01-08-74 BZA Minutes < <l
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JANIJARY 8, 19fi�t
Ths regular �eet3.r� of the (3olden Qalley Bcaard of Zoning Appeals wa�
held Tuesday, danuary $, 197l� at �:30 p.m. at t�.E f}olden 9alley Civic Center,
7$40 Golden nalley Road, t}olden nalley, Mint�esota, The fol3owing Bdard
memb�r$ Were present:
Wal�er Kost
M�hlon Swedberg
Gler� Christiansen
Mike Sell
Walter Koat, Chairman oP the Boaryt, presided and J�a Ingem�anson acted
as recording secretary.
The first order ef business was the c�nsideraticar� of the minutes of
the mseting of the Board held on December 11, 1973, copies of which had
been distributed to the $oard. It was moved by Matclon Scvedberg, seconded
bq Mike Sell, carried unanimously, to approve the 1F11[i11�E5 of the �aeeting
held on December 11, 1973.
The Chairman th�n brou�ht before the meeting the fo3los�ri.n� requests
for wa3.vers:
?3-12-37 6212 6�ay�ata Blvd. (Map 13) Industrial` Donald Erickson
The petition ia far the �raiver of Seetion
�.05 B to aliow the construction of a com�aon driveway a-
long the West property Zine of th� sub,�ect property
and to thereby move the required 3.andsca�ed area to
the East ir� the forsn of a I2.5� green area alang the
West Side af the proposed building only.
Present ta reque�t the variat�ce �as Mr. Donald M. Er�.ckson. He de-
�cribed the proposed common drive�asy between this proposed office buildi.n�
and th� e�ci.sting Yngve & Reier�gard office buildin� An the ne� lot to the
The board noted that the area in question is presently paved, but that
there is no cl�arly defined driveWay. Mr. Erickson stated that he would be
building the entire drivewag, and that he would be willing to ct�rb both si.des
to provide s clear line from which the landscapin� could beg3.n. The board
also noted that cars pre�ently park in the area Qf the proposed driveway,
and that curbing wa.il eliminate some of this parkir�g.
Mahlon 5wedberg moved to accept the petition as requested with the
cotaditian that there be a curb an the East side of the driveway. It was
secanded by �rlen Christi�n�en and so carr3ed.
� ��
Board of Zo�ing Appeals
�anuary 8, 197L
?�-1-Z 6250 Wa�zata Blvd. (Ma� 13} Industrial Xngve & �eiers�ord
The petition i� for the waiver of Section
5.�� B for �aiver of the 7.�� required Iandscaped area along
the East pr4perty line for the purpose of eonstructing
a common dr3vewa� between this property and the ad-
�oining property to the �ast.
Mr. Donald Erickson represented th� praperty owners, Yn�ve � Reisrsgord,
for this petiti�n.
Th� board examin�d the reque�t at�3 noted that this petitio� aZlows eon-
struction of the West half of the common driveway spoken to in a pre�ious
petition numbered 73-�2-37. It was noted that there wiZl be ?.5' of dr�ve-
wa� nn each parcel involved, and that there will be � curb on eaeh s�de of
the driv�way.
�ahlon Swedberg moved to g�ant �he petit�on as requested for a 7.�'
waiver, with the cond�tion that there be a curb along the West side af the
driveway. It was sECOnded b� Mike Sell and so earried.
73-I2-38 1100 Mendelssohn Ave. N. (Map 21� Li�ht Industrial Pillsbury
Jo n Hedberg
The petition is for the waiver of Sectiot�
6.�2� to a11ow the construction af twQ loading do�eks an the
street side of the ex3 sting bu�.lding flnly.
Mr. dohn Hedberg was pr�sent ta request the varia�ce. He explained the
need for more Ioading dQOrs i� the pre�ent warehouse structure.
The board examined the propa�al carefully, and alternatives were in-
v�stigated. The board was concerned that the two doors as �rop4sed wottld
create a 53.tuation that the code was specifieaZly tryf.ng tv avoid. One
bein� the maneuvering af tr�teks on a Village street to back into the load-
ing area, and the parking of �ruck tra3:lers i.n a very visable locatiean.
The board also noted that this btzilding is 3eased to the p�titi.ener on
a five year t�x�, and that the hard�hip for this busi�ess may n4t be the same
for future tenants.
Ntahlon Swedber� moved to dera� the petition a� reqt�ested, and 3t was
seconded by alen Christisnsen a�ad so carried.
There being no further business to come before the board, it was on
a motir�n, l.�r seconded, ad�ourned at 9.tX3 p.m.
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