting held February 11, 2969. Ths n,ext order o,f business was the election of a Ghairman. It �aas moved by Mort Silv�rm,an, seconded by Mahlon Swedber�g, to nominate Mr. LeRoy W. Anderson, who is a member Qf the Board. l�o f�.irther nominations were received, therefore, it �as mo�ed by Mahlon Swedb�rg, seconded b� Mort S�lverman, that the nominatinns be closed and LeRoy Anderson b� elect�d Chairman of -the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Chairman then brought before the meeting the fflllowing r�quests for waiversz �9-3-2 (69-2-2) b820 Kingston Circl� (17) Gaxy C. Hoffman The petition is for the waiver af SectYOn 3.07-1 far 8t of a proposed residence to a setback of 27� off the North R3ght of Wa� of the curv�atur�e of �ingston Circle. (Requir�d 35�) 3.C37-1 for 12� of a �rop�osed residence to a s�tback of 23� off tYie South Right of Way line of the servie� driee of State Highwa� I�o. �5, �Required 35') Mr. Gary C. Hoffman was present to e�cplain his request to the Board. In requesting for the variance he askEd the Bc�ax°d to consider the following: l. Th� request off Olson Memorial Highway Right of Way be considered a rear yard. 2. Tf it is a rear yard, then 2 am asking for one {1) waiver and that is off Kingston Circle. {The setback of the propo�ed house meets the requirernents for a rear yard setback.} 3. The request on Kin�ston Circle is the same variance as ,given 6827 Kingston Circle, which has a front �ard setback of 27.,5�. 97 Board of Zoning Appeals March 11, 1969 Pa�� 2 After Mr. Hoffman�s pres�ntatian the Board r�ferred to Secti:on 3.07 (1), I2.02 (26), and 12.02 (26) in Appendix I of �he Zoni.ng Code. After a lengthy d3scussion the follarwing points were noted by the Board: 1. The proponent has a buildabl� lot. 2. Hc�us�s can be d�signed to fit the lot, 3. A substantial home can be placed on t,h.is parcel. �.. fih� proponent could construct his resid�nce Idorth or Sauth on th� parcel. 5• Th� hardship is with th�; cul de sac off Kingston Circle. 6. Intent of the Ordi.nanc� is t.hat a dw�lling should be 35 �e�t �rom the road Righ� of Way. It was then m.oved by Morton Silverman, s�cond�d by Donald Franzen, unanim- ous],y carried, to grant a wa,iver of Section � 3.07-1 for 8� of a ro osed residenc� ta a setback flf 27t off the North Right of Way 1� -�he curveature of Kingston Circl�. In approving -�his portion of the request the Board point�d out that the petitioner does have a valid request as to the cul de sac. It was also noted that similar requ�sts sach as this one have be�n approved by the Boar.d, In the second part of the request it was moved by Paul Senstad, second�d by Donald F'ranz�n, carried unanimously to den�* th� petition for Section 3.07-1 for 12t of a proposed resid�nee to a setback of 23t off the South Right of Way n�e af t e�c� driv� of Stat� Highw�,y No. 55. The Board noted the foll.owing in denying the second part of the proponent�s requests l. �ie Ordinanc� is cl�ar in its definition of a lot through. (a} This pare�l is d�finitely a Iot through (b) The lot has more than adequate build3ng �pace to place a house on it. 2. No hardship running with the; land. It is a hardship of desi.r� upon the proponent to put a particulax hou.ae on this particular parcel. 3. Althaugh Section 3.47-1 might not say unequivocally a$ to its app- lication of this request, there i� enough precerient in past diacugs- i4u plus the wording and interpretation of the wor�ding of Sec#�a�on 3.a7-1 that a w�iver would be required. !�. In apprmvin� �his reque�t the Boaxd wauld set a precedent for o�hers like it to the detri�nent of their n�ighborhood�s potentialit,p. s. The true int.�nt of the Ordinance is to keep residential buildings 3.5� from the road Right of Way line. 7'l�i.� Ordinane� is pratecting th� propon�nt. 69-3-6 155� Louisiana Ave. No. (15) Wa,ync R. Jopp Construction The petition is for the waiv�r of Section 3.�7-1 for 6t of a proposed resid�nce to a front yaxd s�tback of 29t off the East proper�y line. (R�q�a:ired 3�� se�tback� Mr. Wayne R. Jopp was present to rnake his req�zest to the Bc�ard. He point,�d cnzt an the s�a.rvey th� odd shape of th� lot. 7'he Board not�d the proponent was asking for a waiver on the portion of the lot wher� the arc of the Right of �vTay eu�ts d��ply into the lot. �1� Baard af Zoni.ng App�als Mareh 11 1969 Page 3 It wa� mov�d by Donald Franz�n, s�condcd by Morton Silverman to appro�� th� request in accordanc� with the c�rtified survey, dated F�bruar� 28, 19�9 b� Kenn�th K. Russ�11 Registered Zand Surv�yor No. �.b6l�, which shows only th€ propos�d hou�e. The request was carri�d unanimnrnzsly. 69-3-? 8925 Wayza-�a B�ul�vard (23) The Buhler Corporation Note: �'he area of �he r�quest�d waiver is on the Rtorthwest corner of the �xisting structur� where it protrudes into th� s�tback. The petitian is for t,he waiver of Section 5.0,� A f c�r I0.�,�t on the �flr�thwe st corner of th� exis ting building `to a fr4r�t �rard setbaek o�' 2�..�.5; o�f the North praperty line. (R�quired 35' setbaek} 1.3.�2 D of the front yard landscaping, which is to th� w�st of th� pr�sent struetur� on th� plot p3an dated November 18, 1968. � (R�quired 35') 13.�2 � for 6� of landscaping to a side �ard landseaped area of 1�� off th� West proger�� line, Ar�a of no iandseaping e�tends Sou�Gh �'rom th� i�orth prop�rty line 7.1.�01. (Requir�d I�t landscaping) 1�Ir. ]�.iane V, Young vf Ma�ne� Construetion Co. w�s present to e�lain the request tfl the Board. H� stat�d that h� is adding on to the rear af �Ghe building where no waiv�rs �,re ne�d�d; but in 4rd�r to r�e�ive a building per�nit for th� addition, h� is asking fflr waiv�rs on the existing structur� only. Th� Board in r�v3.ewin� the r�quest noted the building was construct�d accord3.ng to cade. 7'he structure was put in nan�onformance when th� State Highwa� Depa�tment pus�cha.sed additiQnal Right of Way along th� south side of �iayzata Boulevard. It was mov�d b.y Paul Senstad, seconded by Morton Silv�rman, carri�d unanimousl,y to approve th� wai��r of Section 5.0� A deseribed as follows: All that part flf Traet A R.L.S, 8�9 describe�d as follvw�: Commencing at a point in a line that is 3�.� f��t South of and parallel to th� North line of said Tract A distant s7.0 �eet West of the East line of sa3d Tract A; thence continu.ing West�rl� alon� said parallel lin� a distance of 97.� f�et; thence North parall�l to the East lin� of said Traet A a dis�ance of 10.0 f�et; thence F1as�erly, to poi.r�t of b�g�.nning. A mtition was then mov�d by Ik>nald Franz�n, seconded by Morton Silverman, carried unanimc�usl�r, to d�ny th� requ�st for Seetion 13.02 D of �h� front yard 3andscapin�, whieh is ta th� w�st of the present structure on th� plot plan dated Nov�mber 18, 1968. (Required 35�) : 13,a2 D fc�r 6r landseaping to a sid� yard landscaped ar�a of �.t off the W�st proper�y lin�. Ar�a of no landscaping �xtends Sc�uth from the North property lin� 1l�.0�. (R�quired 10� landscaping) b9-3-8 291� Scott Avc. Nc�. (!�) �'l.��twood B�.iilacrs The p�tition is �or the �aaiv�r af S�ction �� Board of Zoning Agp�als March 11, 1969 Pag�e.I� 3.�7-2 for 8t of an exis�ing structure to a rear yard �etback of 10� for the protrudin� corner on th� Northeast corner of the structure. (Required 18� setback) Mr. Jerold W. F3.nnar�or� presented the requ�st for Fl�etwood Builders. The Board in discussing this waiv�r not�d th� request is in the North�ast portion of' th� Iot where the North propert3r lin� is the shortest distanc� an the parcel. This prop�r�g line was established by Branch F Count,y �i.tch #18 on the East and Scott Aeenue on the West. A mnticm was th�n mc�ved b� Paul S�nstad, second�d b� Marton Silverman to approvc t.h� request in accordance wit,h the Certificate of Survey which shows the position and location of the hause. This survey is dated F�bruary I.9� 1.9b9 by Egan, Fieid & Nowak, File No. �lt16. By-I,aws of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals The following are th� corr�ctions of the B�-Laws of the Baard of Zoning Appeals in said section: Articl.e II - Officers 1. The Aice-Pr�siden� of the Village Planning Commission shall be a mcmber of th� Board of Zoning Appeals. Th� Chairman shall b� el�ct�d from and by the members of th� Board of Zoning Appeals. In�iis abs�nc�, t�ie Secretary shall call the meeting to ord�r and �thos� memb�rs present shaZl elect a Chairman pro tem and he sha11 assume the duties of the absent Chairman. It was noted that a11 the corrections and ehanges sugg�sted at the February 11, 1969 me�ting hav� been entered. It was mov�d by Mort Silverman, s�conded b�r ponald en, unanimousl,y carried to apprave the By-Laws as am�nded. Ther b� g no rther business to come befor� the me�ting, it was on motion, ly �co e , adjourr�ed at 1Oz30 P.M. �,� � �, r--� ;,� _ �, Robe Hoover, airman pro t�m o est a,ke, ecr�tary ;