11-12-74 BZA Minutes .-� �; :>
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NOVEMBER 12, 1974
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was
held Tuesday, November 12, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Valley Civic
Ce�ter, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Ualley, Minnesota. The following
Board members were present:
LeRoy Anderson
Mahlon Swedberg
Mike Sell
Don Hughes
LeRoy Anderson, Chairman of the Board, presided and Jim Ingemunson
acted as recording secretary.
The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of the Board held on October 8, 1974, copies of which had-
been distributed to the Board. It was moved by Mike Seli , seconded by
Mahlon Swedberg, carried uananimously, to approve the minutes of the
meeting as corrected for October 8, 1974. ,
7�+-11-34 1325 Flaq Ave. No. (Map 20) Residential Eart Wilson
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 3c for 6.26' off the required sideyard setback distance
of 12.34' to a setback of 6.08 from the South
property line to the proposed single family dwelling
Present to request the variance was :'r. Earl Wilson the property
There was no one present in opposition to the proposed variance.
Mr. Wilson said that he had just today given the City a quit ctaim
deed for Lot 6 which is the adjoining property to the South of the
subject lot. That, he said, should take care of any concern that he
might ask for a variance on that lot sometime in the future.
The Board reviewed their actions on the lots to the North of the
subject. Similar variances were granted there at the regular meeting
i n Jul y of 197�+•
Mike Sell moved to grant the variance as requested, subject to
clearance of the merger of title question by the City attorney. It
was seconded by Mahlon Swedberg and carried unanimously.
74-11-35 Crestview & Manor Drive (Map i ) Residential Richard Dempsey
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 1 for 15' off the required frontyard setback distance
of 35' to a setback of 20' from the property line
along Crestview Ave. to the proposed single family
dwelling only.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
November 12, 1g74
and for Section
3.07 3b for 1 .94' off the required sideyard setback distance
of 13.94� to a setback distance of 12' from the pro—
posed South property line to the proposed single
dwelling only.
Mr. Richard Dempsey, the property owner, was present to speak for
the variance. There were also six nieghboring property owners present
as interested parties.
The Chairman reviewed the petitian and some of the history on this
site. Tt was noted that on November 18, i974, the City councii wili be
considering vacation of the North 10' of Manor Drive where it adjoins
the subject lot.
Mr. Dempsey presented the plans for the proposed house. These
were the same plans for which the Building Board of Review gave design
concept approval at their September 4, 1974 meeting.
Mr. Scott Ferris from 2308 Kewanee Way spoke, and expressed concern
for the accuracy of the topographic survey of the subject lot. Mr. Scott
Ferris emphasizes he was talking about the topographic survey only and
was not objecting to a house being built as shown.
Mr. Myron Black from 3512 manor Drive spoke and objected to the
proposed house being built on the sight for the foltowing reasons:
1 . There would be no yard for children.
2. There ar�uld not be enough room for cars to park.
3. No room for the possible future extension of Manor Drive.
4. The house on this site would detract from the present view
for the neighbors on Crestview and Manor Drive.
Severai other neighboring property owners spoke in general opposition
to the proposed structure.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to grant the variance as requested on condition
that the City cauncii approve the vacation of the North iQ' of Manor Qrive
as shown, and on condition that Mr. Dempsey construct the house to conform
to the finished grades as shown. Don Hughes seconded the motion and it
carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was
on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
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LeRo An ers n, Chairman �a es Ingemunso , Acting Secretary
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DECEMBER 10, 1974
The regular meeting of the Goiden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was
held Tuesday, December 10, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. at the Golden Valley Civie
Center, 7800 Golden Valtey Road, GQtden Valley, Minrjesota. The following
board members were present:
leRoy Anderson
Mahton Swedberg
Walter Kost
Glen Christianson
Katherine Hakala
LeRoy Anderson, Chairman of the Board, presided ar►d Jim Ingemunson
acted as recording secretary.
The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes 4f
the meeting of the board held on November 12, 1974, copies of which had
been distributed to the Board. It was moved by Mahlon Swedberg, seconded
by Walter Kost and carried to approve the minutes of the meeting for
Idovember 12, 1974.
14-12-�b 7S0 Florida Ave. Sa. (Map 18) Industrial Product pesiqn �
Enqineerinp, Inc.
The petition is for the waiver of Section
13•O1 for 17 spaces off the required number of 85 parking .
spaces to a total of 68 off street parking spaces on
the site.
Present from Product pesign was Mr. Donald Mathison.
In reviewing the application the Chairman found it tacking a survey
as required under item 10 on the application f4rm.
The board discussed their past policies in regards to the required
They also noted tMat there wasn't a surv�y on February 11 , 1969,
when thisFpetitioner was before the B.Z.A.
Waiter Kost moved to defer this item unfiil the next regular meeting
in January, if a survey is available by then. It was seconded by Glen
Christianson and so carried.
The Chairman then discussed his meeting with the City Council eon—
cerning 1975 appointmer�ts.
There being no further business to enme before the meeting, it was
on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
• LeRoy Anderson, Chairman s Ingemunso , Acting Secretary