04-08-75 BZA Minutes ���
Regular Meetin�
of the
Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
April $, 1975
The regular meeCing of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, April 8, 1975 at 7:40 p.m. , at t�ie Golden Valley Civic Center 7800
Golden Va11ey Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following board members
were present:
LeRoy Anderson
Mahlon Swedberg
Walter Kost
Glen Chris�iansen (P. C. Representative)
Jim In�emunson acting as recording secretary, opened the meeting with a
request for nominations for the position of Chairman for the 1975-76 term.
Walter Kost made a motion to nominate Mahlon Swedberg and it was seconded
by LeRoy Anderson.
Glen Christiansen moved to close the nominations and unanimously elect
Mahlon Swedberg to the chair for the 1975-76 term. It was seconded by
Walter Kost and so carried.
Mahlon Swedberg assumed the position of Chairman and began bq consideration
of the minutes for the regular meeting of March 11, 1975 copies of which
had been distributed to the board.
LeRoy Anderson moved to accept the minutes as prepared, and it was seconded
by Walter Kost and so carried.
The Chairman then brought the following item before the board £or considera-
75-4-5 1601 Hillsboro Ave. No. (Map 20) Residential Denis Jordan:
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1) for 11' off the required frontyard setback distance
of 35' to a setback distance of 24' from the property
line along Olympia St. to the proposed single family
dwelling only.
The Chairman noted that the regular twenty-five dollar filing fee for this
petition had not been paid.
The petitioner, Mr. Denis Jordan, was present and he requested that the
board waive the twenty-five dollar filing fee because this waiver had been
granted in 1972, and it was partly because of the street being torn up and
the City parking vehicles on his lot, that he was delayed in making use of
the last waiver. The waiver expired in March of 1973.
LeRoy Anderson moved to require the twenty-five dolZar fee to be paid before
the present petition be considered. IC was seconded by Walter Kost.
Board of Zoning Appeals April 8, 1975
Glen Christiansen requested that the minutes reflect the boards discussions
of this motion.
The consensus was that the waiver granted in 1972 would have been exterided
without charge, at the request of the petitioner, if that request had been
closer to the expiration date of that waiver, but that it was now too late
for a simple extention of the original waiver. Mr. Anderson also noted
that the filing fee on residential property only covered part of the City's
costs in processing waiver requests.
The question was called and the motion to require the twentq-five dollar
fee carried unanimously.
Mr. Jordan paid the twenty-fine dollars for the filing fee.
T'he Chairman reviewed Che petition, and the board noted no change from the
ori�inal request. It was also noted that this waiver was consist�nt with
other waivers granted on narrow corner lots in Lakeview Heights.
Walter Kost moned to grant the variance as requested and it was seconded by
Leltoy Anderson and carried unanimously.
There being no turther business to come before the board it was on a motion
duly seconded and carried ad�ourned at 8:30 P.M.
F�-�� � �._
Mahlon Swedberg, Chair n J e Ingemunson Secretary