07-10-73 BZA Minutes 2� i �INTUES aF A REGULAR MEETZA� �F THE G�LDEN VALLEY BOARD OF 20NING APPEALS JiTZY 10, 197 3 The regular meeting af the Golden Valley Bc�ard of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesday, July 10, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. at the Go3den Val.ley Civic Center, 7t3�� Golden Valley Road, Golden Qa11ey, Minnesota. The following Board Members were present; Walter Kost Mahlon Swedberg Mike Sell LeRoy W. Anderson Mary Anderson Walter Kost, Cha3.rman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted as R,ecording 5�cretary. The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of the meetings of the Board held on June 12 & June 28, 1973, copies of which had been distributed to the Baard. It was moved by Mah�on �edberg, seconded b� Mike Sell earried unanimously, to approve the minutes oP the meeting hel.d on June 12, 1973. �'hen it w�s moved by LeRoy Anderson and seconded by Mary Anderson and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the special meet- ing held J���28, 1973. The Chairman then brought before the m�et3ng the Pollowing r�quests for waivers: 73-6-20 (Map 21) Super Value Gom�nercial The p�tition is for the Waiver of �ection 13.01 for 59 of.f the required number of 3�6 aff street p�rking spaces to a total of 277 parking spaees vn the site. Present to request the �raivers were Mr. Shern� Quisberg, Mr. Howaac�d Loomis, and Mr. Rod Hilstro�. Th�re was no one present in opposition to the propo�ed waiver. The boar�d revi.ewed the petition as it appeared before them on June 12, i973 and t�oted a current reduction in the ntunber of parking spaces to be waived. The proponent presented statistics of parking ratios fc�r other Super Valu Stores in th� vieinity, and for existing shopping areas in Golden Valley. Mahlon Swedberg mov�d to accept the waiv�r as requested and it wa� seconded by LeReay Anderson and so earried. ?3-b-17 8�� Winnetka Ave. N. (Map 16) Co�ur►ercial House of R�ntal Dwight Suc�deen The petition is for the waiver of Seetion � � � Board of Zoning Appeal� July 10, 19?3 5.�� B for 20� off the requir�d sideyard �etb�ck dist�nee of 2�� to a setback distance Qf 0' from the South property line to tY�e proposed com�ercial structure only. and �ar the waiver of S�ct3.an �.0,� B far �0' off the required sideyard setback distance to a se�back distance of �� from the South prop�rty li.ne to the praposed fenced and screened o�ztside storage anly. and fc,r the waiver of Section 13.�2 T► for l�� off the required 10� l�ndsaaped area on the South property Iine and 25' off the required 25' l.and- scaped �rea fln the East side, and 10� aff the rEquired 2�� 1.andseaped area can the North side. and f�v� the waiver of Section 13.�l for 9 spaees off the required nuTnber �f �3 off stree� parking spaces to a remainder of 3!� parking spaces on th� s3.te. and for the eondition�l waiver of Section �.43 {A) znd 5.f1� to allow the specific outside storage o�' rental equipment within a fenced and �cr�ened �ncla�sure on the sub�ect site. ��resent requesting the waivers were Mr. L�ra.ght Sundeen frorn the H��use of Rental, and his attorney, Mr. Larry Gommers. There were no opponents � pr�sent. Mr. S�ndeen presented a site pla�n showing the proposed buildit�.g and parking lvt, as well a� the fencir�g and the items whieh would be kept in outside storage. Mr. Sut�deen also presented pictures of his business 2ocations in s�rounding co�ur�ities and letters of regerence fram those areas. The board then discussed the proposal at length, and agreed that the sit� as is, wi11 b� diff3.eult to d�velop com�ercially without some care- fu31y considered waivers. The board a7.so agreed that Mr. Sundeen does appear to r�n a good arui neat business, but that the nu�ber of wa3.v�rs required would be exeessive. Mahlen Swedberg �noved to deny the waivers as requested, and it was sscorided by LeRoy Anderson and so€=carried. 73-?-22 l.11�t Zane Ave. N. (Map 12} Li.ght Industrial Schumacher Wholesale Meat� The petition is for the wai�rer of Seetion 13.02 D for 19� off the required landscaped area of I0� tp a landscaped are� of 4� along the 5outh property Zine only. 2� y Board of Gonftig Appeal� July l0, 1973 Present to request the waivers were Mr. Bares fro�xi Schumacher Meats, and Mr. Schuck from Constructive Design Architeets. Also present, and in general oppositian, w�re several res3dential �ro�erty owners fram Welcomt� Circle. The board noted that this pa�cel was gr�nt�d a variance recently for an addit3.on to the present buil.ding, and the� were concerned that the proponent� parking problem wasn�t resa�:ved then. The board a1�o not�d that the proposed waiver would cre�te more parking gpace than the cade required. I,eRoy Andersan znoved to detay the petition �s requested, �nd it was seconded by Mike Sel2, �nd so esrried. There being nt� further business to come before the board, it was on a motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 9:3�3 P.M. ,�°� C � C . l,�- ' _.�.--'' � � � _�- er os , a rman � es ngemun n, e ng ecre ary