08-11-70 BZA Minutes � bc� MCNUTES OF A REaULAI� MEETING OF THE GOLI�EN V.AI,LEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS AUGUST 11, Z970 The regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey Board of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesday, August 11, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Valley Civic Center, 7800 Golden Va11ey.Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members, constituting a quorum, were present: �. Robert R. Hoover LeRoy W. Anderson Joseph L. Brown 13onald E. Franzen Morton D. Sileerman �. Robert R. Hoover, Chairman of the Hoard, presided and Jon L. Westlake acted as Recording Secretary. The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on July 14, 1970, copies of which had been distributed to the $oard. It was moved by �onald Franzen, seconded by Joseph Brown, caxried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on July 1?�, 1970. The Chairman then brought before the meeting the following requests for waivers; ?�-9-27 1530 Pennsylvania Ave. N. - Lot S, Block 3, Olympia Oaks (map 15) Niek M. Loscheider The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07 (3a) for 2.7� off the required sideyard setback distance of 1.S' to a setback distance of 12.3' from the South property line to the existing structure only. Mr. Nick M. Loscheider of Loscheider Construction Inc. was present for the waiver request. Mr. Loscheider explained to the Board that he located the structure in relation to the existing irons; and when the location survey was completed, the error was discovered. The Board in discussing the request reviewed the building permit application form as completed by Mr. Loscheider and then discussed the progress of the construction 'o� the house up to the present time noting the foundation location survey was da�ed July 15, 1970. It was moved by LeRoy Anderson, seconded by Morton Silverman, carried unan- imously, to deny the request for the waiver of Section 3.07 (3a). ?0-9-28 2131 Windsor Way - Lot 27, Block !�, Westurban (map 5) F1oyd Lobash The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07 (3a) for .70� off the required sideyard setback distance of 15� to a setback distance of 11�.3' from the North property line to the existing structure; and for 1.71� off the required sideyard setback of 15' to a sideyard setback distance of 13.29' from the South property line to the existing structure only. � � C�' Board of Zoning Appe3l.s August 11, 1970 page 2 3.07 (3a) for .70s off the required sideyard setback distance of 15� to a setback distance of 1l�.3� from the North property line for a proposed $� x 20� addition. Messrs. Floyd Lobash and Jerry Nees were present for the requested waivers. A permit for the existing dwelling was taken out by Mr. Lobash in 1956. The neighbors living to the South and to the North of the property remember signing a waiver form at that time for I�Ir. Lobash to build closer to the lot line. (North and Sc�uth property Iines are non parallel) This waiver form was never pro- cesses. Mr. Lobash is applying for waivers to clear up this situation in order to construct an 8� x 20� addition to the rear of his home. It was moved by LeRoy Anderson, seconded by Morton Silverman, unanimously carried, to grant the waiver on the existing structure and proposed addition. 69-12-l�2 7505 Country Club Drive - Trevilla of Golden Valle� (map 17) Skyline Bldrs. The petition is f'or the waiver of Sec�ion 11.�3 requiring a maximum of two and one half (2x-�) stories. The waiver to allow four (!�} stories on the followi.ng sides of the proposed nursing hc�me only, l. The east elevation of the main structure, 2. The south elevation of the west wing, 3. The west elevation o� the main structure from the south end the poin� of protrusion of the west wing. Messrs. Paul M. Pink of Gingold-Pink Axchitecture, Ro11ie Stinski and ftaymond White of Skyline Builders, and Mr. Frank Harris of Cataract Lodge were present for the request. Dr. Hoover, Chairman of the Board, reviewed the background and a letter he sent to the Village Council meeting on July 20, 1970 wi.th respect to this request. Mr. Pink had several colored cross sections of the structure which he referred to in expZaining the elevations in rel�tion to the site. Mr. Pa.nk also pointed out a landseaped berm extending south from the North edge of the building on the East �roperty line. A lengthy discussion followed in which the Board and th.e proponents tried to wark out a solution to the waiver request. The Petitioner asked the Board for a recess at 10:05 P.M. which was granted to discuss a change in the petition. (at this time Board member Joseph Brown asked to be excused because of a previous commitment) The Chairman called the meeting back to order at 10:20 P.M. at which time a discussion followed. It was then moved by LeRoy Anderson, seconded by Donald Franzen, unanimously carried, to deny the waiver request. The Board in denying the request noted the land use is good but �he petitioners have e�rtended beyon� the Ordinance require- ments in height with respect to hardship. The Boaxd would consider the building as complying with the Ordinance if it were two and one half (21�) stories at grade on the North side with a line gradually angling down to four (!�) stories on the South side which the proponent already has a waiver for. � � � Board of Zoning Appeals August 11, 1970 page 3 There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 11:05 P.M. _� �,,F i ,,c,.�..x. � , Dr. obert Hoover, Chairman " James Ingem on, Acting Secretary y