12-08-70 BZA Minutes � �� MINITTES 0�' A REGULAR MEETZNG �F THE GflLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEAI�S DECIl�IBER 8, 1970 The regular meeting of the Golden Valle� Board of Zoning Appeals was held �lZesday, Dec�mber 8, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Valley Civic Center, 7800 Golden Va11ey Road, Golden Valle�r, Minnesota, The �'ollawing Board members were present. Dr. Robert R. Hoover LeRoy W. Anderson Joseph L. Brown Donald E. Franzen Morton D. Silverman Dr. Robert R. Hoover, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson aeted as Recording Secretar�r. �he first order o.f business was the consideration. of the minutes of the meeting af the Board held on October 13, 1970, copies of which had been dis- tributed to the Board. Corrections were made, and it was moved by LeRoy� Anderson, seeonded by Mort Silverman, carried unanimauslg, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4ctober 13, 1970. 2'he Chairma,n then brought before the 271EE.''t7:.Tlg tYlE following requests for waivers: 70-Z2-�1 187Z Lilae Drive North (map 11) Texaeo Tnc. The pe�ition is for �he waiver of Seetion 5.05 B for 8� off the required side or rear yard setback distance of 20� to a setback distance of 12� from the existing West property line to the proposed service bay addition on1,y. 13.02 D for 7� off the required 10� landscaped area to a landscaped area of 3� along the West and South prop�r�� lines. �.06 C (2) for 10� off the required landscaped area of 20� to a landscaped area of 1�� along the North property line on Uzluth Stre�t. 5.06 C (2) fvr 6� off the required landscaped area of 2�� to a landscaped area of 7.1a.t on the East property line along the exist�.ng service road. Present to request the waivers were Mr. Kers Gowriluk of Texaco, Inc. and Mr. Bruce Russell, �he lessee. Mr. Gowriluk describ�d the proposed addition and renovation of the existing building and the proposed landscape p1an. Mr. Gowriluk explained the difficulty he had encountered in locating the owner of the ad�oining property, Goodman and Nash o.f S�. Paul own the propert�r and lease it to Super Valu Inc. who in turn lease it to Byerlys, The Board �'elt they could not properly decide on these waiver requests without the required signature. � � 75 Board of Zoning Appeals December 8, 19?0 page 2 Don Franzen then moved to defer the request until the necessar� signatt�e is obtained. It was seeonded by Mort Silverman and carried unanimousl.y. 70-12-42 92� Winne�ka Averiue North (map 2I) Minnesota Woodworking Tnc. The petition is �'or the waiver of 5ection 13.02 for 10� off the required sideyard landseaped area of lOt to a Iandscaped area of 0� along the North property line at the location of the existing building on7�y. �.05 B for 20� off the requ_ired sideyaxd setback of 20� to a sideyard setback of 0� from -Ghe North property line to the existing building only. 13.01 for the absence of 11 parking spaces from the ret�uired rnzmber of �2 (1��.00 aF) to the remainder of �1 parking spaces. 6.025 to allow one (1) loading dock on the Sauthwest side of the pr�posed addition. 13.02 D for 15' off the required front yard landscaped area of 35� ta a landscaped area of 20� along the West property line on Lewis Road. Present to request the waivers were Mr. Rt�bert Brenny and Mr. Me3.vin Rockler. T�r. Brenny and the owner, Mr. Melvin Rockler, explained that the required amaunt of parking space is more than the present operation needs; and even though there is space for the parking, they wcn�:ld rather landscape the area- especially the area along Bassetts Creek. The Board questioned the appealant and discussed all the requests. I� was noted that the existing building was built before �he present code was in effect. Board member Silverman moved to accept the waiver of Sections 13.02 and 5.05 B as requested, on �he North side of the existing structure only. Don Franzen seconded the motion and it carried unanimousl�r. The Board then discussed �he request for a variance in off s�reet parking, Mr. Brown mov.ed to make it the opinion of the Board that the site has adec�uate space available for the required riumber of off street parking spaces, and therefore, a waiver is unnecessary. Seconded by Mr. Franzen and earried unanimo�a.sly. The Board then discussed the proposed loading dock and also the green area requi.red along Lewis Road. The Board and the appealant agreed that it may be possible to r�-design �he dock and the green area to eliminate the need for a waiver, Joe Brown moved to defer a decision on the loading dock and the Lewis Road landscaped area until the next meeting, It was seconded by LeRoy Anderson, and it carried unanimously. �_ �() Board o� Zoning Appeals I�cember 8, 197fl page 3 70-12-l�3 Mr. Glen Christiansen from the Village Planning Commission presented the Board wi.th an explanati.on of the Planned Unit Development flrdinance. 2'here b ' g no further �rusiness to come before the meeti.ng, it was an motion� econded� adjourned at 9:3� P.M. '� � .-� = r�/�--._._..� l�--vr�� � � ,�Q., Dr. Robert Hoover, Chairman ,es Ingemu.n on, Aeting 5ecretary