10-09-73 BZA Minutes � ��
_ . . OCTOB�;R 9, 1973
The regular n�eeting of the Galden Galley Board of Zonin� Appeals was
heZd Tuesda�r, October 9, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. at the Golden VaI].ey Civic
Gent�er, 7$t?0 Colden �alley Road, Golden Valle�, Minnesota. The following
Board members were present:
Walter ISr�st
Mahlc►n Swedberg
LeRoy W. Anderson
Mike Sell
Waltex Kost, Chairmar� flf the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunsan aeted
as recordin� seeres��tary.
The Pirst order af business was t'he consideratien of the minutes of
the meeting of the Bvard held on September 11, 1973, cflpies c�f which had
been distributed to the board. It was moved by Mahlan 5�edberg, seconded
by Mike Sell, carried �nanimously, to approve th� mit�rates of �he mee�tin�
held on �eptember 11, 1973•
The Chairman then brought before the meetit�g the following requ�sts
fnr waivers:
73-9-3�. 7..�a�9 4regon Ave, N. (Map 1�} Resident3.al Nicic Loscheider
The petition is for the waiver of Sectien
3.0? (1} for l�' off the required 3�� fronty�rd setback distance
to a setback distance c�f 2�� from the NQrtheast eorner
of the new hause tc► �,he dregon Ave. cul-de-sac or�ly,
Present ta request the variar�ce was Mr. Ni�k Loscheider, the bui3.der.
The Chair�an c�xamined the peti�i.aners application f�, and noted that
the items that had formerly beet� 3ncomplete were r�ow complete.
Mik� Se12 moved to grant the waiver as requested and it was seconded by
Mahlon �w�dber�, and so carried.
?3-ZQ-33 Lt62� Gler�wooci Ave. (Map 9� Resid�ntial Robert W. Reitz
The pe�ition is for the waiver of Section
3.p7 {2} for !�.3► c�f.f the reqraired r�ear yard setback distance
of 19.�� to a setback distanee of 1�.I' from the
Sc�uth property line to the propersed porch addition
Present to request the �ariance for the property owner was Mr. Donald
Sather, a builder,� Mr. Sather described the proposed addition, and ex-
plained the nesd for a second exit from the upper level. o� this house.
Board of Zonit�g Appeals �
October 9, 1973
The board exa�nined th� plan, and noted that th3.s proposal requires a
much smal.ler waiver than was necessary for a request from the same property
owrier in 1971.
LeRoy Anderson moved to grant the xainer as proposec3, and it wa� seeond�d
by Mahl.on 5wedberg, and so carried.
73-10-31t 1513 Gettysbur� Ave. N. (Ma� 20} Res�dential Duane J. �Iz�nak
3'he getition is Por the waiver of Section
3.p? (3C} for 12.5�� off the requir� s�.deyard setback d�.stance
of 12.�2' to a setback distanc� of 0� from the Son�h
praperty l�.ne to the proposed at�ached �arag� only.
and for Section
3.�7 (1} ,� for .8s� off the re�uired frontyard setback distance
of 35� to a setback distance af 3lt.l�' from the East
property line on Gettysbur� to the existit� dwe113ng
and for Section
3.07 f 1) B for �.!�3� off the reqt�ired 35� fro�ntyard to a set-
back of 30.57� Prom the East property Zir�e to the
proposed g�arage addition on�r.
Mr. �lzenak was present to request the waivers. He described the site
and explained his reasons for wanting ta b�zild ir�to the South side setbaek.
Th� board exa�ined the prupoeed garage additican, and the possible alter-
natives for building a garage elsewhere on thi.s site, and conaluded by re-
ommending the following change5 in the proposed �aaiverss
Sec. 3.m7 (3C� for 11.�2' off th� required si.deyard setback distance
of 12.s2� to a setback distance of 1' from the South
property line to the So�tY��rest carner on19 flf the
proposed garage additian.
Sec. 3.07 (1) A No change from origir�a7.
Sec. 3.07 (2f B for s� off the required 35' frontyard setback
distance to a setback af 30' from tt�e Pront
property line along Qettysburg Ave. N. to the
front of the proposed garage addition only.
Mr, Olzenak agreed to accept these chat�ges �.n his requested varianees.
LeRoy Aruiersan moved to �rant the wa�vers a� a�nended, and it was seoonded
by Mike Sell, and so carried.
z� �
Board of Zoning Appeals
�ctober 9, 1973
The final item of b�siness was consideration of changes in the B.Z.A.
applieation form.
At a pr�vious �eeting it had been suggested by bflard members, that i�em
11 an the applzcation forzn be r�worded to eliminate some possibility for mis-
The seeretary of the board presented the followin� reraritten version of
item 11.
11. Obtain the signatures of alI affeeted property owners. This
usually means ad�acent owners on all sides of the property.
N�tice to signers - In indicating approval yau are givi�g
your consent ta a waiver of certain Villa�e ordinances. Be
sure you understand the significance of the petition and its'
possible effeet on your property. If qvu are directly ad�acent
to the sub�ect property, you will receive a not�ce oP hearing,
at which you may presen� �our views. (See A - Proeed�re, �nd
LeRoy AndersQn �noved to adop� the rewritten ite�n 11, as a replacement
for the existit�g item 13, on the B.Z.A. application fox�n. It was secor�d�d
by Mike Se�l and carried unanimously.
There being no .f'urther business to come before the Board, it was Qn a
mo�ion, duly seconded, adjourned at 8:3� p.m.
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er Ko t, C ai an � es r�gemu on, Aetfng Secretary