10-12-71 BZA Minutes � (��.
OCTOBER I2, 1971
The regular meeting of the Galden Valley Boaz°d of Zonirag Appeals was held
Tuesclay, October 12, i971 at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Valley Civic Center,
7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesata. The follawing boaxd members
�aer•e present:
Mahlon 5wedberg
`�a2ter Kost
LeRo� Anderson
Mike Sell
Mahlon Swedber�, Chairman of the Board, presided an.d Jim Ingemunson acted
as Recordin� Secretary.
The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of the
meeting of the Board held on Septernber 1�, I971 copies of which had been distributed
to the Board. . It was moved by LeRo�� Anderson, seconded by Mike Sell carried
unanimausZy, �o approve the miriutes of the meeting held on Sept�mber 1I.G, 1971,
as eorrected.
The Chairman then brought before the meetin� the following requests for waivers:
71-10-2$ �08 Westwaod Dr. Sa. (IKap 9) Residential Dr. Paul Gannon
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1} f or• 2� off the requ.ired front yard setback distance of
35� to a setback distance of 33� from the property I:ine
along �iestwood l?rive to the existing dwelling and proposed
addition on1�.
Present to petition for the waiver were Dr. and Mrs. Paul Gannon, and their
builder Mr. Peter Loscheider.
Mr. Zoscheider explained the proposed addition, and the presenee of the
existing 33� setback off Westwood Drive.
LeRoy Anderson moved �o grant the petition for the waiver as requested and
it was seconded by Walter Kost and carried unanimously.
71-10-29 115 Turners Crossroad (Map l2} Residential Nels Pedersan
The petition is for �he waiver of Section
3.07 {1) f or 5t off the required front yard setback distance of
3�� to a setback of 30� from the front property line
a�ong 21,irners Crossraad to the existing dwelling and
propo�ed addition onZy.
Mrs. Nels Pederson �aas present to make the request for the waiver. She
gave the board an explanation of their plans for remodeling the existing
Mike Sell moved to «ccept the petition for the waiver as requested. It was
seconded by walter Kost and car.ried unanimausly.
� � � � �
Board of Zoni.ng Appeals
October 12, 1971 Page 2
.�L-�3� 10�� Rhode�Island Aue. -N. (Map 16} Residential Fred Schneider
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (3c) for a maximum of 8.3' off the required sideyard setback
distance of 11.8� to a setback of 3.5� from the south
property li.ne to-the southwest corner of the proposed
garage addition only.
Present to petition for the waiver were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Schneider,
owners of the property.
Mr. Schneider presented his plan for adding to the existing garage, and
gave the follawing ressons for so requesting the waivers:
l. The hov.se is near the end of a dead end street and there is no
cul-de-sac, therefore on the street parking is a problem.
2. A detached garage to -�he rear of his lot isn�t possible because of a
drainage problem,
3. The proposed garage addition would be from 30� to 50� below grade.
4. The new house on the abuttin� lot to the So�th is set back about
60� �rom. the front lot line.
The board then discussed at length the reason given for the waiver.
Walter Kost moved to grant the waiver as requested and it was seconded
by Mike Se11. The motion ca.rried with 3 yea and l nay.
71-1.0-31 1�100 Olson Highway (Map 7) Com:mercial LaPorte Company
The petition is for the waiver of Section
5.05 A for 27.05� off the required front yard setback distance
of 35' to a setback distance of '�.95' from the existing
structure to the east property line along North Meadow
Lane only.
�.05 B for 16.7� off the required side yard setback distance of
20� to a setback of 3.3' from the west property line to
the existing structure only.
1.3,02 D for 3�' off the required 35' landscape area to an area of
0� from the north property line and south along Meadow Lane
to the existing building, and including the area occupied
by the existing building within the 35' setback from
Meadow Lane and for 10� off the required 10� landscaped
area to a green area of 0� from the nor�h property line and
along the west end of the lot to the existin� building and
including the area occupied by the existing building within
the 20� setback from the wes t property line.
� Of�
Board of Zoning Appeals
Oc�ober 12, 1971 Pabe :3
13.Q1 for 5 spacES off the required number of 12 parking spaces to
a total of 7 parking spaces on the site.
Mx. LaPorte was present to request the waivers.
The �oard discussed the present and future use of �he site and action
taken in the past by the Cauncil on a site at 730 SuiYnyrid�e Lar.e.
The board felt that while they were in favor of the proposed change in use,
they could not grant waivers to the extent requested. It was also felt that
this request cauld be better handled by a conditional use arrangement which
would be beyond the powers of the board to �;r�nt.
Walter Kost maved to take item 71-10-31 off the October 12, 1971 agenda,
refund the $�0.�0 filin� fee and refer the matter to the Village� Staff for
fu.rther study. It was secanded by LeRa� Anderson and so carried.
71-I�-32 Golden Valley Plaza (Map 17) Commer.cial M.E. Axchambeau & Sons
The petitior. if for the waiver of Section
S.Q� B for 16.8�� off the required rear yard setback distance of
20� ta a setback of 3.12� from east wall of the existing
westerly section o.f the e:.�istin� structure to the east
propert�T line.
And for 10� aff the required 2�� se�bac':t distance to a
distance of 10� from the existin� narth wall of the
existin� east section of the struct��re to the north
prc�perty line.
5.05 A for thP waiver of �he 35' gre2n area required along the
propertv Iines on Olsoi� Highway and Winnetka Ave. to a
Iandscaped area of Ot,
5.�5 B f or th� �r�iver of 10� of green area along the north and
eaSt r�rc�r�erty lines of the su.bject parcel to a landscaped
area of Qt.
13.�1 for the waiver of �38 parking spaces off the required nur.�ber
of ��3 to a total rnzinber of 22� parking spaces on the s�abject
Present to make the request for the waiver was :�s. M. E. Archa�nbeau, a
builder, representi.ng the owner Philip Krelitz.
The board e�;amined the petitaon and discussed a11 the waivers concerned.
The board recogn:��Pd that even with the presen-t lack of setbacks and land-
scapin�, the site is far shc�rt of the cade requirernents for parking.
� 0i
Board of Zoning Appeals
October 12, 1971 Pa�e I�
LeRoy Anderson moved to deny all the waivers as requested and it was
seconded by Mike Sell, and carrfied unanimausl�,v.
There being no further business to come before the rneeting, it was on
motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 10:30 P.M'�
� � � � �
Mahlon wed erg, Chairrnan RJa�nes Ingeirunson^ Acting Secretary