09-14-71 BZA Minutes �� ���
sE�r�Baz 1�, 197i
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, September 1�+, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Valley Civic Center,
7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following board members
were present:
Mahlon Swedberg
Donald E. Franzen
LeRoy Anderson
Mike Sell
Mahl.on S�credberg, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted
as Recording Secretary.
The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of the
meeting of the Board held on August 10, 1g71, cogies of which had been distributed
to the Board. It was moved by Don Franzen, seconded by Mike Se11 carried unan3-
mously to approve the minutes of the meeting held on August 10, 1971, as
The Chairman then brought before the meeting the following request for waivers:
71-8-17 508 Natchez Ave. So. (Ma� 9) Residential L. H. Derby
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 3A for 5.8 ft. off the requirsd sideyard setback distance of
15' to a setback of g.2' from the north property line to
the proposed attached garage only.
Present to make the request for the waiver were Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Derby.
Also present as an interested party was Mr. Tonsager, the owner of the adjoining
property at �16 Natchez Ave. S.
The Derby's explained their reasons for wanting the proposed waiver, and
the board discussed their proposal, and possibl.e al.ternatives.
Mr. Tonsager explained his position of being undecided for or against the
proposed sideyard variance.
LeRoy Anderson moved to deny the proposed waiver as requested, and it was
seconded by Don Franzen, and carried 3 yea - 1 nay.
71-9-22 8�+00 Patsy Lane (Map 20) Residential Jerr,y A. Alstead
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 3� for 2.6' off the required sideyard setback distance of
15' to a setback of 12.�+' from the east property line
to the proposed garage addition onl,y.
Present to make the request fqr the waiver were Mr. i� Mrs. Jerry Alstead.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
September 1�+, 1971 Page 2
The board examined the survey of the sub�ect property, and found that it is
not possible to determine the exact amount of the waiver needed from the dimensions
as shown on the survey.
Don Franzen moved to defer the request until the owner obtains a survey with
the front yard, sideyards, and distance to �he'.;next house to the east shown.
It was seconded by LeRoy Anderson and carried unanimously.
71-9-23 Re�ent Ave. & Duluth St. (Map 5) Residential Stobbe Devel.opment Co
Present to make the request for the waiver was Mr. Erwin Stobbe from the
Stobbe Development Co.
The board examined the proposed platting of the parcel and noted that there
would be one double bungalow and two single dwellings.
Mike Sell moved to approve the waiver as requested with the following two
l. That the lot division, labeled Exhibit "A" and filed in the Village
Building Department, be approved by the Village Planning Commission.
2. That the two single dwellings be built before or at the same time as
the double bungalow.
The motion was seconded by LeRoy Anderson and carried unanimously.
7�-9-2�+ 5225 5t. Croix Ave. (Map 6) Residential Elo d Fier
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 3a for 6.2' off the required sideyard setback distance of 15'
to a setback of 8.8' from the west property line to the
northwest corner of the proposed addition only.
Present to request the waiver were Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Fier who described the
proposed garage addition and the consequent need for a waiver.
The board noted the Fiers hafl requested a similar waiver on August 12, 1969,
and that the waiver was then denied, and subsequently an appeal on that denial
was also turned down by the Village Council on September 2, 1969.
LeRoy Anderson moved to deny the waiver as requested and it was seconded
by Mike Se11 and carried unanimously.
71-9-25 1530 June Ave. So. (Map 10) Residential Cleo Kennedy
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1) for 15' off the required front yard setback of 35' to a
setback distance of 20' on the property line along June
Ave. South only.
Mr. Cleo Kennedy was present to request the waiver.
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Board of Zonin.� Appea�s
September 1�., 1971 Page 3
The board examir�ed the proposed plan, and noted the vacant lot has over
��QC� square feet remair�i.n� as a buildable area after the sett�acks are deducted.
Mike Sel1 moved to deny the waiver as rpquested, and it was secor.ded by
Don F`ranzen and carried unanimousl�'.
71-9-26 230� Vale Cr�st (Map 11) Residential Mario Bonello
The petition is for the waiver af Section
3.07 3a for 13� of� the required sideyard setback distance of 15�
to a setbac� of 2� from the r.orth property line to the
pr•oposed pool enclosure on2y.
Present tc� request the waiver was Mr. Eonello who explair�ed the proposed
Th� board nated that this lot has an ur3usually steep grdde, and is scr�ened
by a thick grhw�h of trees.
Don Franzen moveci to grant the wai�er of l3' off the sideyard setback of 15�
to a distance of 2t from the north property line ta a section of the proposed
structure that would be no more than 15� in len�th, and 8i i.n height, provided
that the proposed strvcture be used as a pool enclosure on.lv, It was seconded
by Mik:e Sell a,nd carried with 3 yea and 1 nay.
71_9-27 23G1 Byrd Ave. (Map 1) Residential Michael Hennirgs
Th.e petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1) for 10.9� off the required frontyard setback distance of
35' tc a setback of 2�.1' fram the property line along
Byrd kve. to -�he existin� d�relling and the front wall of
the proposed attached garage, provided that it be �na.ilt
in line with frvnt �rall of existing dwelling. Also for
7� off the frontyard setback of 3�' to a setback distance
of 28a from the property line alon� Park.view Blvd. to the
northeast corner of the proposed gara�;e only.
Present to make the request was Ntr. Hennings. Present as an interested party
was wm. Zelenak from 21�01 Parkview Blvd.
After examinin� the proposed plan it was faund that a waiver on the Parkvie�
B1vd. side of the lot may not be n.ecessary if the g�.rage is attached to the
present house.
Don Franzen moved to approve the waiver f or the ex.isting setback on Byrd Ave.
and to allow the pr�posed attached garage ta be kna.ilt in line with that existing
variarzce, and to ciefer a decision on the setback off Parkview B1vd. until
Mr. Hennin�s revised his plans. It was seconded bv Anderson an.d carried unanimAously,
The last item of business was a reqvest from the Golden Va11ey Board of
Review to the Board of Zonin� Appeals far a volunteer to serve as an alternate
memk�er for the �oa�c� of Review.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
September 1�, 1971 Page !�
There were no volunteers.
There being no further business to come �efore the meeting, it was on motion,
duly seconded, adjourned at 11:3� P.M.
'�.I.�vlr ti � ',��'"�.=..
Mahlon S�edberg, C airma �,m`�Inge?nunson, A ing Secretary