05-11-71 BZA Minutes �_ �.7� MINU�'ES OF A REGtTLAR MEETING OF THE GOLDIl�i VALLEY BO,ARD OF ZONING AFPEALS MAY 11, 1971 The regular meeting of the Golden Valle� Board of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesday, May ll, 1971 a� 7t30 P.M. at the Golden Valley Givic Center� 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Va11ey, Minnesota. The following Board members were present: Mahlon Swedberg LeRoy W. Anderson Donald E, �anzen Walter Kost Mahlon Swedberg, Chaisman of the Board, presided and Jim Tngemunson acted as Recarding 5eeretary. The first order of business was the consideratic�n of the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on Apri1 13, 1971 copies of which had been distributed to the Board. It was moved by I,eRoy Anderson, seconded by Walter Kost, carried unanimously�, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Apri1 13, 1971. The Chairman then brought before the meeting the .following request for waiver�: 71-2-6 �920 F'rontenac Ave. (Map 6) Residential Wilsen Da Simonson The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07 (3a) far 5� off the required side�rard setback distanee of l�� for a setback distance of 10� from the Northwest property line to the proposed garage addition only. Mr. Wilsen Simonson was present ta make the request for the waiver. The board discussed the proposed garage addition at length and .found that it is possible for the present single at�aehed garage to be expanded to a double gara�e, withaut the waiver as requested. It was also no�ed that i� th� front wa11 of the present garage is extended the�e will be some encroachment upon the front yard setback off Frontenac. A�.ring the discussion it was pointed c�ut that a 5' waiver wouid allow the garage to be expanded ta a 20� width. ��Roy Anderson moved �o grant the waiver of Section 3.�7 (3a) for 5� off the required l�� sidey�ard setback to a se�back distance of 10� from �he Nor`th- west proper-�y line to the proposed garaga addition. on]�,y. It was seconded by Walter Kost, and carried unanimously. To allttw the proposed garage addition. to be built in a continuous line wi�th the present front wall of the existing garag� it was moved by Anderson and seconded by Kost and so carried to grant the waiver of Section 3.�7 {1) for a waiver of.�� off the required frontyard setback of 3.5� ta a setback distance of 3�.�' fram the property line on Frontenac Ave. to the front of the propvsed attached garage only. i � � Board of Zaning Appeals May ll, 1971 page 2 7Z-2-7 1�20 Utah Ave. S. (map 2,3) Residential Richard J. McFarland The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07 (1) for �.3� off the requixed frant yard setback of 35i to a setback distance of 29.7Y from the property line on Utah Ave. So, to the prvposed garage addition onl�r. 3•07 (3b) far 2,2T off the required sideyard setback of 13.2t �o a setback distance of 11� from the North property line to the exist�n� dwelling only. Mr. Richard McFarland was present to make the request for the waivers, He presented the board with a plan of the proposed addition. The board then discussed the proposed addition, and possible alternatives in changing the present single garage to a double garage, The board found that the desired result of a two-car garage could be obtained with a lesser variance than requested. Anderson moved to deny the request for the frontyard setback variance and it was seconded by Kost. Mr. McFarland and the board then diseussed the possibili�y of changing the proposed p1an. Anderson withdrew his motion and Kost withdrew his second. Don Franzen moved t4 defer a decision on the requested waivers to give Mr. McFarland time to rework his proposal. Walter Kost seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 71-2-8 172l� Daugl.as Dr, (map 11) Pro.fessional & Bu.siness Offices - Teacher Federation Credit Union ' The pe�ition is for the waiver os Seetion 10.06 for �� off the required sideyard setback distance of 20r to a setback distance of 15� from the Northeast property line to the Northeast eorner of the proposed building on1y. lO.Ott for one-half story in addi�tion to the one story height allowed for a total height of one and one-half stories for the propased office building. Present to represent Teachers Federation Credit Union was Mr. Stanley Becks-trom from Ba1co Building System, Tnc. Also present as interested parties were Mr. Lenard Pelto, assistant manager for the Credit Union, and Mx. Aincan Putnam owner of the adjvining property to -�he North and East. A�r. Beckstrom explained the proposed plans to the board and pointed out that by placing the new building where proposed would allow the Credit Union to continue operation while the new office is being constructed. I� was found that the prvposed building cc�uld be moved further West to eliminate the n�ed for a waiver of �he building setback. �_ � [� Board of Zoning Appeals May 11, 1971 page 3 LeRoy And�rson moved to deny the request for the waiver of Section 10.06. It was seconded by Walter Kost, a�.d carried unanimously. Don Franzen then moved to grant the waiver of Sectio� 10.Ot� as requested. It was seconded by Anderson and so carried. 71-2-9 1t�09 Pennsylvana�a Ave. N. (map 1S) Residential Nick Loscheid�r The petition is for the waiver of Section 3,07 (1) for 7� of� the required front �axd setback distance of 35' to a setback distance o.f 28r from the prflperty line on Pennsylvania Ave. N, to the proposed dwelling only. 3.07 (2) for 1.6� o�'f the required rear yard setbaek distance of' l�t (20� of 75') to a setback of 13.�.' from the proposed rear Iot line to the proposed dwelling only. Present to request the waiver were the owner Mr. Bankole and his builder F�r. Nick Loscheider. Also presen�, as interested parties were Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harper, owners and residents of the propert�r at 75J.� Knoll Street. Mr. I,oscheider explained that beeause of the narrowness of the 1ot the waivers are necessary to construct the proposed hause. U,irin� the diseussion that followed it was.fc�und that the subject lo� does have an adequate buildable area for constructi.on af a hause, but of a different desi�;n than the one proposed. Again the baard e:�plained that a waiver should be based on a hardship with the lot, and not the convenience to the owner. During the diseU_ssion Mr, �C Mrs. Harper, adjoining property owners, questioned the loeation of' the present corner stakes, and the correctness of the surveys on both the subject lot and their own. Don Fran2en maved to defer item 71-2-9 until a future meeting. It was seconded by LeRoy Anderson and sa carried. There being no £urther business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 1Os00 P.M. , , . '"�,``'' ,'�t-��;.�"" ,�,c-e3. ���G'`":,�- J Ma 1on Swedberg, Cha�.rman i�-' J�, ngemunson, A ting Secretary