04-11-73 BZA Minutes ( . . ,- . �.�� . MINtJTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONIAiG APPEALS APRIL 11, 1973 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held Wedx�esday, April 11, 1973, at 7:3� �.M., at the Golden Valley Cieic Center, 78U0 Golden Valley Road, Golden Yalley, Minnesota. The following Board �embers were present: Mahlon Svedberg Walter Kost Mike Sell LeRoy W. Anderson Glen Christ�ansen Mike Sell, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted as Recording Secretaxy. The first order of business was the consfderation of the mfnutes of the meeting of the Board held on March 13, 1973, copies o# vhich had been distributed to the Board. It �as moved by Mahlon Swedbezg, seconded bq Glen Christiansen carried unanimously, Co approve the �fnutes of the meet- ing held on March 13, 1973. The Chair�an then brought befcre the meeting the following requests for wafvers: 73-4-10 1569 Ore on Ave. N. Ma 15 Residential Dr. Mark Anderson The petition fs for the waiver of Se�tion 3.U7 (1) for 10' off the required 35' frontpard setback to a setback of 25' from the property line along the Oregon Ave. cul-de-sac to the progosed dwelling onlq. Present to request the waiver were Dr. Anderson, and his architect Roger Johnson. They presented plans for a ttouse on this lot, and a site plan showing how the sethack on the cul--de-sac relates to tlne other set- backs on Oregon Ave. to the South of the subject site. Mahlon Swedberg moved to accept the waiver as requested and it was seconded by Glen Christiansen and so carried. 73-4-11 15b5 Pennsvlvania Ave. N. �,Map, 15) Residential Richard Stern � The petition is for the waiver of Seetion ' 3.07 (3a) for 6.8' off the required sfdeyard setback distance of 15' to a setback of 8.2� from the North propertq line to the Northeast comer of the proposed garage addition onlq. Present to request the variance were Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stern, owners of the propertq in question. After discussion between the propcnents and the board, Mr. Stern indi- 25rv� Board df Zoning Appeals April 11, 1973 cated his wish to rework the proposed plan. LeRoy Anderson moved to defer the decision oa this proposal untfl the next regular meeting of the board. It was seconded by Glen Christisn- sen and carried unanimously. 73-4-12 1114 Zane Ave. N. (Mav 12) Li�ht Industrial Schumacher Wholesale MeatsL Inc. The petition is for the waiver of Section 5.05 (B) for 80` off the required building setback distance of 100' to a setback of 20' from the East propertq line to the proposed addition anlp. . and for the waiver of Section 5.05 (B) for .45' off the reqnired 20' sideyard setback distance to a setback of 19.55' from the North propertq line to the existfng building and its proposed addition onlq. and £or the waiver of Section 5.05 (A) for .20' off the required 35' frontyard setback to a setback of 34.8' from the property line along Zane Ave. to the existing building onlq. Present to request the variance was Mr. John Schumacher who described the proposed addition to his building at 1114 Zane Ave. No. The board reviewed other wainers granted to the buildings on the East side of 2ane Ave., between Golden Valley and Lindsaq St, LeRoq Anderson moved to grant the 3 waivers as requested, and it was seconded bp Glen Christtansen and so carried. As a final item of business the Chairman instructed the Secretarq to call for nominations for the position of Chairman of the Board for the 1973 term. At the call for nominations, LeRoq Anderson nominated Walter Kost for Chairman, and it was seconded by Glen Christiansen. There being no further nominations Mahloa Swedberg moved to close the nominations and name Walter Rost Chairffian by ac�laimation, it was seconded bp Mike Sell and so carried, There being no further business to come before the board, it was on a motion, dulp seconded, adjourned at 9:�0 P. M. �^ � Mike Sell, Chaiz�nan J mes Ingemu son, Acting Secretarq