06-09-70 BZA Minutes i � �
JUNE 9, 1970
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, June 9, 1970 , at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Valley Civic Center,
7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members,
constituting a quorum, were present:
�r. Robert R. Hoover
LeRoy Anderson
�onald E. Franzen
Mahlon Swedberg (alternate)
Mr. James Ingemunson was present as Acting Secretary.
The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of the
meeting of the Board held on May 26, 1970, copies of which had been distributed
to the Board. It was moved by Robert Hoover, seconded by LeRoy Anderson, carried
unanimously, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on May 26, 1970.
The Secretary then asked that a review of the waiver granted at 1�321 Avon-
dale Road on May 12, 1970 be added to the June 9, 1970 agenda.
It was moved, duly seconded� and carried, to add l�321 Avondale Road to the
June 9, 1970 agenda.
The Chairman then brought before the meeting the following requests for .
70-7-19 211�3 Windsor Way - Lot 26, Block 1�, Westurban (map 5) Charles Perry
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (3a) for 1.6� off the required sideyard setback of 15' to a side-
yard distance of 13.l�� from the North property line to the
Northwest corner of the existing dwelling on1.y.
Mrs. Charles Perry was present to make the request for the waiver. She
explained that the house was built in 1956 by Paul Ehghauser.
�on Franzen moved to grant the waiver of 1.6� off the required sideyard
setback of 15' to a sideyard distance of 13.l�� from the North property line to
the Northwest corner of the existing dwelling only. It was seconded by LeRoy
Anderson and carried unanimously.
70-7-20 508 Indiana Ave. N. - Lots 127 & 128, Glenwood (map 8) E. Al1an Otto
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1) for s� off the required front yard setback of 35' to a
setback distance of 30� from the West property line to the
existing dwelling only.
3.07 (3b) for l� off the required sideyard setback of 12' to a distance
of 11� from the North property line to the exi.sting attached
garage and to the proposed garage addition.
� �� �
Board of Zoning Appeals June 9, 1970 page 2
Mr. Otto was present to make the request for the waiver. He explained that
he purehased the house in 1959 and that the attached garage was built in 1953.
Building permits for the original house and the addition of the attached
garage are on file in the Village Building Department.
The Board then emphasized the need for a certified survey of the subject
property with the building location clearly shown.
Mr. Otto expressed his wi.11ingness to provifle the required survey.
Don Franzen then moved to grant the waiver of 5� off the required front
yard setback of 35� to a setback distance of 30� between the West property line
and the existing dwelling only.
A1so, to grant a waiver not to exceed 2' off the required sideyard setback
of 12� to a setback distance of not less than 10� from the North property line
to the proposed addition and existing dwelling, subject to the following conditions:
A« that the proposed addition be constructed in line with existing
North wall of exi.sting attached gax age.
B. that a certified survey of the subject property be submit�ed to
the ne� regular Board of Zoning Appeals meeting.
The motion was seconded by Mahlon Swedberg and carried wi�h 3 yeas, 1 nay.
70-5-15 lt321 Avondale �id. - Lot 6, Block 1�, Kennedy�s S. Tyrol Hills (map 12)
M�ron Kjos
(Review of waiver granted on May 12, 1970 at the regular meeting of the
Board of Zoning Appeals)
Mr. Myron Kjos was present for the owner. Mr. Kjos eaplained that in movinp
the house to the West as they had agreed to do at the May 12, 1970 Board of
Zoning Appeals meeting, the chances of saving several trees on that side of the
proposed dwelling would be jeopardized. It was the owner�s wish to move the
building site back ta the East and again request a waiver on the front yard
setback from Avondale Road.
The Board explained that the location of ordinary �rees would not be a
su�ficient hardship on which to base an additional waiver.
Mahlon Swedberg moved �o deny this request for an additional waiver of the
front yard setback between Avondale Road and the proposed dwelling known as
�t321 Avondale Road. It was seconded by LeRoy Anderson and carried unanimously.
70-5-17 Proposed Office Building on Market Street near Jersey Avenue (map 18)
Hoben Properties, Snc.
The petition is for the waiver of Section
7.0l� for 5.33' over the maximum height allowed of �0� to a height of
�t5.33' on the proposed four story office building.
Mr. James Hoben was present to make the request for the waiver,
Board of Zoning Appeals June 9, 1970 page 3
Mr. Hoben explained that it would be nearly impossible with any type of
construction to build a four story building with only 10� per floor and still
maintain an 8' clear ceiling height.
The Bosrd then pointed out that it is not within the power of the Board
of Zoning Appeal.s f.o change the Code requirements, nor to grant waivers because
the appealant found the requirements restrictive of his wishes.
Mahl.on Swedberg then moved to deny the request for the waiver of 5•33' over
the maximum hei�ht allowed of ltOt to a height of lt5.33' on the proposed four
story office building. It was 5ecz�ndei3:tiy Leftoy Anderson and carried unanimously.
The Chairman then asked the Secretary to obtain for the ne� regular meeting
a list of requirements needed for requesting a waiver of the Zoning Gode.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motian,
duly seconded, adjour�ed at 9:1� P.M.
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Dr. Robert Hoover, Chairman J mes Ingemunso , Acting Secretary