12-11-73 BZA Minutes Z �C� MINtTT�S �F A R�'rULAR MEETING OF THE G4L�7EN VALLE�C B�ARD OF Z�NING APPT�A.LS DE��MBER 11, 1973 The regular meeting af the Golden nalley Board of Zoning Appeal� was held Tuesda�, DeeembPr I1, i973 a� 7:30 p.m. at the GoldenValley C3vic Center, 78� Golden Valley Road, Golden Va11ey, Minnesota. The Pollowing Board member� were pr�sents Walter Kc►st Mahlon S"�redberg LeRey W. Andersan Mary Anderson Walter Kr�st, Chairman of the Board, pre�icled and Jirn In�emunson acted as recording secretary. The first arder of business was the consideration of the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on November 13, 1973, cQbies of which had been distributed to the Board. Zt was maved by A�ahlon Swedber�, seconded by Mary Anderson, carried �nanimously, to anprove the �tinutss of the meeting held on November 13, �-9?3. The �hairman then brought before the meeting the fd7.lflwing requests far waivers: 73-12-3? 6212 Wayzata Blvd. (Map 13� Industrial Patch, Erickson.I�adson & Hanson Inc. The petition is fwr the waiv�r of Section 5•�5 B to allflw the canstruction of a camrnan drivewag alor� the �Test property line of the st�b�ect property and td �hereby move the requir€;d ].andscaped area to the Eas� in the form of a 12.5' greea area along the Wes� sid� of t�e proposed bv�il.ding only'. Present on behalf of the ➢. M. Eriekson Gompany, was Mr. Harley Jensen. He described the proposed Office b�aildir�, and the �ug�ested comman driveway on the West prvperty line between the propased office buildiag ac�id the existiag Yngve office building. The board discussed the proposal and was generally favorable toward granting the �rarianee, but they noted that the request, as preser�ted, would ornl.y be applicable to the proposed buildit�, and wot�ld not auto- matically apply to a similar waiver n�,ed�d far the Yngv� property. In efPect, this request is for oniy l�alf the cormnon driveway. Mr. Jensen delivered a I.etter fror� Alber� Yngv=e indica�ing a cl�sir� - �Q joar� in trhe petit3.on fvr the cammon drivewap. Th� Boarci fel�. that a separat� petition �or the Yngve praperty would b� in�order. �� � � � 81 Board of Zoning Appeals peeember 11, 1q73 LeRoy Anderson moved to defer this item until the regular me�ting in Jan�ary, at which time the Board would hope to have getitivns from both properties i�vcrlved in t�he co�unon driveway�. It was secanded by Mary Anderson and so c�arried. �3-32-3$ 1100 Mendalssohn Ave. N. (Map 21) Li�2�t It�dustrial Pillsbury The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.�25 to ailow the constructic�n of only two loanding doors on street side oP the exist,ing building. Present requesting �he variance was Mr. dohn A. Hedberg from Pillsbu�r. He described the need for the additional load� eloors, and reasons Fdr iocatin� them nn the lOth Avenue �ide of the building. The Board noted tt�at ane of the basic rea�ons for the ordinancs �ras to prevent the us� of 93.11age streets as maneuvering space for trtscks �zying tn back up to loading docks. They felt that t�he proposal as pr�sent�d didn�t give enat�gh detaii ta �how how this cou2d be avoided. The board �lso questioned the l.andscape and parking areas �ho�m on the propased landscap� p1an. Mary Anderson moved to defer this �tE!IH t1t1t1.1 '�YIE next regular meeting to give th� petitioner ti.m� to prepare ar�swers ta questions r�i�ed. It was �econded by L�Ro�r �nderson and so carried. ?3-I2-39 8�1 Winnetka �ve. N. (Map 16) Commercial 1�eDona2dis Restaurant The petition is for the waiver of Section � �.0� B for 2�� off the required 2�' landscaped area to a Iatzdseaped area of 0� along the East pro�erty I3.ne and for 23" off the required 2�� landscaped area to a landscape area of 2� alon� the North property li�ae, and for 9� off the required 10� l.andscaped area to a la�d�caped are� of 1' alomg the Sot�th property ].ine, for the prupose of cor�strueting a paved suxiliary parking lot for MeUanald's R��taurant. Pre�ent r�aquest3ng the waivers were Mr. Dennis Cavanaugh, a realtor, and Mr. �teve Lilly from McDonald Corporation. Mr. Li31g de�cribed the proposed u�e for th� propert�r as an auxiliary parking 1ot far MeDonald�s Restaurant, T`he Board examin�d the proposal ar�d noted that it �rould b� ppssible to use the lot for a parking lot without any variances. This would cu� the number of space� created about in half however. �� � Board of Zonin� Appeals ��cember 11, 1973 The Board tried to relate this site to a particular hadship that would rec�u3.re the wsYVers requested, and the proponents �aointed to a poss�.ble alieviatioc� r�f th� present traffie cong�stian, the limitatian or� the e�an�ion of trade at the �resent MeDona2d si.t�e, and the diffi��l.ty that the present c►wr�er of thE sub3ect lot has had in fi.nd�n�; a business that will fit on this smali cammercial site. The Board re�ected �ny of these reaspns as s�fficient cause far the variances request�d. Mah�.ot� S�edberg �c�ved to deny the waiv�rs requested, and it was s�condsd by Mar�r Ander�on, and so carried. There beaag no further business to come befcare the Board, it was on a matian, dt�iy secot�ed, ad�atlrned at 9:�� p.m. a; � � �., r-�'� � `�� G �.��,, �. W ter c� , C ai. n es ngem�ns , Ae it�g Secre ary �