05-08-73 BZA Minutes Lw
MAY 8, 1973
The regula.r meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was
held Tuesday, Ma� 8, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. at the Golden Va11ey Civic Center,
7�300 Golden Va11ey Road, Golden Valle�, Minnesota. The fol.lowing Board
memb�rs were present:
Mahlon Swadberg
Mary Anderson
LeRoy W. Anderson
Glen Christiansen (Alt�rnate)
In the absence of Walter Kost, the elected Chairman, the Secretary
opened the meeting and called for nominations for the elect�on of Chai.r-
man Pro-tem.
LeRoy Anderson nominated Mahlon Swedberg, and the nomination was
secan�ed by Glen Christiansen.
Mary Anderson moved to clos� the nominations and acclai.m Mahion
Swedberg, Chairman Pro-tem. It was seconded by Glen Christiansen and
so carried.
The second order of business was the conuideration of the minutes of
the meeting of the Board held an A�iril ll, 19?3, copies of which had been
distri_buted to the Boara. It was moved by LeRoy Anderson, sec�nded by
Glen Christiansen carrie,d unanimously, to ap�roae the min�ztes of' the meet-
ing held on Apri1 11, 1973.
The Chairman Pro-tem, then brought before the meeting the following
reauests for waivers:
73-�-11 1565 Pennsylvania Ave. N. (Map 15} Residential Richard Stern
The petiti.on is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (3a) for 6,8� off the reouired sideyard setback distance
of 15' to a setback of 8.2' from the North property
line to the Northeast corner of the proposed garage
addition only.
Being no one presen� to speak for this petiti.on, no action was taken.
73-5-13 �.t223 Glencrest Road (Map 9) Residential John R. Sadler
The petition i.s for the wai.v�r of Secti.on
3.07 (3a) for .9' off the required sideyard setback distance
of 15' to a setback of 14.1' from the Eas�,` ;�raperty
line to the Southeas� corner of the proposed garage
addition only�.
and for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1) for 1.3' off the required 35' frontyard setback to
a distanee of 33.7' from the North property line a-
long Glencrest Road to the existing dwell.ing only.
25 �
Board of Zoning Appeals
Ma,y 8, 1973
Present to request the wai.vers were Mr, and Mrs. John R. Sadler
owners of the property involved.
The board noted that the property owner was reqx�esting the minimum
amount necessary to convert the present single to a double garage, and
that consent of the surrounding property owners has been given.
LeRoy Anderson moved to grant the waivers as reauested. It was
seconded by Glen Christiansen and so carried.
73-5-1�t North side 7th Ave. betwPen Boone Ave, Rc D�catur Ave. (Ma� 21)
Commerci.al Condor Corp.
The petition is for the waiver of Section
13.02 D to allow parking within the 35� required landscaped
area between 7th Ave, and the proposed office-ware-
house, leaving a green area of 20' between the 7th
Ave. property line and the proposed parking lot with
another 20' �f green between parking lot and proposed
building for a total of 1�0' of landscaping.
and for the waiver of Section
13.01 for the waiver of 21 parking spaces off the required
number of 1�5 for the propased office-warehouse as
based on the requirem�nt of 1�400 for an light in-
dustri.al zoni.ng category.
Present to request the waivers was Mr. Jerry Young, Vice President
of Condor Corp. Mr. Young presented a si_te plan and renderings for the
proposed office-warehouse.
The board first discussed the splitting of the required 35� of land-
scaping on the South side of the proposed building. It was noted that the
propos�l prov�ded a total of !t0' of landscaping.
LeRoy Anderson moved to grant the waiver, allowing the splitting of
t�e green area on the South side of the site and deny the waiver of 2_1
parking spaces. The motion died for lack of a second.
Mahlon Swedberg stated that he would be willing to go along with a
waiver of 10 spaces, thereby giving the site some credit for the addi.tional
5' of landscaping on the South si_de. This would have to be on the condition
that the zoning be changed from Cammercial to Light Indu�trial.
Glen Christiansen moved to allow the splitting of the front yard
landscaped area as requested, and to allow the waiver of 10 parking spaces
provided that the property receives a change in aoning, from Commercial to
Light Industrial. The motion was seconded by Mary Anderson.
L��� �
Board of Zoning Appeal.s
Ma,y 8, 1973
In the discussion of the question which followed, LeRoy Anderson
stated that he could not lagicall,y justify a wa�ver of parking for this
t.ype of offi_ce-ware-house whi.ch will have a variet� of tenants in the
The question was c�lled and the motion carried with 3 a�e, 1 nye.
73-5-15 701 Pennsylvania Ave. S. (Ma� 18) Industrial Liberty Carton Co.
The petition is for the waiver of Section
13.01 for 329 parking spaces off the required nu.mber of 6�2
far a tota�?. of 353 parking spaces on the nroposed site.
Present to re�uest the waiver was Mr. Green from the architectural
firm of Bissell, Belair and Green. Also present were the propert� owner�
of 701 Pennsylvania Ave. S., Mr. Ben Fitermand and Mr. Mike Fiterman.
Present as an interested par�y was Mr. Anderson, owner of the auto dealer-
ship �joining the suoject site onthe South side.
Mr. Green e�lained in detail, the nature of the Company, and the pro-
posed e�ansi.on pians. He also e�lained how several existing problems could
be helped with the proposed ex�ansion.
Mr. Anderson, the adjoining �roperty owner stated that he had no ob-
jection to the praposed �lan.
Le?�oy AndersQn moved to grant the waiver of 329 parking spaces off
the rea,uired ntzmber of 682 spaces, with the following stipulations:
I. Creation of a bermanPnt landscaped area all along the North sid�;
of the site.
2. �'nclosure of th� railroad loading docks.
3. Establishment of a 35� green area along Pennsylvania Ave.
!�. Removal of the c.yclone unit from the roof of the structure.
5. P�eview of aIl structural and landscape plans by the Building
Board of Review and compliance with reauirements thereaf.
b. If future use re�uires more parking space, the implimentati.o;�
of alternate p1�ra "C°� as shown in this pro�osal and marked
Lxhibit ��Aa" and filed with the Village Buildin� Depar+ment.
(This invQlves construction of a futurz parking ram�. )
The motion was sec�ndAd b�T �len Chr�stiansen and carried unanimously.
Board of Zoning ApDeals
May �i, 1973
73-5-1E 73�s Country Club Drive (Map 17) Open & Residential Schuller�s Tavern
The pPtition is for the waiver of Section
1lt.01 & lIt.02 to allow the extension of a non-conforming use
and di.rect the Village Buildi.ng Department to
grant a build�ng permit and obtain a bond from
t:ze proponent for construction of the prop�sed
parking lot and landscaping as approved by the
Board of Zoni.ng Appeals, the Building Board of
Review, and the V�11age staff, and Village Council.
Present to request the variances were Mr, A. J. Berreau, architect,
and Mrs. K. M. Reiser, owner of Schuller's Tavern.
The proponents presented a site plan for the �roposed parking lot
revision, and landscaping.
The secretary of the board gave a surtation of the history of this
proposal, and presented the site plan that was shown to the Board in
September of 1972.
After some discussion amongst tr,e board members, it was decided
that the B.Z.A, would go on record as bei.n� in favor of the proposed
site plan as witnessed by the in�tzalled copy on file with the Viilage
Buil.ding Denartment an�3 dated, May 8, 1973. This plan was fovored for
the following reasons:
l. A serious traffic hazard has been greatly relieved in removing
the existing parking on the point and along the IVorth and South
sides of the existing buildi.ng.
2. A definite parking lot is establ.i_shed with specific points of
ingress and egress.
3. The overall landscape p�an has attempted to screen the parking
lot from the adjoining property own�rs.
�. Bearing the first 3 points in mind, there w�ll be as,_.many off
street parking spaces as possible:
5. In general the plan shouid be an i.mprovemen.t for the area if
careful attention is paid to tl^.e landscaping.
In addi.tion to !their favorable attitude toward the proposed plan
the board also wished t� note that because of the present zoni.ng whi.ch
is part9ally open, and parti.ally residential, it would not be wi.thin
their authority to disapprove or approve the waivers that would be re-
quixed for this proposal. It was agreed that the final decision on this
proposal would have to come from the Council, and may require some legal
G � V
Board. of Zoning �pp��als
Ma,y 8, 1973
fiherP being no further businF:ss to come before tr�e board, it was on
a motion, duly seconed, adjourned at 10;0� P.M.
,�.�.�,���ti����,C° �
Mahlon Swedberg, Chairman Pro. em � J mes In em nson. Act�.ng S�cr�;tary