09-11-73 BZA Minutes ' 7 �
�EPTEMBER 11, 1:973
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was
held Tuesday, ,September 11, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. at the Ga].den Valley Civic
Csnter, 7$QO Golden Va11ey Road, Galden tTall�►, Minnesota. The follvwing
Bo�rd members were present:
Walter Kost
Mahlon S�redberg
LeRoy W. Anderson
Mary Anderson
Mike 5ell
Walter Kost, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted
as recorciing secretary.
The first order af business was the consideration of the minut�s o�'
the meetings of the Board held on Au�ust 1�., and August 27, i973, copies
of which had been distributed to the $oard. It was moved by Mary Ande�son,
secflnd�d by M�.ke Sel1, carried unanimously, to approve the mir�utes of the
meeting held on August 1�., 1973.
The Cha3rman then brought before the meeting the following requests
for waivers:
?3-9-30 212Q Perry Ave. N. (Map s) Residec.tial Manley L. Atorris
The petition is for the waiver of Seetion
3.07 (3b) for 1.3�+ off the required si.d�yard setbac�c distance
flf 1l�.6�t� to a setback of 13.3' from the North prop-
erty Iine to the ldorthwest corner o.f the proposed
�ara�e addition only.
Present to request the varianee were Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Norris. Mr,
Norris e�lained the reasons for the requested waiver. He also explained
that because of the existing floor p].an, a garage width of less than 22'
would not accor�nodate two ears inside the garage.
The board noted that the waiver would be for a small. corner af the
proposed garage addition onZy.
I;�fti�y Anderson moved �o accept the varianee as requested, and it was
seconded by Mike Sell and carried unanimously.
73-9-3�- 1559 Oregor� Ave. N. (Map 15) Residentia]. Nick Lescheider
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.0? (1) for 10' off the required 35� frontyaxd setbaek di�tance
to a setbaek distance o� 2�' from the Northeast earner
of the new hause to the �regon Ave. c�l-de-sac only.
� � �
Board of Zaning Appeals
�epte�ber 11, 1973
Pres�nt to request the variance �as Mr« �iek LQSCheider. He described
the proposed variance, and the ciretzmstances which led to its necessit�.
The board noted that the requir�d applicati�n far �he �arianee was not
completed in full detail. They also expressed concern that this request is
being made after eonstrttetion has begta.n.
Mr. Loscheider e�],ained that this was strictly an oversight.
LeRoy Anderson moved to c3efer this matter until the next regular meeting
in 4etober, so that the petitioner could complete the missing details on his
application. The motion was seconded by Mii�e Se11.
Du.ring a discussion of the question, the possibility af the petitior�er
completing his application at this meetfng wras considered.
On a cal2 for the question the m€�tion was approved with 3 yea and 2 r�re.
2he pe�ition thus being held over until the next regular meeting.
73-9-32 $97� 1(rth Ave. N. (Map 21� Light Industria3 Condor Cor�aoration
The petition is for the waiver af Section
i3.�2 D for 10+ off the requi.red land�caped area of 10� to a
landscaped area of 0� along the Northwesterly property
line from a point be�innin$ at the 35' frontyard se�-
back and continu�ng for a distance of 320' toward the
Present ta request the varianee was Mr. Jerry Young from Condor Corp.,
the builder for the proposed building, also Mr. Roger Wendlandt from Mintex
The proponents described the groposed site plan, and the �a�ture the
business a� Mintex. They also explained in detail the reasons for re-
questing a building of this size on thi.s Zot, and they presented a list
of calculations for the ca�t of spc�cial assessm�nts �er square foot in
rel.ationship to the size of the proposed bui:lding`:
The board agreed that this unusaally shaped Iat may reguire 5ome type
of variance for development, but that the request as proposed was not tied
down closely enough �o the proposed site plan.
Mah�,on Swedberg moved to grant the wainer of Section 13.02 D in
aceordaca�e with the site plan, dated, initialed, and marked exhibit +�A}'
and filed with the Village Tnspection Department. It was seconded by M�.ke
5e11 and carried unanimous2y.
�he Ghairman then closed the pubZic portion af the meeting, and opened
the discussion to administratice matters.
� 73
Ba�rd of Zon�.ng Appeals
Sentember 11, 19?3
The board. agreed that the applicatioa form must be completed in detail
before a petitioner would be heard, and that where an applicant did npt eom-
plete the applicatican, he must satisfactorily explain the rea�ot�� for not
dfling so.
The board also discussed the cut oFf date for receiving app�i.cation�.
After several alternative times were eonsidered, it was agreed to leave this
date as it is, the last working day of the preceding month.
The boaxd then diseussed the lar�uage of line 11 on the applieati�n,
and the secretary a�reed to rewrite the line and present a new version fflr
consideration at �he next meeting.
There bein� no further business to come before the board} it was on a
motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
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a er os , a rman � es Ingemu scan, Ac ing Secretary