08-10-71 BZA Minutes l ��F�
AUGUST 10, 1971
The reg�ular meeting of the Golden Va�ley B�ard of Zonin� Appeals was held
Tuesday, Au�ust 1G, 1971 at ?:3� F.M, at the Golcien Valley Civic Center, 7800
Golderi Vall�y Road, Golden Va11ey, Minnesota. T�?e follo�rring board members were
Nlahlon Swedberg
Fionald E. Franzen
Wa1t�r Kost
Lcnaell Swanson (alternate)
Dean Van. Horn (alternate)
MaY�slon Swedber�, Chairm�n of the Board, presided and Jim Inger�unson acted
as Recordin� Secretar��.
fihe first orc�er o�' bu.siriess was the consideration of the mirnates of the
meeting of the Board held an Jv.ly 13, 1971 copies of which had �een distributed
to the Boar�. It was moved by Don Frar�zen, seconc�ed k�y I,owell Swanson carried
unanimously, to approve the mirnztes of the meeting held on July 13, 1971, as
The Chairman then braugh� before the meeting the followin�; request for waivers:
71-7-1li 7800 Golden Valley Road Fire Depar�trnent Drill Tower (Ma� 16) A1 Han.over
The peti.tion is for the waiver of Section
1I.03 �or 3.� stori�s in addition to the rr,aximum allowable of 2.5
stories to a height of 6 stories (56') for the proposed fire
drill tower.
The Board reviewed the matter af the Drill Tower as proposed at the
July 13, 1971 meeting.
The proposed fire tower and its site had been approved by the Golden valley
Board of Revi�w, and neighboring �roperty cnmers had been informed and did give
theix consent, and the petitionex`s application was complPte.
Don Franzen moved -t,o �rant the waiver af Sec. 11.03 as proposed, and it was
�econded by Wal�er Kost and carried unarziTr�c�usly.
71-L-18 2P�17 Parkview Blvd. (Map 1) Fesidential Gardon Dayland
The pstition is far the waiver of Section
3.07 C3c) for bt off the required sideyard setback distance of 12.��
(20� lot width) to a setback of 6.5� from thc SautPieast
property line to the proposed addition only.
Present, makir.�; the rPquest for the petition were Mr. & Mrs. Gordan Dayland.
Mr. Dayland presented plans and a survey, and e}:plained the proposed
acidition. to his house.
� ��
Board of Zoning Appeals
August 10� 197�. Page 2
Don Franzen moved to grant the waiver of Sec. 3.07 3c as requested, and
it was seconded by Walter Kost and so carried.
71-7-15 621 N. Lilac Dr. (Map 12) Professional and Business Office Mark Rodman
The petition is for the waiver of Section
10.06 for .lT off the required rear yard setback distance of 20�
to a setback of 19.9' from the west property line to the
southwest corner of existing structure only, and for ,br off
the required sideyard setback distance of 2Q► to a setback
of 19.�T from the north property line to the northeast
corner of the existing structure only.
1.03 for interpretation or waiver of the provisions of this section.
13.01 for the waiver of 8 parking spaces off the required rnzmber
of 98 spaces to a total of 90 parking spaces on the site.
Present to make the request for the waivers on behalf of the awner,
Gleco Inc. was Mr. Mark Rodman.
Also present as interested parties were Mr. Eiger (Gleco Inc.)
Mr. Matsumoto (�rchitect for Gleco) and Mr. Geor�e Pennock (Tennant Company) .
The board was informed of the history of the subject property.
Mr. Rodman presented plans and an e�lanation of the proposed renovation
of the existing garage. He also presented a letter of consent from Bertelson
Brothers, an ad�oining property owner,
A lengtl�y discussion follawed covering all the waivers requested,
Mr. Pennock stated that he had been interested in gaining information
on the proposed waivers, and that he would now have no objection to �he�.:waivers.
Lawell Swanson moved to accept the waiver of Sec, lO,Ob as requested
for the existing strtacture only, and it was seconded by Walter Kost and
carried unanimously.
Lowell S�aanson moved to interpret the proposed renovated garage as a
second pri.nciple buildirg on the subject site, and to grant the waiver of
Sec. 1.03 with the following foux conditions being mandatory to the granting
of said waiver.
l. That the existing garage be renovated according to Village Code.
� 2. That particular attention be paid to landscaping, and especially
along the north property line and �he areas behind the existing
Board of Zoning Appeals
August 10, 19?� Pa�P 3
3. That the praposed plans for renovation of the existing garage and
proposed landscaping be approved by the Board of Review.
!�. That the rennvated garage have an identical use to the other main
structure within the zone of Business and Professional Office,
Don Frar�zen seconded the motion and it carried with 1� yeas and 1 nay.
Don Franzen then moved to grant the waiver �f Sec. 13.01 for 8 parking
spaces as requested, and it was seconded by Walter Kost and so carried.
71-8-19 7130 Sandburg Road {�tap l�) Lndustrial Northwest Swiss-�Iatic
The petition is for the waiver of Section
5.0� B for 5� off the requixed sideyard set?�ack distanae of 20t to
a setback of 1.5� from t�ie west property line to•the existing
bu.ildin� and proposed addition only.
13.�2 D for lOt off the required landscaped area of 10� to a Iand-
scaped area of Ot along the east and nortl� property line of
�c;b�e�t propsr�y only.
Present to make the request for the waiver was Mr. Earl Rosengren the
contractor for the cr��n�r.
Mr. Rosengren presented plans for the proposed addition, and signatures
of consen-� fr�m adjoining property owners.
Lowe11 S`t,ranson moved to approve the �raiv�r of Se. �.05 B as requested frir
st off the required 20� set�ack froi� the West property line to the proposed
addition on7:�r. Dean Van Horn seconded the motion and it carxied unanimously.
Lowell S�aanson then moved to grant the waiver of Sec. 13.02 D for lOt -
�ff the required 101 landscaped area �o a landseaped area of Oi along the north
prop�rty line, and along the north 1501 of the east property Iine, with the
condition that a lOt landscaped area be provided along the south 162,17� of
the east property line, according to the site plan an file with the Village
Bu.ildin� Department and labe3led "�hi'nit A�'. It was s�conded by Walter Kost
and so carried.
�r�alter Kast then moved to grant the waiver of up to five parking spaces
off the requir.ed number of 53 spaces for a total of �i3 paxking spaces on the
proposed site. It was seconded by Lowlll Swanson and carried unanimously.
71-8-20 880� - 7th Age. N. (Map 22) Corimercial Bob Brez�,y
The petitian is for the wazver of Sectinn
13.�2 D for 2�t off the required landscaped area of 35t to a land-
SCapGd area of lOt along the sauth proper�f line of the
proposed restaurant site an.d the ad,joinin� lot to the west
Boaxd of Zonin� Appeals
August 10, 1971 Page L�
Mr. Brenny was present to make the request, and he e�lained the history
o.� the suggested waiver.
The board examined the site plan for the proposed resf.aurant and could
find no hardship upon which to base the propo5ed waiver.
It z�aas ex.plained to ?�Ir. Brenny that in the boards opinion they could
not grant a waiver based on the alleged agreement made between Mr. Brenr�y and
the Council in 1967.
Lowell Swanson moved to deny the waiver of Sec. 13,02 D as requested
along the sauth property Iine of the subject L°ots 2 and 3 Block 3 Golden Va lley
Iridustrial Park. It was seconded by Don Franzen and carried unanimously.
71-8-21 201 Georgia Ave. N. Ea.rl Wilson (Map 17) Residential
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.03 for the subject lot to have an area of Z650 sq, ft. off the
required lot area of 12,500 sq. ft. to a lot size of
�0,$5o sq. f t.
It was explained that this lot was created when the Village Cauncil
approved of a lot division in 1959.
Lowell Swanson moved to recommend to the Council that this waiver be
approved as requ.es�ed, and it was seconded by Don Franzen and carried unamimously.
There bein� no further bu.siness to corne before the meeting, it was on motion,
duly seconded, adjaurned at 12.05 A.M.
�� CA..
Mahlon Swed erg, Chairma �Jim Ingemunson, Acting Secretary