06-13-72 BZA Minutes � � �
June 13, 1972
The regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey Board of Zoning Appeals was
held Tuesday, June 13, 1972 at 7:30 p.m, at the Golden Va11e.y Civic Center,
7800 GoZden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board
members were present:
N��ike Sell
Mahlon Swedberg
LeRoy W, Anderson
Donald E. Franzen
Mi'_Ke Se11, Chairman of the Board, presided and Ji�n Ingemunson acted
as Recording Secretary.
Th�: first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of the Board held on Ma,y 9, 1972, copies of which had been
distributed to the Board. It was moved by LeRoy Anderson seconded by
Donald Franzen, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the meeting
held on May 9, 1972.
The Chairman then brought beforz the meeting the following requests
for waivers:
72-5-7- 6030 Wa�zata Blvd. (Nlap 13) Industrial Cosom Corporation
The petition is for the waiver of Section
5.05 (B) for 12.l.�0' off the required sideyard setback distance
of 20' to a setback of 7.60' from the West property
line to the existing struc�ure only.
and for 15,�0' of£ the required sideyard setback
distance of 20' to a setback of 3.60' from the
East property line to the existing buildin� only.
and for 10.70' off the required sideyard setback
distance of 20' �o a setback of 9.30' from the
East property line to the proposed addition only.
Present to sneak for Cosom were Glen Burnett from Volp Construction,
an� managers from both Cosom and Rainbow P�.astics, which make up Thermotect,
a division of Tnternational Telephone and Telegraph.
The board reviewed the minutes of the May meeting fro m which this
request originated, It was explained that the legal nroblem which had
developed over an easement acr�ss the Cosom �roperty, had been resolved,
but that the lateness of the final agreement c�id'n allow time for the
Villa�e attorney to examine same before the present meeting. The �oard
also asked the proponent Whether or not they had reached a decision on
combining the two parcels of land on which Rainbow Plastics and Cosom
are located, The board indicated that they would be less likely to grant
waivers on the property if the parcels are devel�ped separately.
Board of Zoning Appeals
June 13, 1972
Donald FY�anzen moved to defer the matter until the next regular
meeting of the board, it was seconded by Mahlon Swedberg, and carried
with 3 yea 1 nye.
72-6-9 2913 Noble Ave. N. (Map Lt) Residential Stuart E. Butterfi eld
The petition is for the waiver of Section
' 3.12 (L) for 15' off the required separation distance of 20'
to a distance of 5' from the existing dwelling to
the proposed detached garage on1y.
Mrs. Butterfield was present to request the waiver.
The board examined the survey and the proposed garage plan, and
discussed alternatives to the proposal.
LeRoy Anderson moved to grant a waiver of Sec. 3.12 (1) for lI'
off the required separation distance of 20' to a distance of 9' from the
pro��sed aarage to the existing house, thus allowing construction of
20'x22' det�ched gaxage. The motion was seconded by Mahlon Swedberg and
carried unanimously.
72-6-10 Golden V�lley Ro�d & Pennsylvania Ave. No. (Map 16) P. & B, 0.
_.._...._._,�edicaT�bf`�i�ce�c�g. �15r.- �o�ert�oover_____._...___-_.._.__._.�,�____ __
The petition is for the waiver of Section
10.0l� for 1 story in addition to the maximum allowable of 1
story for a building height of 2 stories for the
proposed office building.
, 10.05 for a maxitnum o£ 3' off the required fronty�rd setback
distance of 35' to a setback of 32' from the North
property line on Golden Valley Road to the West 8' of the
North wa11 only, on the broposed office building.
13.01 (9) for board` s internretation and recommendation to
Present to request the waivers were Dr. Hoover, Dr, Anderson, and
Dr. Wittnebel, all parties of H.A.W. Incorporated. Also x�resent was
Robert Bell their arehitect from Architectural Alliance. Present as
interested parties w.ex`ethe Gunzels from 751s Golden V�lley Road, and
Mr, Allan Stensrud from Calvary Lutheran Church.
The bo�rd discussed the size of the �roposed building in relation
to the area of the land, and th e required setbacks and narking for �
-building of this type.
� ��
Bo�rd of Zoning Appeals
June 13, 1972
Donald Franzen moved to deny ths request for a variance of Sec, lO.OJa
for the additional one story in height, and it w�s seconded by LeRoy
Anderson and so carried.
LeRoy Anders�n moved to deny the requested variance for 3' off the
build�ng setback from Golden Va1.1.ey Road and it was seconded by Donald
Franzen and so carried.
Donald Franzen then made the motion that it be the intention of the -
board to look favorably upon the proposal for sharin� barking between
Calvary Lutheran Church, and the project proposed by H.A.W. Inc, if such
a parking agreement between those two parties was of a �ermanent nature,
The motion was seconded by Mahlon Swedberg, and carried with 2 yea, 1 nye,
and 1 abstention,
72-b-11 720 Winnetka Ave. N. {Map 16) Commercial McDonaZd' s Drive-In
The �aetition is for the waiver of Section
5,0� (B) for elimination of the required landscaped ,area on
the North, East, and South sides of the subject site.
Present to make the request was Mr. GPrald Do mino f rom i{rause-Anderson
Construction Co, of St. Paul, Also t�resent was the mana�er of the Mc�onald
Drive-In at 720 T�r7innetka Ave,
The board discussed the proposed waiver, and was concerned that the
present Village code does not adeauately cover this type of commercial
operation in reg�ard to the required amount of parking space. The board
was also concerned that the waiver couZd become a �ermanent feature of
this �iece of �ro�erty. The board was also in favor of remodeling the
Drive-In in accordance with the proposed plan,
LeRoy Anderson moved th waive Sec-tion 11�.01 to allow the granting of
a building bermit for the pro�osed remodeling without a waiver of the
existin� variance�. This waiver requires that the proposed remodeling plans
be ap�roved bv the Uillags building board of review, and that the sign
in front of the building be no higher than the new roof line, and th�t the
building be in compliance with Village codes in all res�ects otner than
the lack of landscabin� on the sides and rear of the site. It was seconded
by Donald Franzen and so carried.
The final item .of business was a discussion of the meeting with the
Village Council on Jun� 9, 7-972 involving a 236 development pro7ect. It
was the general cansesus of the board, that this developer should proceed
with � P,U.D, z�ro�osal.
There being no further business to come before the board it was on a
m�tion, dul� seconded, �diourned �t 11:15 r�,m.
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Mike . e l, (�hairman._._ _�_,_..�...__..M.._,.,._ T\�a s Ingemun� , Actin
g ecretary