06-10-69 BZA Minutes i �_ i� REGULAR I�TING �F THE GOI,DEN VALLE�' B4A.ftD OF ZONTI�G AFPEEILS June 1fl, 19b9 The regul�r rnecting of the Golden Vallcy Board of Zoning Appeals was h�ld Tue�d�y, June 10, 19b9., �,t 7:30 P.M. at the Go�en Va1Zey Civic C�nter, 780� G€�lden V�lley Road, Golden Valley, Minn��ot.a. Th� following Ba�rd membcrs, consti�',uting a quorum, w�re present: �eRoy W. Andersan Dc�nald E. Fra.nzen Dr. RobGrt R. Hoov�r Mahlon H. �aedb�rg, �n �ltern�te member, was presen�. �tto D. Schmid, Vill�ge Plann�r, and Lc�w�ll E. Odl�nd, Village Ea�.gineer, wer� pres�nt at th� invit�tion of the Board. I,eRoy W. Anderson, Chairmen of th� Board, presided �nd Jon L. Westlake, Secretary crf the Baard of 2oning Appeals, ac-tcd as Sccretary of the mecting. The first ordcr of business r�s the con�ideration of the mirsutes of th� meeting of the Board h�1d on M�y I3, 19b9, copies of which h�d b�en distributed to -�h� Bo�.rd. �t was moved by Robert Hoover. seconded by Doa�Id Franzen, carricd tznani�nously to approve �he minutes, as amended, of th� m��tin� held on M�y 13, 1969. The Chairman then brou�ht bef ore �he meetir�g the following rcquests far waivers: 69-6-15 (69-5-15) 3135 Z�e Avernze North (!�} Burton T. Bt�`�ZC90TI 3'he p�tition is for the waivcr of Scction 3.d7 for 1.95' of � propa�ed additi.on to a �ideyard �etback of 12.3� off the South proper-ty linc. (Required I.t�,25 r) Mr. Burton T. Belleson w�� prescnt to explain to the Board th�t sin.ce the previous m�eting he has rc�duced the sizc of the proposed garage and breczGw�y. It was moved by M�h1nn Swcdberg, seconded by Don�,ld Franzen, and unanimc�sly c�rricd, to �rant th� waiver of Scction 3.U7 for 1.9�� off the Svuth property line for thc proposed addition. Th� are� o� the request cxtends from �.� West o� the East property line to 75t West of the East property line. 69-�-12 (69-5-12} �7Q5 D�a,luth 8treet (11) Super V�lu Stores, Ine. - _ _ National Mana„�ement & Gonsulting Co�p, The pe�tition is for thc waiver of S�ction �.�� A for 3s� of landse�pi.ng to �, l�ndscaped �,rca of 0� off the North �xoperty line. `.�his area of no 1and�caping ex�cnds from 15i �Te,st of the Fast property line to 2�7� Wes� of thc Ea�t property 1ine. {ftequired 3�t) 5���� A for 12� of l�nd�caping to � landscaped ar�a of 23' off the Ea�t prop�rt�r lin�. This area a� no l�ndseaping cxtends Sou�h from the North prflp�rty line g��. (Requ.ired 35') i �. i Board of Zoning Appcals June 14, 1969 Pa�e 2 5.�5 B for 2Q� of a �r_o_�.os_e_�d addition to a present structure to s sidey�rd �etbae o 0� aff the North property line. (Required 20r �etback) 5.05 B for 25� of a ro osed building to a sideyard setback of 25� off t,he St�uth properiy l-` n�.Thi� �rea �xt�nds 'from 35t West of the East property line �0 37a' West of th� East property Iine. (Required 50t setback) 5.�5 B for l�t of a roposed addition to a present �tructure to a side- yard setback of lOt off the East property line of Tract B. 13.01 for l��t9 :a.rking sp�ces to a tot�l of 524 parking sp�ces on thc sitc, ota, pa�rking required is 973 spaces, b�sed upon 7� square feet of floor area) 13.02 for 10� of landsc�ping to a rear yard landscaped �re�, af Ot off the North property 1ine. (Required lOt of 3andscaping) This request is on the line �hich separ�tes �`r�et A from Tr�c� B. 1.03 Lot of Record. In all of the zoning di�tricts, cver�r building erea t�r crectcd or structurally altered �hall be lo�ated on. a separ�te Iot Qr parcel of record, and in no c�se shall there be more than one (1} principal building o�. any c�ne such lot ar , parcel. The word� tiprincipal building" �hall be g3ven their common ordinary meaning, and in the case of doubt or in a�,y c�Zestion of interpretation, the matter shall be referred to ' the Golden Vallcy Board of Zoning Appe�ls. Thc waivers as reque�ted �re on the proposed layout plan dat,ed July 27, 1969. Messrs. 13oward B. Loomis, Jr. of Super Valu Stores, Inc., Dona�ld B. Semple o� N�tiona�l Managcment and Gonsulting Corporation, Don D. B3rerly of Bycrly Foods, and Rich�rd J. Larsen of Mastr�p Associates, Iric. werc pr��ent for f,he r�que�t. The proponents explained the proposed layc>u� pla�n whieh would complete the shopping eenter on Tract B R.L.S. #1239. The Board noted thc praponent h�s purchased additions�l lsnd which he plans to combine wit,h 3'ract B to reduce the waiver on the park%ng requirements. Th� waiv�rs, as r�qui.red for landsc�ping, axe for �. contigtaaus parking area �nd building for th� shopp3.n.g center. A motion r��s movcd b,y Donald Fr�.nzen, seeondad by Mahlon Swcdberg, and unanimou�ly c�rried, to approve the requESt in accordance with the proposed plot plan b� Mastny Associatcs, Inc. , �rchitects, dat�d M�y 27, 19�59• This plot plan is marked �hibit "A" in the Buildin� Department file. 69-6-22 61��.8 Glenwood Ave. North (17) Lowcll D. Kitzmann 3'he petition is for the waiver of Section 3.�7-3 for 1.�.� on a ro osed garage to �. sidcyard setb�ck of 1� vff the East property line, cquired l�i) Mr. and Mrs. Kitz:nann �rerc present to e�lain their request to the Board. The pe�itioner asked to havc this matter deferred for f'urthcr stuc�y. 11 � Board of Zoning App�als June 10, 1969 Page 3 69-b-23 935� Eaz'1 Strect (19) Jack �I. Hauglid The petition is for �h� waiver of 8ection 3.0'j-3 for �.; of a propos�d detach�d garage to a sidcyard setb�ek of 1 t crff the East prop�rty 1in�. Requir�d 5') 3.07-1 £or !�� of a roposed d�tach�d gara � to a. frant �ard s�tb�ack of 31 t off th� 5ou h �ropert;� Iis��. Raquired 35�) Mr. Hauglid was pres�n:t to �xplain his r�qu�s-� to th� Board. The proponent pointed ou.t th�t th� waiver on the West side is adjac�nt to an. alley and tha�t th� �lley is not in us� for �t,ravel. T�he Board not,�d that th� homes in this block ar� construct�d in �ueh a� way that ace�s� to the gar�.�� is from th� street frontage; and if the a11.e�r is vacat�d, th� pr�posca garage wi11 canform to the �rdiz�anc�. It was mov�d by Ro��rt Hoover, s�eflnded bar Danald F�anz�n, carried unanimouslys to recommend that th� bui2ding permit �ie issucd and that no waiver be grar�t�d. 69-6-13 {69_�_�.3} 2?�50 Zoui�i�,na Av�nue North (ll�) Krau.se Tnv�stment Corp. 3'he p�tition is far the waiver of Section �.05 B for 50� of a ropvsed building ta �, rear yard �etback of 501 off th� East prop�rty lin�.�his r�qu�st is in th� Nortla�ast corner of the propos�d additivn, and not for the er�tire �st property�,line, (Rcqui.red 100�} Mr. Robert L, Krause of Kraus� Tnv�stment Corpor�ztion e�lain�d his r�quest to th� Board. Th� Board noted that this parcel of land is unique becaU,se of terrain and the �oning of Re�idential and Institutic�nal dir�ctly to the East of this parcel. The Board also noted thc w�ivcr as raqu�stcd is in that portion of th� lot �ah�re th� setback of' the corner of the propos�d addition and th� �orner of the proposed parking area �re measra..red along a radins �'rom the j�znetion of Residcntial and Institu�Gional property, It was then moved by Robert Ht�over, second�d b�r ➢onald Fr�.nzen, and unanimously carri�d to approv� the request with the stipulation th�t the structure r�main (1) one fo9t South of the West�rl.� ext�nsion of the South 1in� of the parcel zQned Residential immediatel,y F�st of �nd adj�,ecnt to Lot 8, Block 1, Advertising Creativ� C�nt�r. 69-6-21� ?751 M�dicine Lak� Road (l�.) Frank J, Nc�nnan The p�tition is far the waiver of Seetion 1,�3 Lc�t of R�cord. In all of the zflning districts, every buildin� hereaft�r er�cted or �trueturally altered shall b� loo�t�d on � scparate lot or parcel of' record, and in n� c�.s� shall th�rc be more th�n o�e (1) pri.ncipal buildin�; on �.ny onc such 1ot or ` parccl. �.'he words "prineipal building" shall b� �iv�n their corrrmon ordinary meanirj.g, and in thc cas� of doubt or in �.ny question of int�rpretation, the rnat�er shall bc r�ferred to �he Golden galley Bo�rd of Zoning Appe�,ls. 113 Board of Zpning Appeals June l�, 1969 Page !� Neither the petitioner or his repr�s�ntative app�ared so no �.etion was t�ken by the Board. 69-b-(68-9-�5) 3225 Major Avenue North (3) Edward Golusky This request was brou�ht to thc a�ttention of the Board because of an overh�ng of thc bay window making the existing �tructurc two feet closer to the E�st property line, The Board noted this request was �pproved at the September 11, 19�$ � Board of Zoni�g Appeals meeting. Thc su.rvey was of the foundation, which did not '3:r�clude the ba,y t�rindow. It �s moved by Robert Hoover, seconded by I�ahlon S�aedberg, carried unanimou�ly, to r�commend t�h�t t�e building permit be issu.ed. There being no flzrth�r business to come befor� the m��ting, it was on motion, c�uly seconded, adjourned at 9.00 p.m. -e >> � �� � ' oy Ande son, airm�n o es lake, ecret�,r�r �