10-14-69 BZA Minutes � 25 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TFiE GOL13II3 VALLEX �AR� OF ZONING APFEALS pCTOBER Ilt, 19�9 The regul.ar meeting of the Golden Va11ey Board of Zoning Appeals was held � Tuesday, Oetober ll�, 1969, at 7:3� P.M. a� the Golden Valley Civic Center, 7$00 Golden Va11ey I�oad, coiaen Valley� Minnesota. The fal3owing Board members, constitu�,ing a quorum� were present: ZeRoy �. Anderson �bnald E. �ranzen Morton 'I�. Silverman Ma.hlon H. Swedberg, an alternate member, was present• LeRoy W. Anderson, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jon L. Westlake, Secretary of the Board of Zoning Appeals, acted as Secretary of the meeting. The first order of business was the eonsideration of the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on September 9, 1969, copies of which had been distributed to the Board. No action was taken on the minutes pending legal clarification of a certain segment of the minutes. The Chairman then brought before the meeting the following requests for waivers: 69-10-32 1701 Independence Ave. No. (2�) Ftichard �9, Jackson The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.12 (1) for 2' on a proposed single ara e ta a separation of 18� west of the e�sting house. Required 20� } � Mr. Richard l3. Jackson e�alained his request to the Board. The Board pointed out that this is a corner lot 60� in width, with a radius of 60� on the South�ast corner of the 1ot, which places the existing house further ta the west on the lot. The proposed garage is being placed between the exi.sting hfluse and the West property line. It was moved by Mahton Swedberg, secondeci by Donald Fran�en, carried unanimously, to approve the request for the proposed garage. (Baard member Marton Silverman joined t,he meeting 7:It5 P,M.) b9-Z�-33 33�6 Kyle Ave. No. (3) Joyce A. Johnson �he petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07 {l) for 13.6' on a proposed sin�*le ara e to a front yard setback of 21.�� off the West property line, also known as Kyle Ave. No. (Ftequired 35+ ) Joyce A. Johnson presented the request to the $oard. Mr. John A. Larsson was nresent to object to the request. � �� Boa.rd of Zoning Appeals October ].l�, 1969 page 2 The Cha3.rman asked the Secretary to read the history of ather waiver requests on the East side af Kyle Ave. No. in the 3300 block. It was moved by Donald Frantierr, seconded by Mahlon 5wedberg, carriec3 unanimously, to approve the request for the proposed single garage. (garage to extend from the present garage west) 69-10-3l� 1fl17 Rhode Island Ave. No. (16) Robert M. Landecker The petition is for the waiver of Sectian 3.12 (1) for 3� for a proposed double ara e to to a sideyard se�back of 2' off the South property line. Requirect 5' ) Mr. Robert M. Landecker explai.ned to the Board the reasons for the request. In reviewing the request the Baard pointed out the lot is 59� in width, and due to the location of �he structure, it would be difficult to utilize the proposed garage if it were to eanform to the Code. Tt was moved by Mahlon Swedberg, secanded by �onald Franzen, carried unan- imously, to apprave the request for the proposed garage only as Zocated on the . Certificate of Survey by Caswell Engineering Co. dat�d September 1.5, 19g9. 69-10-35 5914 Wayaata Boulevard (13) Mode1 Stone Company The petition is for the waiver af Section �.0� A for 2lt.2� an the existing building to a front yard setback of 10.8' off th� South property line. (Required 35' ) 5.0� B for i9.14� on the existing one-story concrete building to a sideyard setback of 0.90� off the East property line. (Required 20� ) 5.�5 B for 1q.10� on the proposed buiiding to a sideyard setback of 0.90' off the East property line. (Required 20� � 5.0� B for 1.9� on the e�n=� one-story concrete buildin to a side- yard setback of 15.1' off the West property lirne. Required 20� j 5.0� B for 1.9' on the �roposed additian to a sideyard setback of 18.1" off the West property line. Required 20� ) 5.05 A far 3,�' of 3andscaping to a front yard landscaped area of 0� off the South property line. (Requi.red 3��) Z.QS B for 10� of landscaping to a sideyard landscaped area of 0� off the West property line. {Required 34�j 5.05 B far 10+ of landscaping to a sideyard landscaped area of 0� off the Fast property line. (Required 10� ) 5.05 B for 10� of landseaping to a rear yard landscaped area of 0� o€f th� Northwest property Iine. (Required lp� ) 13.01 for �� arkin spaces to a total of 10 parking spaces. (Required parking on the site is 65, based upon 75' of floor area.) 1�t.02 for the expan5ion of a nonconforming use, specifically, expan�ion via the construction of a 3$' x 32' addition to the North af the present structure. Messrs. B. G. Reierson of Model Stone Co. and Dudley C. Ericson, an attorr�ey for Model Stane Company, were present to explain the request to the Board. 2he Board in discussing thi.s request painted out that this lot will not support an addition to the present structure. 1 �7 Board of Zoning Appeals October 11�, 19b9 page 3 It was then moved by Mahlon Swedberg, seconded by Mort,on Silverman, ea,rried unanimously, to deny the request. There bei.ng no further business to come before the meetirig, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 9.00 p.m. « � ,����-�---�._ � Le ders , Cha�.rman n estlake, ecretary