11-13-73 BZA Minutes 277
NO��NIDER 13, 1973
The regular meeting of the C�olden �Ialle� Board of Zonin�; Appeals was
held Tuesda3�, Nanember 13, 197� at 7:30 p.m. at the Gc>lden Valley Civic
Center, 78G� aolden galley Road, Golden Val.ley, Minnesota. The followir�
Board members were present:
T�alter Kost
MaY�1.on Swedber�
LeRoy W. Anderson
Mary Anderson
Walter Kost, Ghairmar� di the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted
as recording secret�ry.
The first order of busiMess was the considerat3nn af the micztits of
the meetir�� of the Board held on October 9, 1973, copies of �rhich had been
distributed to the Board. It was moved by Mahlon Swedberg, seeonded by
LeRoy Anderson, carried unanimot�sly, to apprQVe the mir�utes of the meeting
hel.d on 4etober 9, 1973•
The Chairman then brought before the meeting the following requests
for waivers:
73-11-35 19�0 Gettysburg Ave. Id. (Map 19) Residential West S�burb�n Builders
Earl Wilson
The petition is for the wafeer of Section
3•�7 (1} for 11� off t�e required 35� frontyard setback
distance to a setback of 2�� from the South prop-
erty line along Earl S�. to the proposed dwelling
Pre�ent to requ�st the variance was Mr. Earl Wilson from West S�burban
The board examined the petition and reviewed other wainers and front-
yard setbaeks in this neighbarhoocl. It was noted that t2ais variance would
conform to past decisions of the board.
Ma�lon Swedberg moved to grant the variance as requested and it was
seconded by Mary And�rs@n and so carr3.ed.
?3-3.1-36 252� Winnetka Ave. N. (Ma 1lt� Commercia]. M3.dland Nurserq
Sizzler Stea Hc�use
The petition i� for the waiver of Section
5.OS A (1) for !��� off the required frontyard setback
d3.stanee of 75� to a setback distance of �5�
Prom the West prvperty Iine alorig Witinetka Ave.
to the proposed building oniy.
� � �
Board of Zon�ng �ppeals
�ovember 13, 1973
and for the waiver of Section
�.Q� B for ��� off the requ�red landsacped area of �0' ta a
�andscaped area of 10� alan� th� South property line
of the sub�ect site.
and for the waiver of Sect�en
5.05 B far 29.�' off the required building setback distanee
of Ia0' to a setback of 7Q,,32� from the South property
line tfl the proposed restaurant building o�2�.
Present requestin� the varianee was Mr. Riehard Curr� real estate agent
for the o�rner and Mr. Harvey Foss a partner in Midla�d Ai�irsery, the eurrent
A4r. Curry described the propflsed restaura�t at�d answered questians
from the board concerning traffic genEration ar�d flow.
The boarcl was conceraed abo�t the possible traffic back up fro� cars
entering the proposed parking lot. and then stopping to park near the drive-
way entranee.
The �oroponents agreed to widen the drivexay, and el�.ma.nate the parking
near the driveway entrance.
The proponent then amended his varianee request ta read as follows:
The petition is for thE waiver of Sectior�
�.4� A {1} for l�a� off the required frontyard setback
distance of 75' to a setback of 3�► fram
the West �roperty iine alflng W3nnetka Ave.
to the proposed bui.lding or�1y.
and for the waiv�r of Sect�.on
5.U� B for 29.68� off the required bu3.].ding setback
distance of 140� to a setback of 70.32' from
the South property 3in� to the proposed res-
taurant building only.
and fvr the waiver of Seetion
�.�5 B fas� {�0� off the requfred 1ar�dscaped area of 50�
to a landscaped area of 1Q� alor�g the Sou�h
property line from a pain�t be�inning 13�� East
of the West property lin�, and for 20� off the
required ��� landscaped area to a green area of
3�� along the South property line from a point
b�ginning at the Southwest corr�er a� the pro-
pertg and extending 13€�� to the East.
LeRoy Anderson moved to grant the variat�ces as rewritten, and it was
seconded by Mahlon 5wedberg and so earr�.ed.
`�7 3
Board of Zoning Appeals
Nov��ber 13, 1973
There being no further business to com� before the Board, it was on a
motion, duly secanded, adjourned at 9:�0 p.m.
:s� v'�. ��.�'., f C �
Wa ter Ko , Cha3rmai� am s Itigemuns , Acting Secretaz�y�