03-14-72 BZA Minutes 21 �
MARCH 1l�, 1972
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, March 1lt, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Valley Civic Center, 7$00
Golden Valley Road, Gold�n Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members
were present:
Mahlon Swedberg
LeRoy W. Anderson
Mike Sell
Donald E. Franzen
Walter Kost
Mahlon Swedberg, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingeznunson
acted as Recording Secretary.
The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of the
meeting of the Board held on February 8, 1972, copies of which had been dis-
tributed to the Board. Corrections were made, and it was moved by Mike �ell,
seconded by Walter Kost, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held on February 8, 1972.
The Chairman then brought before the meeting the following requests for
72-3-1 1601 Hillsboro Ave. N. (Map 20) Residential �enis Jordan
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1) for 11� off the required front yard setback distance
of 35� to a setback of 2l�� from the south property
li.ne al.ong Olympia St. to the proposed single farnily
Afir. Denis Jordan was present to request the waiver.
The board noted that waivers of this type have been granted for similar �
narrow corner lots in the Lakeview Heigh�s Addition.
Y�on Franzen moved to grant the waiver as requested provided that the
proposed house face Olympia St. It was seconded by Mike Sell, and carried
72-3-2 1�t07 June Ave. So. {Ma� 10) Residential Robert Gustafson
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (3b) for 6.75� off the required sideyard setback distance
of 12.75� to a setback of 6� from the north property
line to the proposed garage addition only.
Mr. Robert Gustafson was present to request the waiver.
Board of Zoning Appeals
March 1�, 1972
The board wished to note that attempt had been made to contact the
adjoining property owner to the south of the subject, but that he was not
available for comment, and that the two owners on the north side who will
be most affected, did give their consent in signing the petition.
Tbn Franzen moved to approve the waiver as requested, because of the
topograpY�y of the site, and the secluded nature of �he proposed garage
addition. Mike Sell seconded the motion and the chairman asked for any
further discussion of the question.
LeRoy Anderson pointed to the size of the proposed garage, which would
be 2!t x 21t, and suggested that a smaller waiver would still afford an
adequate garage.
MaY�]..on Swedberg agreed that waivers have generally been held to the
minimum amount needed to accomplish the appealants goal, but that in this case
the di£ferences between a 6� setback, and an 8' setback would only affect one
corner of the structure and not the entire wall. Also, because only a
corner of the building projects into the side setback and because the �arnar
would be unnoticable to the nearest neighbors, allowing a 21� x 2!t garage,
in no way commits the board in future cases.
Mike Sell withdrew his second to the motion in question.
Walter Kost seconded Don Franzen's motion to approve the waiver as
requested. The motion was carried on a roll call vote as follows:
LeRoy Anderson Nye
Mike Sell Nye
?bn Franzen Yea
Mahlon Swedberg Yea
Walter Kost Yea
72-3-3-3 Valley Club Apartments (Map 8) Mult. M-2 Olson Highway & Meadow Lane N.
Kenneth Benson
The petition is for the waiver of Section
1t.03 (b) for 6 stories in addition to maximum !t stories allowed
for a total building height of 10 stories.
And for the waiver of Section
l�.03 (a) for 5 units in addition to maximum allowable 75 units
for a total of 80 apartment aani.ts on the proposed site.
And for the waiver of Section
lt.0l� (c) for 20' off the required building setback of 135� to a
setback distance of 115� from the south property line
on Woodstock Ave. to the proposed 90' structure only.
And for the waiver of Section
I�.Ot� (c) for l�5� off the required building setback distance of
90� to a setback of 1t5' from the north property line
along Olson Highway to the proposed 90' structure only.
� �. �
�aard of Zoning Appeals
March 1lt, 1972
1'resent to request the waivers were Mr. Kenneth Benson, and his spokes-
man, Mr. Nelson a member of the limited partnership lmown as the Valley Club
Condominium. A.�sa present were other members of the limited partnership,
and their architect Mr. William Rova of fteese-Rova Associates. There were
about 25 neighborhood residents present as interested parties.
Mr. Nelson explained the appealants proposal for the two block site
bounded by Woodstock Ave., Meadow Lane, Olson �ghway, and France Ave.
_ Mr. Rova presented a site plan, and a plan for the proposed structure.
The proponents stressed their wishes to create a quality residential unit,
with as mzich open green area as possible.
The board asked the appealant about the ownership of Lot 222 Glenwaod Addn.,
which was not shown as a part of the proposed project. Mr. Benson explained
that the appealants have tried to purchase Lot 222, but so far have been
Speaking in general opposition to the proposed waiver for a ten story
structure were the follo�ring people.
R. J. Kantorowicz 309 France Ave. No.
M. H. Grimmer ly01 France Ave. RTo.
M. H. Kirkeby 20� Sunnyridge Lane
P. 0. Lysne 303 Sunnyridge Lane
C. �. Gilbert 321 Sunnyridge Lane
L. W. Rossell 1t16 Meadow Lane No.
A,fter hearing from proponents, and opponents to the proposed waivers, the
Chairman closed the public discussion and the board reviewed the proposal.
It was noted that the request for a waiver of 6 stories constitutes such
an extreme variance that the height would be better handled by a rezoning
to M3 or M�. o� by the planned unit development ordinance.
l�on Franzen felt that the proposed has merit, but because of the large
number of conditions that would have to be placed on a waiver, that a P.U.D.
route would best serve this project.
Z9on Franzen moved to deny all the waivers as rec}uested. It was seconded
by LeRoy Anderson and carried unanimously.
The final item for the March agenda was the conclusion of a reviewal of
the proposed Village Zoni.ng Code begun at the February meeting of the Board.
Because of the time taken for the first three items on the agenda it
was decided to hold over the discussion of the proposed Village Zoning Code.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on .
motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 11:30 P.M.
� �� .
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