08-08-72 BZA Minutes � � �
August 8, 1972
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals wa�
held Tuesday, August 8, 19�2 at 7:30 p,m, at the GoZden Va11ey Civie Center,
7800 Golden ValZe� R�ad, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board
members were present:
Don Franzen
Mahlon Swedberg
LeRoy W. Anderson
Walter Kost
Lowell Swanson (Alternate)
In the absence of Mi'�s Sell, Chairman of the Board, the secretary,
Jim Ingemunson opened the meeting and called for nominations and election
of a Chairman Pro-Tem for the August 8, 1972 meeting.
LeRey Anderson moved to nominate Mahlon Swedberg for the position of
Chairman Pro-Tem, and that nominatian was seconded by Wal.ter Kost, and was
so accepted.
Don Franzen moved to close the no minations and acclaim Mahlon Swedberg
Chairman Pro-Tem for the August 8, 1972 meeting. It was seconded by LeRoy
Anderson and so carried,
The second order of business was the consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of the Board held on July lI, 1972, copies of which had been
distributed to the Board. It was moved by LeRoy Anderson, seconded by
Walter Kost carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the meeting held
July 1.1, 1972. �
The Chairman then brought before th.e meeting the following requests
for waivers:
72-8-11� Zar�e Ave, N, & Lindsa�T St. {PZap 12) Open D��velopment James Jagodzinski �
The petition is for the waiver of S�ction
5.05 ($) for 27.67' off the required setback distance of
100' to a setback distance of 72.33' from the
East property line to the proposed building only,
and for the kTaiver of Section
�.05 (B) for 1�0' off the required landscaped area of 5a'
to a green area of 10' measured from the East
property line as shown on the proposed site plan
Present to request the waivers were Mr. James Jagodzinski, the proposed
owner, anc� his architect, Wilson Nlpntgomery.
Mr, Jagodzinski presented a site plan for the subject property, and
described his praposed affice and warehouse build.ing.
G � �9
Board of Zoning Appeals
August 8, 1972
The board considered the proposed plan, and in so doing reviewed the
waivers that have been granted on the adjoining li�t industrial land to
the North of the subject, The board also noted that if the proposed site
and the adjoining land to the East were presently zoned light industrial,
then the site plan presented would be fully in conformance with the Village
zoning code.
LeRoy Anderson moved to grant the waivers as requested for the pro-
posed site plan as filed with. the Village building department and marked
Exhit�it "A", with the condition that the site be approved a5 a light
industrial zoning di.strict. It was seconded by Don Franzen and carried
72-8-1� 6200 Golden Valley Road (Map 12) M-1 Mrs. Dorothy Junker, Property Mgr.
The petition �_s for the waiver of Section
�.0l.t (�) for 23' off the required building setback distance
of 25' to a setback of 2' from the East property
line to the existing garage, and the proposed garage
Mrs, Dorothy Junker from Midwest Management was present to make the
request for the waiver.
The board noted that notices of the proposed waiver had been sent to
tr�e adjoining properties, and that there had been no objections raised.
Don Franzen moved to approve the waiver as requested and was seconded
by Lowell Swanson and so carried.
There being no further business to come before the boarc�, it was on a
motion, duly seconded, adjourn.ed at 8:30 p.m.
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Ma�lon Sur�dberg, Chai�, an Pro-Tem am s ngemunt n, Actin�ecretary