03-13-73 BZA Minutes � ���,�
MAKCH 13, 1973
The regulax meeting of the Golden Val.ley Board of Zoning Appeals was I
held Tuesday, March 13, 1973, at 7c30 p.m., at the Golden Valleq Civic I
Center, 7800 Golden Va11ey Roada Golden Vallep, Minnesota. The following
Board members were pre�ent:
Mahlon Swedberg
Walter Kost
Mike Sell
LeRop W. Anderson
Glen Christiansen
Mike Sell, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted
as �ecording Secretary.
The first order of business was the consideration of the minntes of
the meeting of the Board held on Februarq 13, 1973, copies of which had been
distributed to the Board. It was moved bq Mahlon Swedberg, seconded by
Walter Kost carried unanimouslq, to approve the minutes of the meeting held
on February 13, 1973.
The Chairman then brought before the meeting the following requests
for waivers:
73-2-6 (Map9) Residential 424 Turnpike Road Stobbe Development Corp.
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 for 3.1' off the required frontqard setback distance of
. 35` to a setback of 31.9' from the property line on Turnpike
Road to the Northeast corner of the existin� dwelling only.
Mr. Erwin Stobbe was present to request the variance.
The board reviewed the action of the last meeting at which this peti-
tion was considered. It was shown that the application fvrm had been com-
p2eted, and that a new legal descriptfon had been drawn up to change the
North property line; although application had not yet been made for a
division and combine. Concerning the problem with the basement floor eleva-
tion the secretary to the board explained that an impasse had been reached
between Mr. 5tobbe and the Village Engineer,
The board then discussed the waiver being requested, and whether or not
to further delay a decision.
LeRop Ariderson moved to deny the petition for a variance as requested.
It was seconded by Glen Chrtstiansen and so carried.
73-2-4 (Map 14) Industrial 2360 Nevada Ave. N. W. W. Grain�er Comvany
The petition is for the waiver of Section
� 5.05 B1 for 15' off the requfred 20' sideyard setback to a
setback distance of 5' from the existing building
to the North property line.
Board of Zoning Appeals
March 13, 1973
S.OS B1 for 15� off the required 20' setback distance to
a setback of 5� from the proposed addition ta the North
propertq line and 5' from the proposed addition to the East
property line.
13.02 D to allow parking within the 35' frontyard setback,
and within the�.10' of required green area on the
South and North sides.
13.01 for the waiver of 9 parking spaces from the minimum
allowable number of 44 to a total number of 35 park-
ing spaces.
Present to request the variances were Mr. Ja�s Dueholm, Attorneq;
Mr. Parrish, A�ahitect, Mr. John Beck from the Grainger Companq.
M��, Swedberg briefed the board on the action taken on this petition
by the Village Council and its referral back to the B.Z.A.
The petitioner then presented his revised plan and the board examin-
ed it and discussed alternatives.
There was a five minute�:recess while the petitioners considered fur-
ther alterations of their proposed variances, after which a compromise was
agreed to.
LeRoq Anderson moved to grant the waiver of Section 5.05 B1 as request-
ed pn the North side of theexisting building and the Atorth side of the pro-
posed addition oaly, ,and to grant the waiver of Seetion 5.05 B1 to allow
a 2'. setback between the East propertq line and the proposed addition only,
with the condition that the proposed addition be in line with the South wa11
of the existing building, and that it extend no farther South than that ex-
isting South wall. Mr. Anderson also moned to grant the waiver of four (4)
required parking spaces with the condition that the existing parking withia
the 35' frontyard green area be removed and be replaced by a parking lot on
t�e South side of the building and its proposed addition. This motion was
seconded by Mahlon Swedberg and carried unanimouslq.
73-3-7�Map 14) Residential 6909 Medicine L$k,e Road Josevh Sarvch
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.12 (1) ta allow a double detached garage to set within
the frontqard o� the primary structure.
Mr. Sarych was present to request the variance.
The board examined the proposal and noted that there is an �nusuallq
large �ront qard �ith thi� house and that there is presently no �arage on
the site.
LeRoy Andersan moved to grant the waiver as requested, and it was
seconded by Walte� Kost and so c�rrfed.
G� �
Board of Zoning Appeals
March 13, 1973
73-3-8 (Map 8} B & P.P. 4975 Olson Hi�;hwav Di Con
The petition is for the waiver of Section
10.04 to a12ow one additional story in height to the maxi�um
allowable height of one story for a total building
height of 2 stories.
Present making the request for the nariance was Mr. Stahl, Architect,
and Mr. Conry of the Di Con Company. Theq presented their plans for the
proposed office building.
The board viewed the proposed plan, and questioned the petitioners on
the height of their building in relation to adjoining properties. 3'he peti-
tioners had prepared a drawing showing the relative heights of neighboring
Glen Christiansen moved to grant the pet3tion as requested with the
conditfon that the space on the ground level of the building remain as
parking space only and not be enclosed in the future for office or storage
space. It was seconded bq LeRoy Anderson and so carried.
73-3-9- (Map 17�, M-4 6545 Countr� Club Drive Erland Ekber�
The petition is for the waiver of Section
4.04 to allow an additional 1 storq to the maximum allowable
number of 8 stories for a total of nine stories for the
proposed condominium building.
and for Section
4.04 (C) for 40' off the required setback on the North side.
for 40` off the: required setback on the West side.
for S� off the required setback on the East side.
for 47' off the required setback on the South side.
Mr. Ekberg was present to request the waiver.
A].so present were residential gropertq owners South of Highway 55.
Mr. Loomis of 6677 Olson Highway and Mr. Benskusky of 6495 Westchester Circle.
Pir. Ekberg presented plans and renderings flf the proposed 9 storq 16
unit condominium.
The board discussed the proposed building, and its present M-4 zonfng.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to deny the petition as requested and it was
seconded by Walter Kost and so carried.
There being no further business to come before the board, it was on
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f.r e�C,1
Board of Zon�ng Ap�e�tl�
Ma�ch.. 13,_19J3 .
a motion, dulq seconded, adjourned at 1U:30 P.M.
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Mike �ell, Chairman Ingemunson Acting Secretarq