01-09-73 BZA Minutes L`f� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TAE GOLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS JANUARX 9, 1973 The regulax meeting of the Golden Vallep Board of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesday, Jannary 9, 1973, at 7:3d p.m. at the Golden Vallep Civic Center, 78�0 Golden Va11ep Road, �olden Valleq, Minnesota. The following Board members were presentt Mahlon Swedberg Walter Kost Mike Sell LeRoy W. Anderson Don Franzen Mike seii, Chairman of the Hoard, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted as Recording Secretarp. The first order of business wa� the consideration of the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on December 12, 1972, copies of which had been dis- tributed to the Board. A change was �ade on Page 2 of the December 12, 1972 minutes under item 72-12-32 to include after the + or -, the amount of .10' . It was moved bq Mahlon Swedberg, seconded by LeRoq Anderson carried unanimous- ly, to approne the corxected minutes of the meeting held on December 12, 1972. The Chairman then brought be�ore the meeting the following requests for waivers: 73-1-1 (Map 13,� Li�ht industrial 6000 Wavzata Blvd. Suburban Lumber The petition is for the waiver of Section 14.01 (Paragraph �1) to allaw the granting of a building permit for the snb�ect propertq which is now non- conforming. Mr. Thomas Sheehy was present to explain the proposed addition and requested the required waiver. The board examined the site survey and reviewed the history and condi- Cion of the area. Don Franzen moved to grant the petition as requested based on the pre- sent proposal as shown on the. site surveq made by Gerald T. Coqne and dated Januarp 4, 1973. It was seconded by LeRog Anderson and so carried. 73-1-2 (Ma.p7) Commercial 812 N. Lilac Drive l�t American Investment Inc. The petition is for the waiver of Section 14.01 (Paragraph �1) to a11ow the granting of a building permit for the subject propertp which is now non-conforming. Present requesting the waiver was Mr. Edward Berg manager of the Holi- day Inn at 812 North Lilac Drive and a representative from All American Alterations and Additions. Thep explained the proposed remodeling to the board. They also discussed future plans for the site. � `-�a� Board of Zoning Appeals January 9, 1973 LeRoy Anderson moved to grant the petition as requested aad based on the present plans as shown on the surveg dated ,Tanuary 22, 1964, �ade bq Egan, Field and Alowak, and filed with the Village Inspection Department. It was seconded bg Don Franzen and so carried. 73-1-3 (Map 4 & 5) Residential 328Z Kvle Ave. N. Diamond Construction 'The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07 (1) for 9' off the required 35' frontyard setback distance to a setback of 26� from Kqle Ave., to the front of the proposed dwelling only. Mr. Edward Johnston was present to request the waiver. The board reviewed similar waivers granted in the vicinitq of the proposed building. It was noted that this lot also has a rapid drop in elevation near the East side of Kqle Avenue. LeRoy Anderson taoved to grant the waiver as requested, and it was seconded by Walter Kost and so carried. There being no 4`urther business to come Iiefore the board, it was on a motion, dulq seconded, ad�onrned at 9:30 P.M. �Z� ��=t�... R , Mike Sell, Ehairmaa �J mes Ingemun on, Acting Secretarq