10-10-72 BZA Minutes ��� MINUTES OF A RE�ULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS �CTOBER 10, 1972 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesday, October 10, 1972 at 7:30 P.M., at Golden Vallep Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members were present: Mike Se11 LeRoy W. Andersoa Walter Kost Mike Sell, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted as Recording Secretary. The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on September 12, 1972, copies of which had been distributed to the Board. It was moved by LeRoy�Anderson, seconded bq Walter Kost carried unanimouslq, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Sept- ember 12, 1972. The Chairman then brought before the meeting the following requests for waivers: 72-10-22 (Map 1� Residential Richard Dempsey The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07 (1) for 10' off the required frontyard setback disCaace of 35! to a setback distance of 25f from the West propertq line along Kewanee Way to the proposed residential structure oaly, on Lots E and F only of the proposed replat of lots 12,13,14,15 of block 6, Delphian Heights 3rd Unit. The secretary explained that this petition had been requested as an oversight, and that in fact the waiver being requested had been granted in Julq of 1959 for all the lots on Kewanee Way. Wa1Cer Rost moved ta dismiss the appeal, and refund the full filing fee of $25.00 to the appealant, Mr. Richard Dempsey, 3118 Welcome Avenue North. 72-1�-23 1020 Orkla Drive �MMa,p 21) Resfdential Verlin B. Kompelien The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.�7 3a for 3.596' off the reqafred sideyard setback distance of 15' to a setbaek d�stance of 11,404" from the West property line to the Northwest corner of the proposed garage addition onlq. Present to request the waiver were Mr. �erlin B. Kompelien, and his builder Mr. Allan Dale. They presented plans for the proposed 22x22 double garage. d� � � Board of Zoning Appeals October 10, 1972 The board noted that the house is farther back on the lot than the requir- ed 35` frontpard setback, and that the lot does get narrower to�ard the back. They also pointed to three possible alternatines to the proposed waiver: 1. Construetion of a single attached garage. 2. Construction of a double de�tached garage. 3. S�naller doubl,e attached garage. LeRoy Anderson moved to denq the petitioa as requested, and it was second- ed by Walter Kost and so carried. 72-10-24 (Map 12) Li�;ht Industri�l Acoustics Associates The petition is for the waiver of Section 5.05 B for 80' off the required side or resr qar@ setback distance of 100' to a setback distance of 20' fro�a the Esst propertq line to the proposed addition to the existing building only. Mr. Craig Dickson, Vice President of Acaustics Associates, was present to request the waiver. He d�scribed the proposed addition to the East stde of the existing building at 1250 Zane Aeenue North. The board reviewed the waivers whieh �aere granted for the other parcels of propertq on Zane Avenue to the South of the subject. Walter Kost moved to grant the waiver as petitioned, and it was second- ed bq LeRoy Anderson, and so earried. 72-10-25 (Map 21) Li�ndustrial Nortronics John Yn�ve The �etition is for the waiver of Section 5.U5 for 17' off the required frontyard setback distance of 35' to a setback distance of 18' from the propertq line along Lewis Road to the Southeast corner of the proposed addition to the existing building only. John Yngve, President of Aiortronics, was present to request the waiver. The board noted that a similar waiver, but of a lesser amount, was granted to Nortronics for this same corner on April 11, 1967 bp the B.Z.A. Walter Kost moved for approval of the request, and it was seconded bq LeRoy Anderson and so carried. 72-10-26 1607 Florida Ave. �i. Mav 15) Residential Mr. D. McDonald The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07 3a for 2.5' off the required sideqard setback distance of 15' to a setback of 12.5' from the South property line to the proposed garage addition only. 2�� �oard of Zoning Appeals October 10, 1972 Mtc�; Hoa_SA�c�o�l��id`;��bm�,�i�S�6����aiider� ���:�p3�e��a�C�td;��es�u�st:�fihe waiver. The board noted that the ap}�ealants application was not complete in that � location surveq had not been obtained, and the usual notification pro- cedure had not been carr�ed mut. The board stated that they would also like to know the distanee from the South property line to the closest building on the land to the South. Also the board wished to view the property first hand. It was moved by LeRay Anderson to defer this matter for one month, and it was seconded bq Walter Kost. The final item of business was an informal discussion with Ralph Green, owner of the clinic at 5250 Wayzata Blvd. Mr. Green e$plained that he had just disconered the need for a sideyard variance in order to add oato the presebt cfi�;i�ic, and that time being of importance, would like the boards thoughts on the proposed waiver before the next regular meeting. The fi�oard e�cplained that theq eould not coasider this proposal until a formal application has been made, received, and studied. There being no further business to come before the board, it was on a motion, duly seconded, ad3ourned at 9:15 P.M. �.��'d'(�Y'-`ti � " / � Mike Se11, Chairman J es Ingem son, Acting Secretarp