02-12-74 BZA Minutes `.� �� 9 I�ITN(TTES �F A REGULAR MEETIAK'i OF THE G�LD�N �ALI,EY HDARD OF ZflNING APPEALS FEBRUARY 12, 19?!t The regular meeting of the aolden Valley Board oP Zonir�g Appeals was held Tuesday, February 12, 197l� at ?:3� p.m. at the Golden Valley Civic Center, 780� Golden �3a1.3ey Road, Golden Valle�, Mit�esota. The follo�ring Board �nembers were presentc Walter Kost Mahlon Swedberg Qlet� Christianse� Mike Sell LeR€�y Ariderson Walter Kost, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson acted as recording secretary. The f3rst order of business was the cons3.deration flf the mit�utes of the meeting of the Board held on January 8, 1971�, copies of whieh had been distributed to the Board. I�t was moved by Mike Se11, seconde�d by Mahion Swedber�, carried unani�ously, to approve the minutes of the meeting held oc� Janusry 8, 1.97lt. The Chairman then bro�ght before the meeting the following requasts for waiverss 7�t-2-2 70�l� Kno11 St. (Ma 15) Residential Richard Dempsey The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07 (3b) for 1.3' off the required sideyard setback distanee of 10.7' �o a setback distance of 9.�' from the West property lins to the existing foundation anly. Present to request the variance was Richard Dempsey. The board noted that �he application was completed in detail. The � board then quest�:o�ed the- proponent on the nature and reasons for the mistake in placement of th� sub�ect struct�zre. The board noted that this was the first mistake�af this type th�t has beec� made by this builder in this plat of homes. LeRoy Anderson ms�ved to �rant the variance as requested, and it was seconded by Glen Christiansen, atui so carried. ?�t-2-� 750� Country C1ub Drive {Map 1�} Proposed Institutional revil�a o o den V'alley The petitionis for the wainer of Seetion 11..03 for i� stories in addition to �he 2� stories allowable for the follc�win� described portions of the proposed retire�nent home addition: ) ��; Board of Zc�ning Appeals February 12, 197lt along; the 23l�' of the South side of the West wir�d, and along the 60� of the West side of the West wing, and a1.o�g the 1?0� of the North side of the West wing, and al.ong the 208� of the W�st side of the Eas� wing, and along the 6�� of the North side of the East wing, and aZong the 192� of the East side of the East �ring. Present to request the varianees were Paul Pink, architect, and i3avid Phi113ps. Also present was Pastor Neilsen, o�e of th� Adminis- tratcars for Treviila of Golden �`aZley. The board examined the applieation and found it to be complete. The proponents then gave a presentation on the proposed addition to the e�S..sting st�.cture, and the board asked qne�tions about the zoning change, �the street Paeation, and the ac��ss to the townhouses on the East side af the sub3�et propertp, They also questioned the ehanges in tY�e pondicig areas, and the parkir�g requirements. It was noted that the exact lacatifln of the proposed service road is net certain, and the s�tback from that road atid the required land- seaping along side af it was also unclear. The mai.n discussion then center�d on the exaet v�rianc�; r��uested for an additional i� stories in height. After the proponents restated the n�cessity for the additional he�.ght, Gl�n Christianssr� and LeRoy Anderson noted that �ome of the reason� for granting �he !t story south wall c�f the present structure, are good reason� for not granting a sr�ilar varYance on the pz�aperty right along �Iighway �5. I,h-Roy Andersc�r� said that he would consider a similar �ariance to the one alread� granted if the praposed bui2ding were on the slopi�g grade West of the present stzvcture. At the boards request the propon�ats descr3bed the present need for this type of str�ctur� within Gcalden Valley, and also the difficul- �ies there wc�uld be in any alt�rnate proposal for this add�.tion. LeRoy Anderson moved to deny the variance as requested, and it was seconded by Mike 5�;11. During the disct�ssion of the question, M�hlon Swedberg stated that he could not �ustify �his waiver in the ordinary sen�e af a harship ixnpc�sed on the property owner by the zoning cade, but that there may be social need��s for the Village to consider in th3.s prc�posal, and that decisions o� this type laelan� with the Village Council. There being nQ ftixrth�r diseussion of the questions it was carri�d unanimous2y. � �� Board of Zoni�; Appeals Febr�ary 12, 197�. 7�.-2-3 Medicine Lake Roaa & County Road #16 (�Iap 19� Co�arnercial R. C. Ernst T'he petition is for the waiver of Section 5.05 (B) fQr 1$� off the required building setbaek of ��� and for 13� off the required 2�� landseaped areas to a building setback of 32� and a lac�dscape area of 12� all along the East side of the proposed re- t��1 center on1y. and for 5eetion i3.�1 for 8� parking spac�s off the required number of 1$7 parking �p aceg .for a total of 102 parking spaces on this site. ftichard Ernst was present to reauest the variances. Also present as interested parties were II�Srr. �ialseth a property owner to the WPst and one member of the Board of Trustees of the ad3oining church property. The Chaizman noted that the application was massing signatures from the ad�oining property owners. The �nan from the ehurch �roperty stated that they would not mee� to eonsider this request until Thursday, Fpbruaxy 1l�, 197�, and Mr, Halseth said h� had aat been consulted far his opin3c�n of the p?�oposed praject. Chairman Walter Kost thought it would be improper �to consider this variance until the ad�oining property owners had a chance te► eonsider it and give their opinion. Mahlon �r�dberg moved to carry this ite�n over ur�til the ne�rt regular meeting in March, and it wa� semonded by LeRoy Ar�dersun and so carr3.ed. There being no f'urther busiaess to come before the Board, it was on a motion, dt�ly seconded, ad3our.►�ed at 10:30 p.m. �, � � ,% .........,--- ;f.. � �,f� ��,.. C. _.--� Wa ter Kos .; C ai n s Ingemuns : Act ng Secrc�tary