06-11-74 BZA Minutes `�� 9
JUNE 11 , 1974
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeats
was held Taesday, June 11 , 1974 at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Valley Civic
Center, 780� Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following
Board members were present:
LeRoy Anderson
Walter Kost
Mahlon Swedberg
Mike Sell
Ron Edstrom
LeRoy Anderson, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson
acted as recording secretary.
The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of the Board held on May 14, 1974 copies of which had been
distributed to the Board. It was mov ed by Mike Setl , seconded by Walter
Kost, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on
May 14, 1974.
The Chairman then brought before the Board, the following items:
74-4-4 2485 Winnetka Ave. No. (Ma� 19) Residential (Pendinq B � PO)
A. J. Poppelaars
The petition is for the waiver of Section
10.04 for one additional story in height over the aiiowable
one story to a total of two stories along the South
and East side of the proposed medical office building
and for the waiver of Section
10.05 for 7' off the required frontyard setback distance of
35' to a setback distance of 28' from the North end of
the East property ] ine along Winnetka Ave. to the front
wall of the proposed medical office onty.
Present to speak for the variance was A. J. Poppelaars, the property
owner and builder of the proposed office building.
hir. Poppelaars presented a site pian and a colored rendering of the
proposed structure. The building shown was a one story building at the
North end, and two stories at the South end. The building had a gable
roof, and appeared to have a brick and wood exterior.. The generai appear—
ance was that of a large sptit entry residential structure. Atso, Mr.
Poppelaars said that he v�uld be building a privacy fence along the length
of the West property line.
The board reviewed the Council 's action on the change of zoning for
this property, and noted that the change has passed its' first reading on
a 3 to 2 vote.
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Board of Zonang Appeals
June 11 , 1974
Mahlon Swedberg rnoved to grant the variances as requested on
condition that the zoning be approved, and that ifi would apply to the
buiiding and site plan shown to the Council , B.Z.A., and Building Board
of Review only. It was seconded by Walter Kost.
In the discussion of the question, Ron Edstrom stated that he had
opposed this change of zoning on the Planning Commission, and he could
not vote in favor of the variance for this office building now.
The vote on the question then approved the variances with 4 aye,
1 naya
74-6-11 7�0 N. Tyrol Trail (Map 9) Residential Paul A. Seeman
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 for 8' off the required 13.6' sideyard setback distance
to a setback of 5.6" from the North properfiy line to the
proposed garage addition only.
Present to request the variance was Paul A. Seeman, the property
owner. Also present as interested parties in favor of the request were
Howard Terrilt , a salesman with the Spring Company, and Mr. & Mrs. A. E.
Miller the proposed bUyers of the property.
The proponents described the proposed garage addition and the reasons
for adding to the garage at its' present locatior�.
In reviewing the applicat�on, the Chairman explained that the signatures
from three adjoini�g property owners indicated dissaproval of the proposed
The Board then noted the following facts:
1 . The site slopes down toward the rear, and it would be
difficult to add a detached garage at the back of the tot.
2. A detached garage could be 5' from the lot line while
this proposal comes to 5.6' . .
3. The nearest house on the North side is more than 100'
from the property line, and that distance is the rear
yard of that house.
The Board also considered the possibility of a garage on the South
side of the house.
There were twv neighbors present to speak in opposition to the variance.
Mrs. Nancy Goldstein from 520 Janalyn Circle, and Mrs. Louis Rholl from 528
Janalyn Circle. They felt that the proposed addition would be a detriment
to the neighborhood rather than an asset: .
Board of Zoning Appeals
June 11 , 1974
Mahlon Swedberg commented on the proposal , and he felt that the "
suggested variance had seemed to him to be one of the least controversial
of the many he had seen in his years on the Board. The garage proposed
would be of a minimum width. The nearest neighbor would 6e far away from
the addition. There is an unusual terrain feature to deal with, and
finalty the proponent could build even closer to the North line without
a variance if he chose ta construct a detached garage.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to accept the variance as requested, and it
was seconded by Mike Sell .
In discussing the question, Ron Edstrom said that he couid see no
disadvantage to the neighborhood from this proposal .
The question was cailed and the variance was approved as requested
by a unanimous decision.
74-6-12 5530 Wayzata Blvd. (Map )3) Comnercial—Boulevard Cafe—Harold Lynch
The petition is for the waiver of Section
14.02 to allow for the expansion of the existing non—conforming
use in the manner shown on the proposed plans and kept on
file with the Vitlage Inspection Department.
Present to request the variance was Harold Lynch, owner of the
Boulevard Cafe.
The Board questioned Mr. Lynch about the proposed kitchen addition, and
it was determined that this addi,tion comes about as a result of the Village
Sanitarian�s request for certain improvements in the kitchen facilities at
the Boulevard.
The Board noted that the property is non—conforming with the present
zoning code standards regarding setbacks, landscaping, parking, etc.
Mike SeTi moved to grant the variance as requested, and it was
seconded by Walter Kost.
The discussion of the question tried to clarify the application of
Section 14.02 in this situation. A long discussion followed on non—con—
forming uses and the application of Section 14.02. The Board felt that
it would not be advantageous for the Village to waive a non—conforming
use, but that it is also sometimes necessary to expand a non—conformance.
Watter Kost withdrew his second to Mike Sett 's motion, and the motion
died for tack of a second.
Mike Sell made a motion to instruct the building inspector to give a
permit for the necessary construction in conformance to the p�:ans as
presented to the B. Z. A. and it was seconded by Walter Kost.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
June 11 , 1974
In the discussion that followed, the Board wished to emphasize that
they are approving the present kitchen expansion, but that they do not
wish to waive the existing non—conforming use in regards to parking, land—
scaping, setbacks, etc.
The question was called on Mike Sell 's motion to instruct the building
inspector to give a building permit for the proposed kitchen addition, and
it passed with a unanimous vote.
Finally, Earl Wilson from West Suburban Buitders asked to have four ,
lots on Ftag Ave. N. added to the agenda for consideration of sideyard
The Chairman �oted that the application forms weren't complete, and
tfi at the Board members had not had a chance to view the property or give
the matter consideration.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to not add Mr. Wilson's request to the current
agenda. It was seconded by Ron Edstrom, and so carried.
The final business was the last review of the appeal of B. Z. A.
denial form, and the distribution of copies of the proposed code of ethics.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was on
a motion, duly seconded, adjourne.d at 10:00 P.M.
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eRoy An erson, Chairman �,Ja es Ingemuns n, Acting Secretary