06-08-71 BZA Minutes � ��
JUNE 8, 1971
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Baord of Zoning Appeals was held
'Iliesday, June 8, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. at �l� Golden Valley Civic Center, 7800
Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members were
Mahlon Swedberg
LeRoy W. Anderson
Donald E. Franzen
Mike Se11
Walter Kost
Also present as guests of the board were alternates, Dean VanHorn, Lowell
Swanson, and Village Atti�rney, Robert Skare.
Mahlon Swedberg� Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted
as Recording Secretary.
The first order of business was the consideration of the mirnztes of the
meeting af the Board held on May 26, 1971 copies of which had been distributed
to the Board. It was moved by Don F7•anzen, seconded by Mike Sell carried unani-
mously, to approve the mirnztes of the meeting held on May 26, 1971, as presented.
The Chairman then braught before the meeting the follawing request for waivers:
71-2-7 �20 Utah �ve. So. (Map 23) Residential Richard J. McFarland
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (I) for 2.67� off the required front yard setback distance
of 35� to a setback distance of 32.33� from the property
line along Utah Ave. So. to the proposed attached garage
addition only.
3.07 (3b) for 3.2' off the required sideyard setback distance of
13.2f to a setback distance of 10� f�rom the north property
line to the proposed attached garage addition only.
3.07 (.3b� for 2.2� off the required sideyard setback distance of
13.2' to a setback of 11� from the north property line
to the existing single far!ily residence only.
Fresent to make the request was the owner I�.r. Richard McFarland,
The Board discussed the new proposal for the garage addition as presented
by Mr. McFarland. It was the opinion of the Board that the garage could still
be designed to be more compatible with the zoning code.
Don F'ranz�n moved to defer the petition until a future mmeting, and it was
seconded by �Jalter Kost and so carried.
1 �0
Board of Zoning Appeals
June 8, 1971 Page 2
71-3-10 1533 Indepe�dence Ave. N. (Map 20) Residential Shirley Sundin
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1) for 10� off the required frontyard setback distance of
�5' to a setback distance of 25� from the north property
line along 0lympia Street to the praposed single family
dwelling onlv.
Present to make the request was Shirley Sundin.
The Board noted that there have been several waivers of this kind granted
in this neighborhood, because of the narrowness of the corner lots,
LeRoy Anderson moved to grant the waiver as presented, I� was seconded
by Don Franzen and carried unanimously,
71-3-11 79-- - 2.�rd Ave. N. (Map 19) Residential Helen Bies
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.02 to permit the construction of a double bungalow on the combined
parcels of 6350 and 7010 in Plat 8b701, Richland Hills 2nd.
Mrs. Helen Bies was present to make the request for the waiver.
The Board discussed the proposed waiver, and decided that more information
on the area across Winnetka which is now aoned for open development would be
helpful in making a clecision.
Don Franzen moved to defer this item until more information is avazlable
from the Planning Commission, Jon �Iestlake, and Carl Daie. It was seconded by
Mike Se11 and so carried.
71-3-12 Highway 100 & Duluth St. (Map 11) Commercial Plaza 100
The pe�ition is �'or the waiver of Section
(A) 5.�5 B �'or 13' off the required buildin� to lat line setback
of 20Y to a setback distance of 7� from the north
�roperty line to the northwest corner of the proposed
building only.
(B) 13.02 for lOt off the required green strip area of lOt �o a
green area of Q� along the lot line that rL;ns through
the common parking 1ot between Byerlyts and the pro-
posed additiflnal shoppin� area.
(�) S.Os A for 33' off the required green area of 3�' to a gre�n
area af 2t along the north property line on the pro-
posed service road on1y,
(D) 5.05 A for triangular area ranging in width from 32► to 0�
off' the required green area of 3�' ta a green area
ranging in width from 3' to 35� beginning at a point
311 sauth of the northeast corner and extending lla0i
srnzth along Li1.ac Drive.
� � �
Board of Zoning Appeals
June 8, 1971 Page 3
(E) 13.02 (D) for �� off the required green area of 251 to a
� landscaped area of 20� along the south and south-
west property lines.
(F) 13.01 for the exclusion of 2�6 parking spaces from the
required number of 531 to a total of 235 parking
spaces on the proposed site.
Pr�sent to make th� request for the waiver was Mr. Galen Cadle and Mr.
Charles Upham. Also present as interested party was Mr. Donald Byerly.
For the sake of identification �he waivers requested have been labeled
� thru F and are shown on a survey of the subject property marked Exhibit B
and filed with the Golden Valley Building Department.
The Board then ex.amined the request and compared it to a similar request
on this same site in 1969.
During the discu.ssion of each of the vaxiances requested there were
found to be no ob,jections on these marked A thru E,
� Mike Sell mov�d to grant the waivers as requested for ite�s A,B,C,D,
and E. It was seconded by Don Franzen and carried unani�nously.
The Board then considered the waiver �f the required number of paxking
spac�s. � � �
At this poi�t Dan Byerly explained the plans for a possi�le future
expansion of the liquor store and super market, and he wished the board to
consider that possible e�;pansion in the waiver now being c�nsidered for
LeRoy Anderson moved to derry the waiver of 296 parking spaces. It was
seconded by Ntike Sell, and so carried.
The chairman then explained to the appealant, his right to appeal the
Board�s decision to the Village Council.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on
mo�ion, duly seconded, adjourned �t 10:00 P.M.
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Mahlon Swedberg, Chairman im; Tngerlunson, Ac ing Secretary