08-12-69 BZA Minutes � 1 �
AUGUST 12, 1969
The regu].ar meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was
held �uesday, August 12, 1969, at 7s30 P.M. at the QQ1den Valley Civic Center,
7800 C3olden Valley Road, Gold�n Va11ey, Minnesota. The follow:i.ng Board
members, constituting a quorum, were present:
LeRoy W. Anderson
I3onald E. Franzen
13r. Robert R.. Hoover
Paul �. Senstad
P7orton D. Silverman
�,eRoy W. Anderson, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jon L. Westl.�,ke,
Secretary of the Board of Zoning Appeals, acted as Secretary of the me�ting.
The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of the
meeting of the Board held on 3uly 8, 1969, copies of which had been distributed
to the Board. It was maved by Robert Haover, seconded by Morton Silverman,
carried unanimously, to approve the minutes, as amended, of the meeting held
on July 8y 1969.
The Chairman then brought before the meeting the followi.ng requests for
�9-8-25 �22� St• Croix Avenue (6) F1oyd R. Fier
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07-3-(b) for 8� of a proposed addition on an e�cisting residenee to
a sideyard setback of 7� off the West property line.
{r�equir ed 15' )
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Fier were present for the request. Mr. John A. Rock
and Mrs. Qara B7.ank wer�; present on behalf of the proponent. Mrs. Blank stated
that she or�s the parcel to the west of this lot and is in favor of this request.
The Baaxd pointed out that this paxcel has an absence of hardship, and the
lot has 110 feet of frontage which is larger than the present platting require-
ments. It was noted by the Board that there were oth�;r a3ternatives on this 1ot.
It was moved by Morton Silverman, seconded by Paul 5enstad, to t3eny the
request. A1.1. members voted in favor of the motion except Robert Hoover, who
abstained. The motion earried.
69-8-26 6100 Golden Valley Road (12) Cross-Towne, Snc.
ThE petition is for the waiver of Section
I0.45 for 2� of a proposed architectural e ebrow to a front yard
setback of 33' for an axchitectural treatment being placed
on a new South wa11 of' the existing structure. (Required 35' )
Mr. d. Joseph Carpenter presented the request for Cross-Towne, Inc.
The proponent expl.ained that �he South wall, when reconstructed, will be 35'
from the property 1ine. The request is for the architectural treatment of
the South wall.
i �c�
Board of Znning A�peals August 12, 1969 page 2
It was moved by Paul Senstad, seconded by Robert Hoover, unanimously
carried, that in this particulax case this architectural treatment on the
South wall of this buu�.l.�ing is interpreted not to be an enfringement.
69-8-27 ��18 Wa,yzata Boulevard (9)�itol City Investments (Li�l General}
The petition is for the waiver of Section
5.0� A, far 52� of protruding North ends af ex3sting shopping center
complex A,C, �, and a11 of B to a rear yard setback of 23' aff the
North property lirne. (ftequired 7�' j
�.05 A (1) for 3t3� of 1.andscaping on existing blacktop to a landscaped
area of �� aff the South property 1ine. (Required 3�� )
5.0� A {1) for 30� of landscaping on e�sting blacktop to a landscaped
area af �' off the West property 1ine. (ftequired 3�� )
�.0,� B for 70� of landscaping on exi.sting blacktop to a landscaped
area of 5' off the Alorth property line. (Required ?��'�
�.0� B for 10� af landscaping on existing blacktop to a landscaped
area of 0� off �he East property 1ine. {R;equired 10� )
�.05 B for 10' of lanr3seaping on exist3ng bla:�ktop to a landscaped
area o� {7� off the North property line which is adjacent to the
5auth property line of parcel 1l�00. (Requi.red 10� )
�.4� B for 10� of 3.andscaping on existing bl.acktop to a landscaped
area of 0' off the South property line which is adjacent to the
North property line of parcel 3�0�. (Required I0� )
13.4I for 2�.2 arp king spaces to a ta�al af 2l� parking spaces.
(Requax ed parking on the site is �57, based upon the 75� of
floor area.}
1.03 Lot of ftecord. In all of the zoning districts, every buildi.ng
hereafter erected or structurally altered shall be located on a
separate 1ot or pareel of record, and in no ease shall there be more
than one (1) principal building on any one such lot ar parcel,
The words t'principal buil.dingi� shall be given their common ordinary
meaning, and in the ease of doubt or in any question of irrrt„erpre-
�ation, the matter shal.l be referred ta the Golden Va11ey Board of
Zoning appeals.
Mr, ftoger Kaiser o�' Gingald-Pink Architecture and 73r. Frank Gaertner were
present for the request. Mr. Kaiser explained the proposed plans to the &jard.
The following pa,rties asked c}uestions and stated their views with respeet
to the request: Mr. Anderson of Scientific management, Mr. Clarence Green of
Cramer�s Grocery, �r. ar�d A4rs. Etzler, abutting property owner, Mr. Harold Lynch
of the Boulevard Cafe, and Mr. Hermann Iield, abutting property owner.
The Board pointed out that the parking does not conform to the present
flrdinance. fihe proposed structure not only would take away parking, but also
would requ:i.re mare parking spaces on the site. The Board also noted that
according to pr�sent eode the boundaries nf this paxcel require landscaping
which the proponent is presentiy using for parking.
It was maved by Rabert Hoover, secanded by Niorton Silverrnan, carried
unanimo�sly, to deny the request.
�. � �
Board of Zoning Appeals August 12, 19b9 page 3
There being rro further busin�ss to come before the meeting, it was on
motion, duZy seconded, adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
� �� ,��_ � �.
Le Anderso , Chairman J es lake, Secre ary