08-11-73 BZA Minutes � � �
�� ., �'. 11, 1973
The .�pr�ia3 meeting af the Golden Valley Board of Z4ning Appeals was
held Monday, August 27, 1973 �� �:3� P;�• at the Gfllder� �alle�r Givie
Center, 78�f3 Golden �alley Road, Gold�n Va11ey, Minnesota. The following
Board members were present:
Walter Kost
Mahlon Swedberg
LeRoy W. And.ersor�
Mike Se11
Walter Kost, Chairman aP the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson
acted as recordit�g secretary.
The only item of business to come before ��he Board was consider-
atiot� of the prcrpased addition to Golden Valley He�lth Csnter (Glenwood
'Hi11s Hosp�.ta1) of a clinical office building to be known .�s the Lake-
view Building.
Present tcr describe the proposed addition was Mr. Robert van Hauer
from Galden Valley Health Center. Ae expla3.t�ed the site layout, �nd the
proposed offiee building and parkin� ramp, as well as the nature of the
business to be conducted 3.n the building.
t�dhen questipr�ed about the traffic generated b3� �his pro�ect for
the intersection of Golden Valley Road and the hospital entranee, Mr.
9an Hauer described th� plans far � traffie signal at this corner.
The Board examin�d the plan and discusseti the bui�din� height and
its� setback fro�a 5weeney Lake. They a1.so questioned Mr. Van Aauer on
future expansion of th� hQSpital facilities. The Board wa� also aware
that the proposed expans�.on ineluded foof,ing5 capable of s�pporting
future additions in height.
The finsl conclusion of the Board were as follows:
l. That the proposed plan appeared to meet all the requirements
of the Village Zor�ing Code,
2. That the proposed faciliti�s seemed ta be a logical expansion
of the facilit3.es naw loe�ted on the site�
3. That the addition indieated to �rend tow�rd an inereased
prominenee of this area as an important medical center, and
that the Vill.age could expeet to see furtl�er growth r�f this
facility in the future.
There being nc� further business to eome before the Board, i.t was
on a moti�, dtzly seconded, ad�aurned at 1.Qs 30 p.m.
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