04-08-69 BZA Minutes � � L� REGULAR M�EETTNG OF THE GOLDEN �ALI,EY' BQARD OF ZO�tING APPEALS April 8, 1969 The reg,�.lar m�etin� of the Golden Va11�y Board af Zoni��g Appeals was h�Id �a.e�day, .�pril 8, 1969, at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Vall�y Civic Cent�r, 7800 Golden Qa11ey Road, Golden Valley, Minn�sota. Th� following Bc�ard m�mbers, constituting a quarum, �aere present: LeRoy W, And�rson Doaald E. Franzen Dr. Rob�rt R. Hoov�r Morton D. Silverman Mahlon H. Swedberg, an alternat� �n�mber, was present, Robert l�, Skare, Village Attorney, was pres�n� at the i,nvitation of th� Board. LeRoy Anderso�., Chairman of th� Ba�rd, presid�d and Jon L. Westlake, �ecretary of the Board of Zoning App�als, act�d as S�cretary of the me�ting. The first order of business was the consideration of the miriu.tes �f th� meeting of th� Board h�ld on March 11, 19b9, copi�s of which had b�en distributed to the Board. It was movcd by Rob�rt Hoover, s�eond�d by Donald �anz�n, carri�d unanimously, ta approve the minutes, as amended, of the m�etin� held on March ll, 196q. The Chairman then brc�ught before the m�eting th� follc>wing �equests for waivers: 69-I�-2 (69-3-2) 6820 Kingston Ci.rcle (17� �ar� C. Hoffman Mr. Gary C. Hoffman h�s altered his r�qu�st sinc� the meeting of March 3:1, 19�9 and �;rill submit a new application for th� May 13, 1969 :ne�ting. bl�-�.-�. 7S0 Florida Ave. So. (18} Product Design & Engine�ri.ng Go. Al�rin J. Porter Th� petition i� for thc waiver of Seeti4n �.05 B for 19.�9x on an �xisting building to � s3deyard s�tbaek of O.11t off the North propert� lin�, cquir�d 2�� setback f�r building) 5.0,� B for 19.89' of a pro os�d �ddition on the exzsting building to a sideyard setbaek of a,ll�of -th� North property li.ne. {Requir�d 2�i setback for bui3ding) ,�.05 B for 15� o.f a ro osed building to a r�ar �ard setb�ck of 5� a�'f the T��$t proper line.�ircd 2�T s�tback for buildiz�) Tn the pr�sent r�qu�st b�fore the Board Mr. A1vin J. Porter expl�ined that he is not asking for a waiver of Iand�caping in the front yard as stated in his pr�viaus r�quest. A1�a the w�,iver r�g�,x�ding the Wcst property Iine ha�� been reduced by 5'. I�r. Porter poin�ed ou.t to the Board the reasons he is askin� for this variance. The reasans are as foll�n+rs: 1. The propos�d addition is Zocat�d on th� best soil canditions. � 0 � Board af Zoning App�als April 8, 19b9 Page 2 2. Bec�use of the weight of the new machines and the vibrations ereated by the machines, it is important to place the machines on firhe best soil condition, . 3. The size of the proposed addition is needed because of a. the size af the machincs b. acc�ss to service the machines for repair It was moved by Robert Fioover, seconded by Mahlon S�redberg, carried unan- imc�usS�p, to approve the f ollowing waiver of Section S.�S B for 19.89r c�n an existin� buildin to a sideyard setback of 0.11� off the North property line. 5•�5 B for 19.$9' of a ro osed addition on the exi�ting building to a sideyard setback of 0.11� off the North property line. �'he Board in approving the above Sections notcd that thc structure was in confox°mance with the Code at thc time the building was bui�.t. Also, the proposed addition on the North propert�T line is ar� extension of the North wall of thc cxiating building. It was then moved bar Robert Hoover, seconded by Mahlon Swedberg, carried unanimousl� to den,y th� follc�ri.ng waiver of Saction ' ,5.05 $ for 15.r of a roposed building to a rear �ard �ctback of s� o�f th� West property 11.ne,— The Board in denying this part of the r�quest reaffirmed their previous decision - that is, th� area to the west of this parcel is not developed. In vi�w of thia, it w�s felt that the request regarding the West proper�y line would set a precedcnt for the undeveloped area. 69-�.-9 310 Lawn 2erraee (9) Russell Smith Construction Co. The petition is for the �r�iver of Section 3.07 (2} for 3.5r of a roposed addition to a rear setb�ek of 16.5t off the West property line. Requircd 20� setback) The petitioner asked to have this matter deferred for .fur�her study. 69-�t-IO 910� lOth Avenue No. (21) Premier Realty, Inc. The petition is for the waiver of Sec�i�n ,5.�5 B for 10� of landscaping ta a sideyard landscap�d arca of t7� aff the East proper�ty line. Area of no iandscaping extends North from the rear of the proposed building to the North property li.ne. (Required I0� of landscaping) 5.0� B for 10� of landsca ing ta a sideyard Zand�cap�d area of 0� off the Wes property linc. Ar�a of no l�nd�caping ' extends from 35� North of the South property line to the N'orth propert�r line, (Required 10� of landscaping) Mr. Robert Brenny of Premier Realty, Inc. presented drawing� of the proposed plot plan to the Board. It was �oeed by Robert Hoov�r, second�d by Morton Silv�rman, unanimausly carried, �o grant a w�iver o£ Section 10 � Board of Zoning App�a1� Apri1 8, 196g Pag� 3 �.0� B for l0i of landse�ing to a sideyard landseaped area of 0� off the East property line. Th� ar�a of no landscapirxg cxtends No�th from 35' North of th� Sou�Gh property line ta 21�0� �iorth of the Sauth property 1ine, In approving this portion oY the request, the Board noted that the Rail- road spur fxack, as shown on th� prapos�d plot plan, is cvmp�etel;� on the parcel. It was th�n mov�d by Rob�rt Hoover, s�cond�d by Mor�on Silvcrman, tznanimousl,�g carried, to deny the waiver of Section �.Os B for lOt of landscaping �a a sid�yard landscaped area of�� off th� ���st prop�rty 1ine. 3'h� Board pointed out that the Rai.lroad Easement is West of th� W�st property line of this parcel and not on the parcel i�s�lf as �he tr�ackagc i� on the East side. 69-�-11 11C� Zan.� Av�nue Na. (12) John M. Griffith 2'he PE�I.'�].flTl 1S for the waivcr af S�ction 6.03 refer �.05 B �or 80f o� a ro os�d building to a sideyard ��tback of 20� off th� 5outh property line. {Required 1t3a� s�tback} 6.�3 r�fer 5.05 B fnr 80� caf a ra ased building to a r�ar yard setback of 2fl� off th� F�st propert�y- lin�. i�cqui.r�d 1(30� setback) 5.fl5 B f or !�0� of landsca ing to a sid� yard Iandscaped area of 10� off th� Sout property I.in�, (Requir�d 50� of landscaping) ,5.0'' B �'or 3�(3 t of landscaping to a r�ar yard landscaped area of 1fl t off the F,ast proper y�Zine. (R�quir�d 50t of Zand�caging} Mr. John M. Gri.f'fi�h was pres�nt to mak� his r�quest to the Board. A motion was mov�d b� �onald Franz�n, second�d by Nlorton Silv�rman, una�im- ously carricd, to approve the p�ti�ionerts r�qu�st. The Board ebserv�d a.n approving th� waiver tha� it confortns ta-tYze requir�ments af the light Industrial Zoning Distxict. 69-�-12 �7�� Rt7.uth Strec�t (11) Super Valu Star�s, Inc. The p�tition is for t,h� waiver of Section 13.01 for 77� park.ing spaces to a total of 319 parking spaces on the si��. To a parT ng req�zir�d is 1,�89 spaces, based upon 75 square f�et o� �loor ar�a) 5.0� B for 2Q� of a ro osed addition to a present �tructure to a sideyard setba�i off th� North property 2ine. (Required 20r setback) .�.05 B for 2�► of a pra r�sed building to a side yard setbaek of 2�; off the South prop�rty lin�. {R�quir�d �fl� s��back) 13.�2 fvr 1�r of landscaping to a rear yard landseaped area vf 0� off the Nor�h prop�r�ty lin�, (Requir�d l�� of landscaPing) This r�quest is c�n t,h� line which s�parates Tract A f`ror� Traet B, 1..03 Lnt o� Record. Tn alI of th� �oniag; districts, �vcry buildin� herea t�r crect�d or structural�y alter�d sha11 be locat�d on a s�para�� Z.ot or parc�l of r�cord, and in no c�s� shall th�re be �nore than ane {�,) principal building �n any one such Iflt ar parcel, 7'!z� words yprincipal building" shall be giPen f,heir i t:.�� Board of Zaning Appeals April 8, 19b9 Page �. common ord3.nary mean�ng, and in th� cas� of doub:t or i.n any question of in�erpretatian, the matt�r shall b� referred to the Crt>1d�n Va11�y Board of Zoning Appeals, Messrs. I}onald D. Byerly of By�rly Foods and Glark J. Erickson and Galen �I. Cadle of Super Qalu Stores, Inc. pr�s�n��d the r�quest. The proponents �xplained to the Board a propQS�d layout plan which wou2d complete the sho�ing c�nter on Tract B R, L. S. ##1239. It was maved by Rok�ert Hoover, s�cond�d by Donald �anzen, unanimrnas].�r carri�d, to defer action on �his request p�nding the following: l. �o direct the Pla,nn.ing D�partm�nt to make a survey of building area in ratio to parking area of 4ther shopping centers in the M�tro- pol�.tan ar�a. 2. The proponent is to meet with the ��ineering and Planning Departmen�s to cliscuss th� cffect of a proposed road which would be on th� west sid� of this parc�l. Th� main points of the discussion wi11 tie: (a� Parking layoU.t in relation to the progased road, � �b) Ingress and egress with future road plans in t,Yiis area. 69-�.-13 2�.5a zo�isza�a Av�. N. (1!�) �trause Investment Corparation The p�tition is for the �raiv�r of S�ction 5.p5 B for 30f of a pro osed building to a r�ar yard s�tback of 20� off �the East proper line. Requir�d �0� s�tback) 1.o3 Lot of' Record. In all of the zoning districts, �very buil,�ing er�a � er cr�cted or strueturall,y altered �ha1Z be located on a separate lot or parc�l of r�cord, and in nc� cas� sha11 th�r� be more than one (1) principal building on any on� such lot or parcel. Th� words "principal buildings' sha11 be giv�n their common ordinary mean�.ng, and in the case of doub� or in any question of interpr�tatinn, the matt�r shall b� ref�rred to the Gold�n valley B�ard of Zoni,ng ,A,ppeals, Mr. Robert L. Krause was pr�sent to ��1ain th� r�quest to the Board. Tlze petitioner point�d out to the Board that two buildings would sha.r� a comQnon parking a�nd t�ruck dock area. The propos�d building has been d�signed to make �he best use of this prop�rty. The Board in diseussing this request re;ferred to the M�reh 12, 1968 Board af Zoning Appeals minutes in which �raiver requests for 21�00 Louisiana Ave. No. and 2500 Lauisiana Av�. No. has been d�nied. It was moved by Mahlon Swedb�rg, s�conded b�r Morton Silverman, tm deny th� waiver r�ques-t. The Board felt the waiver as r�quested on the rear yard would set a prec�dent for the propert� to th� South. The motion carried wifi.h !� ��as and 1 nay. 69-}�-11.� 6800 Wayzata Br�ulevard (18) Chris/Rob R�alty The petition is for the waiver of Section 7.06 a (2� for 35t of landscaping to � frant yard landseaped area of Oi off Wayzat� Boulevard. (Rcquired 35' of lamd- scaping) 1 t�� Board of Zoning App�als Apri1 8, 1g69 Fag� 5 ?•06 a (2) far 2Qf of landseap3ng to a landscaped ar�a of l�� off Laur�l Avenu�. R�quir�d 3s' of landscaping) i�ir. Micha�l L. Robins pres�nted th� requ�st for Chris/Rob Realt-y. Th� p�titioncr pointed out they are prr�viding 35t fl.� landscapinb as requir�cl by �he Zoning Code on th� Srnath �nd of the parc�l and also 35t of Iandscaping off the North end flf' this parcel (Laurel Av�.), part of which �ril1 b� in th.e 20i railroad �asement. .A motion was mov�d by Robert Hoover second�d by Donald �anz�n, unan,im- ous].,y carried �Ga approv� a minimum of 35t of Iandseaping within the North 79' af the SQUth property� 3ine. The reason for this part of the r�qu�st is an �xisting privat� frontage road just North r�f thc South property lin�. On th� north szde of the parcel the Board point o�.t no waiv�r would b� nec�ssary b�eause th� propon�nt plans to include the 2�f F�ailroad Easem�nt with th� l�t of gre�n area which wi11 total 35' of landscaping. This ,35� of land- scaping m�sts with th� �Tillag� Cod�. ':t''h�r� b�in� no flarther �n�.sin�ss to com� before the m�eting, it was on motion duly secand�d, ad3ourn�d a� 11:5� p.m. .� � i � � � --,p�� . �y�iO�t--�� � _, � o And rsan, airman o �stlak�, ecretary r � -