02-13-73 BZA Minutes ��t � MINUTFS 0� A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY BOARD OP' ZONING APPEALS FEBRUARY 13, 1973 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesdaq, �ebruarp i3, 1973, at 7:30 p.m., at the Golden Va11ey Civic Center, 780� Golden Va11ey Road, Golden Vallep, Minnesota. The following Board members were present: Mahlon Swedberg Walter Kost Mike Sell LeRoy W. Anderson Don Fxanzen Mike Sell, Chairman of the Bc�ard, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted as Recoxdiag Secretarp. The first order of business was the coasideration of the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on Januarq 9, 1973, copies of which had been distributed to the Board. It was moqed bq Mahlan Swedberg, seconded by Don Franzen carried unanimouslp, to agprove the mtnutes of the meeting held on January 9, 19�3. The Chaiz�nan then brought before the meeting the following req�ests for wainers: 72-2-4 (Mav 14) Industrial 2360 Ne�rada Ave. N. W. W. Grain�er Compan�► The petitioa is for the waiver of Section 5.05 B1 for 15t off the required 2Q` sideyard setback to a setback distance of 5� from the existing building to the Ncrth propertp line, 5.05 B1 fer 15' off the required 20' setback dtstance to a setback of 5' from the proposed addition to the North pragertp liae and SF from the proposed addition to the East property line, and for 10' off the required 20' setback to a setback distance of 10' frem the South property line to thE proposed addition onlq. r.3,02 D to allow parkfng within the 35' frontqard setbaek, and with�.n the lfl' of required green area on the South and North sides. 13.01 for the �aiver of 9 parking spaces from the minimum allowable nurnber of 44 to a total number of 35 parking spaces. Present to make the presentation on behalf of W. W. Grainger Co. , were Mr. Lawrence Brown ar�d Mr. Jim Dueholm, attorneys. Also present were Mr. John Beck and Mr. Bishop from the Grainger Co. , and Mr. Willard Parrish their archftect. �4� Board of Zoning Appeals Febr�ary 13, 1973 Mr. Brown presented a eopp of the original site plan for the building in question, and pointed out the future expansion indicated on that plan. Mr. Brown stated that the code as it existed at the ttme of the original coastruction would not have required th� setback waivers now neeessarq. The board exa�ined the original site plan and Che present proposal for expansion, and noted that while the original plan called for an expansion of about 4800 sq. feet, the present proposed expansion would be about 6800 square feet. After a discnssion of the proposed addition, and the waivers necessarp in setback and parking, Don Franzen stated that he might be �illing to go along with a waiver to allow an expansion to total 4800 square feet. LeRoy Anderson asked the proponent if theq could cut the proposed addition back to staq in line with the original building. This would reduce Che area of the proposed addition, eliminate the need for a setback waiver on the South propertq line, and almost el�ainate the need for a parking space variance. The proponent offered to remove 10' from the ,South side of proposed addition, but they claimed that it e�ould ant be feasible for Chem to make the addition as small as suggested. Don Franzen mo�ed to deny the petition as requested, and it was second- ed bq LeRoq Anderson, and carrfed unani�ou�ly. 73-2-5 (Map 21) Commercial Lot 3 Block 2 Golden Vallev Ind. Park Premier � "� Premier Realtv and Condor Corp. The petittcn is for the waiver of Sectton 13.02 D to allow parking within the required landscaped area as shown on the proposed site plan labeled Exhib3t "A" and filed wfth the Village Inspectfon Department. and for Section 13.01 to allow the waiver of 176 parking spaces from the minimum required nua�ber of" 430 spaces (1/75) to the total number of 254 off street parking spaces. Jim Smnda from Condor Corp. , was present to request the waiver. He explaiaed the proposed site plan, and presented a rendering of the proposed build�ng. Mr. Smuda explained that the proposed parking ratio is similar to the ratio being considered in the new Village zoning code. Mr. smuda also explained that, on a ratio�°�basis, this proposal has more parking space than the Byerly-3pring Valley Plaza complex, The board noted that this proposal would hane a definite impact on the surrounding area, and that it should be gfvea consideration by the Village Planning Commission and staff. It was also noted that the proposed �� � Board of Zoning Appeals February 13, 1973 zoniag on the new compreh�nsive plan shows a change in the zonfn� on this site, and thaC a reQuest for a wa�:ver of parking at Spring Vallep P1aza was denied by the board. Walter Kost moned to denp the waiver as requested, and it was second- ed by Mahlon Swedberg and so carried. 73�2-6 Ma� 9) Residential 424 Turnpike Road �Stobbe Development Co�. The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.�7 for 3.1� off the reQuired frontpard setback distance of 35' to a setback of 31.9' frc►m the prapertp line on T�rnpike Road to the Nortfieast corner of the existfng dwelling only. Mr. Ex�a�n Stobbe Development was present to request the waiver. He explained that the error in placement of the structure occurred as a result of tfie large excavatian that was necessarq to compact the site. The board revie�aed the sequence of events whtch lead to the house reachfng its present stage of completion with tfie errors existing. The three obvious errors noted were the setback distance from the North propertp line, � the East (or front) property lfne, and the elevation of the basement floor in relation to the minimum grade shown on the permit applfeation. It was agreed the error in placement from the North property line could be cured by a change in the lot line, and that this would not put the a3oining propertq in any danger of being nonconforming. Mr. Stobbe also presented a solution to the grade problem as stated in a letter from Hedlund Engineering Servfces and dated February 2, 1973. The board then read a memo from the Village Engineer to the secretary of the B.Z.�. stating the engineer� recoaanendation for solving the elevation problem. It was a2so noted that the appealants application was not fully com- pleted, and that consent of ajoining propertq owners had not been soliefited. Mahlon Swedberg moved to defer a decision on the front yard varianee until the following things are accomplished. 1. A fullq co�:pleted application with the signatures of ajoining property c�wners. 2. Evidence that �ork has begun on a change of the North property. line of the subject lot. 3. An agreement reached between the Village engineer and the builder on a solution far the eleoaticn problem. The motion was seconded by LeRoy Anderson and so carried. As a final item of business Mr. Bill Lyders, Viee President of Nor- tronics requested clariffcation of the waiver of the building setback granted �� `�� Board of Zoning Appeals Februarq 13, 1973 to that Company on October 10, 1972. The board examfned the plan for the proposed addition, and agreed that the waiver granted dfd not include a raised sidewalk or loading dock on the South or East side of the proposed addition. There being no further business to come before the board, it was on a motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 11:00 P.M. ��C� rG�=(X--- Mike Sell, Chairman m s Tngemunso , Acting Secretary