03-12-74 BZA Minutes � ��
MARCI3 12, 197�.
The regular meet3ng of the Golden nalle� Board of Zoning Appea7�s
was held 3'uesday, March 12, 19?!t at ?:30 p.m. at the Golden galle� Civic
Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Vall.ey, Minnesota. The followl.n�
baard members were present;
Walter Kast
Mah3.on Swedberg
Leftog Anderson
Walter Kost, Gha�:rman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemur�son
acted as recarding secretary.
The f3rst order of bus�iness was the consideratiort of the �inutes of
the meeting of the Board held on February I2, 197�5, copies of which had
been distributed to the Board. It was moved by LeRoy Anderson, secQnded
by Mahlon iwedberg, carried unanimbusly, tQ approve the minutes af �he
meeting held on February I.2, I974. _
The Cha?..rman then brought before the meeting the fo3lot�ng request
for waivers:
7�-2-3 Medicine Lake Road & Gounty Road �1$ (Map 19} Cozr�ercial R. C. Ernst
The petitior� is far the wai�er af 5ection
�.0� (B} fcar 18+ of� the required bu3.lding setback of 5�' and
for 13' off the required 25' 1at�dsacped areas to a
buiiding setback oP 32� and a landscape area of 12'
al.l along the �ast side of the propo:�ed retail center
and for 5ection
13.01 far $� parking sp�ces t�ff the requir�d number of 1$7
parking spaces for a total of 3�2 parking spaces on
this site.
Present to requsst the variar�ce was Mr. Richard Ernst, the �roperty
owner. Also present as interested parties were l�r. Hslseth, a �arot�erty
owner ta the West, and Mr. Schmidt, a member of the Board of Trustees of
the church prope�ty to the East.
Mr. Ernst described the propQSed commercial and affice building, and
presented a site gl.an and preliminary elevation of the proposed bu�lding.
The board questioned Mr. Ernst on the proposed tennants in the build:.ng.
The board also asked for co�ents frQm the interested neightbars
present. Mr. Halseth sa�.d that he was oppdsed to any granting o� variances
for this type c�f constructiQn. Mr. Schmidt said he agreed w�.th the letter
submitted by the trustees of Creoa Shephard Lutheran Church, except that he
� ��
Board o.f 2onin� Appeals
Mar�h 1.2, 397l�
would iike ta see the prieacy feace extended to the Pull length af the
East propert�r 2ine rather than just in back of the propased grocery
The board then discussed the proposed waivers between themselves,
and there was g�neral a�reement or� granting the varianee fQr the setback
and laruiscapin� e►n the East side, provided that the privacy fence on that
boundary be eact�nded. fln the matter of parking hoxever there was a dif-
ferenc� revolvin� around the present code for parking 3.n the comrnercial�
zone, and how apprapriately or inappropriately it applies to the type of
retail establ3.�hment sug�e�ted on this site. The board members t�ried to
guess at what the future code might require for parking on this �ite.
Based on the nvmbar and degree of variance� reqnested, LeRoy Anderson
moved to deny the petition as requested, and it was seconded by Mah14n
Swedberg, and carried with 2 aye and 2 n,ye.
There b�ing �o �'urther business to cone before the Board, it was on
a motion, duly seconded, ad�ourned at 8;3fl p.m.
Wal er os , C airman s �ge un on, c i�g ecre. ary