04-13-71 BZA Minutes � � � � �
APRIZ 13, 1971
The regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, .April 13, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. at the Galden Valle�r Civic Center,
7800 Golden Va11�;y Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members
were present:
LeRoy W. Anderson
Mahlon Swedberg
Mike Sell.
Walter Kost
Jim Ingemun�on, Recording Secr�tary, opened the meeting and asked fc�r
nominations for the position of Chairman.
LeRoy Anderson moved �o nominate Mahlon Swedberg for Chairman, and it was
seconded by Mike Se11.
There being no other nominations, it was moved by Walter Kost and seconded
by LeRoy Anderson that the nominations be closed and that Mahlon Swedberg be
elected Chairman unanimausly, It was so carried.
The next order of business was the consideration of the minutes of the
meeting of the Board held on March 9, 1971, copies of which had been dis-
. tributed to the Board. Corrections were made, and it was rnoved by Walter Kost,
seconded by LeRoy Anderson, carried unanimousl,y, to approve the minutes of
the meeting held on March 9, 1971.
The Chairman then brought befors the meeting the following requests for
71-1-1 2201 Lee Ave. N. (map 5) Residential Dr. Morton C. Kane
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1) for 2.5� off the required front yard setback distance of
35' to a setback distance of 32.�� from the front �r�perty
line on Lee Aver�u.e to the proposed dwelling.
Present to makc; the request for the waiver were Dr. & Mrs. Mortan Kan�.
Also present as an interested party was Mr. G. V. Thomson of 1�I�00 Golden Valle�r
Road whose property adjoins the subject prop�rt,y. Mr. Thomson gave his
approval for the proposed site plan.
The Board examined the proposed si�e plan, and ntited that there does
exist a steep slope, an ease�nent along Bassett Creek, and a cul-de-sac on
Zee Ave. Nor�h, al1 cutting down the buildable area on the 1ot. T'he Board
also toak note that the owner and architect h�d made an effort to design a
house that would stay as nearly as possible within the code li�its.
Zt was moved by ZeRoy Anderson seconded by Mike Sell and carried unanimau�ly
to grant the petition as requested,
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Board of Zoning Appeals April 13, 1971 page 2
71-1-2- 1601 Flag Ave. N. (map 20) Residential West Suburban Bldrs. Farl Wilson
The petition is for the waiver af Section
3.07 (1) for 11� off the required 35' se-�back to a setback distance
of 2�� from the South property line to the proposed building.
Mr. Wilson was present to make the req,uest for the waiver,
The baard was aware that there have been waivers granted to the same degree
on similar narrow corn�r iots in Lakeview Heights.
It was moved by Anderson seconded by 5e11, and carried unani�ously to grant
the waiver as requested.
71-1-3 100� Sumter Ave. N. (map 16) Residential West Suburban B1drs. Earl Wilson
The petition is f or the waiver of Section
3.07 (1) for 20� off �he required 35' setback to a setback distance
of l�� from the South property� line to the proposed building.
I�1r. Wil�on was present to make the request for the waiver. Also present as
an interested party Mr. I,. E. Cole of 1006 Sumter Ave. N, Mr. Cole verbally
sta�ed his approval of the proposed variance.
It was pointed out durin.� the boards discussion that the variance requested
is in the setback distance from a dedicated street whieh the Village doesn��
plan to build, but that because of utilities in the ground it won� be vaea�ed.
Tt was moved by Mike Se11, seconded by Wa1�er Kost and carried unanimou.sly
to grant -the waiver as requested.
71-1-I� l��l Rhode Island Ave. N. (map 16) Residential West Sub, Bldrs, Earl Wilson
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1) for z5� off the required 35' setback to a setback distance
of 20t from the Sou�h property line to the proposed building.
Mr. Wilson was present to make the request for the waiver. Also present
as interested parties wer� Mr. F. 0. Schneider of 100� Rhode Island Ave, N. and
Mr. L. Bieganek of 1009 Rhode Island Ave, N. After seeing the proposed setback
variance neither Mr. Schneider, nor Mr. Bieganek had any objection on the
variance itself. Mr. Schneider, however, did express his concern about any
possibl� change in �he flow of surface water.
The board ciiscussed the variance and found it to be similar to thc variance
just given for 100l� Sumter Ave. N. an adjoining lot.
It was moved by Mike �ell, seconded by Walter Kost and carried unanimously,
to grant the waiver as requested.
i � �
Board of Zoning Appeals April 13, 1971 page 3
71-1-5 �5�3 Glenwood Ave. (map 17) Residential West Suburban Bldrs Earl Wilson
The petition is for the waiver of Sec�ion
3.07 (1) for l�� off the required 35' setback to a setback distance
of 20� from the North property line to the proposed building.
Mr. Wilson was present to make the request for the waiver. He explained
that in his apinion the best use for the subject 1ot would be to place a house
facing Hampshire Ave. The angle of the lot along Glenwood however, make this
difficu3:t withvut some variance in the setbacks off Glenwood, or the South
propert� line, or a combination of varianees in the setbacks on both Glexiwood
and the South property line. Mr. Wilson e�lained that it would not be econ-
omically feasible for him to build a house of a size in keeping with the
neighborhood, if it had to face Glenwood Averiue.
The board then examined the survey of the lat. It was determined that
there is ample room for the construction of a house withaut a variance in setbacks.
The board understood Mr. Wilson�s wish to face a house toward Hampshire Ave.,
but they could not find a hardship for the justification of a waiver on the
subject lot.
Mr. Wilson was asked if he would lil�e to have this petition held over
until the next meeting so that he could reconsider his proposal, but he expressed
his wish for a decision at the present meeting.
It was moved by Anderson, seconded by Kost, and carried unanimously to
den,y the petition as requestEd.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, �t was on
motion, duly seconded, adjourn�:d at 9:30 P.M.
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Mahlon Swedberg, Chairman Ji ngemunson, A ting Secretary