07-11-72 BZA Minutes 225
July 11, 1972
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Apneals was
held Tuesday, July 11, 1972 at 7:30 t�.m, at the Golden Valley Civic .Center,
7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, The following Board
members were present:
Mike Sell
Mahlon Swedberg
ZeRoy W. Anderson
Walter Kost
Mike Sell, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted
as Recording Secretary.
The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of the Board Held on Junz 13, 1972 , copies of which had been
distributed to the Bo�rd. It was moved by Mahlon Swedber�, Seconded by
Le�oy Andersan carried unanimously, to approve the mi.nutes of the meeting
held on June 13, 1972,
The Chairman then brought before the meeting the following reauests
for w�ivers:
72-5-7 6030 W�yzata Blvd. (Map 13) Industrial Cosom Cort�oration
The Aetition is for the waiver of Section
5,05 (B) for 12.�0' off the required sideyard setback distance
of 20' to a setback of 7,60' from the West property
line to the existing structure only.
and for 16.�0' off the reauired sidey�rd setback
distance of 20` to a setback of 3,60' from the
East property line to the pro�osed addition only.
and for 10.70` off the required sideyard setback
distance of 20' to a setb�ck of 9.30' from the
East property line to the proposed addition only.
There was no one present to speak on behalf of the proponent. The
secret�ry e�lained that he had learned by � telephone conversation with
Glen Burnett of Volp Construction, th�t Cosom was considering moving to
another location.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to def er �ny further action on the Cosom
petition until no later than the regular meeting of the board in November,
197�. It was seconded by Walter Kost and carried unanimously.
�� �
Board of Zoning Appeals
Jul� 11, 1972
72-7-12 21�30 Byrd Ave. ?�1. (Map 1) Residential Donald Sween
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 - 3 for 7.65' off the req.uired 5ideyard setback distance
of 11.25' to a setback of 3.6' from the North prooerty
l.ine to the proposed garage addition only.
3.07 (1) for 10.1' off the reauired frontyard se�back distance
o� 35' to a setback of 21�.9' from the West r�roperty
line on Byrd Ave. to the proposed gara�e addition only.
Dr, and Mrs, Donald S���een were �resent to request the waivers. They
e�lained that the broposed garage addition ti�rould be nearly a11 below the
�rade of their front yard, and that the distance repuested fro m the front
�ror�erty line would repuire less of a waiver than the one �iven a neighbor
at the regular B.Z.A, meeting in Mav.
The board examined the broposed nlan, and compared the situation in
this case with the house at 2520 Byrd Ave, where a waiver was granted in
May. The board stated that the two reasons for granting the w�iver at
2520 Byrd were not present in this situati.an. Those were:
1. 2�20 Byrd hac' no garage.
2, 2�20 had a ver�r steep and hazardous drivewa� which provided the
only off street Farking.
It was also notec� by the board that a simiZar request for waivers at
the STaeen residence were turned down by the board on July 8, 1969.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to deny the waivers as petitioned and it was
seconded by Walter Kost and so carried.
72-7-13 10�i Angelo I?rive (Map 7) Residential Meyer Golden
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (2) for �' off the required rear yard setback distance
of 19.33' to a setback of 15.33' from the rear
property line to the proposed dwelling only.
3.07 (1) for 2' off the required frontyard setback distance
of 3�' to a setback of 33' from the Southeast property
line along Angelo Drive to the proposed dwelling only.
Present to request the waiver was Mr. Meyer Golden, who explained the
proposed plan. Also present �s interested parties were Dr, Binder from
1020 Angelo Drive and Eugene Thotland from 1220 Unity Ave. No.
�� 1��
Board of Zoning Appeals
July 11, 1972
Dr. Binder looked at the pro�,osed plan and said he had no objections
to it as shown, and Gene Th�tland wanted to remind the proponent of the
covenants in the deed to the subject property.
LeRoy Anderson moved to grant the waiver of Section 3.07 (2} for 1�'
off the required rear yard setback of 19.33�to a setback of 15' fro m the
Northwest corner of the proposed house and the Southwest corner of the
proposed garage only, It was seconded by Mahlon Swedberg and carried with
2 yea 1 nye.
LeRoy Anderson then moved to deny the petition for the waiver of Section
31C7 (1) as requested. It was seconded by Walter Kost and so carried.
There being no further business to come before the board, it was on a
motion duly seconded, ad��urned at 9:00 p.m.
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I�'ike�ell, airman a es Ingemun on, Actin�etary