06-08-76 BZA Minutes �:���
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June 8, 1976
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was hetd
Tuesday, June 8, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Vatley Civic Center,
7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Va11ey, Minnesota. TMe following members
were present:
Mike Sell , Chairman
Mahlon Swedberg
Walter Kost
LeRoy Anderson
Donald Nughes, Planning Comnission Representative
Also present was Lloyd Becker, Recording Secretary, and Jim Ingemunson.
The first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of the meeting
of the Board held on May 11 , 1976, copies of which h�d been distributed to the
members of the Board. Chairman Seli called attention to several errors in the
May 1976 minutes. In the matter of Mike Lee, the minutes should be corrected
to read "motion made by Mahlon Swedberg and seconded by Walter Kost to approve
the request". In the matter of Dennis Brady, the minutes should be corrected
to read "motion by LeRoy Anderson and seconded by Mahlon Swedberg to deny
the proposal". Upon further discussion it was moved bq Mahlon Swedberg and
seconded by LeRoy Anderson to approve the minutes of the meeting of the Board
of Zoning Appeats of May 11 , 1976 as corrected. Upan vote, mation carried
76-6-12 1201 Winnetka Avenue North (Map 21) Residential Fred Nor aard
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.12 (1 ) for 5' off the required house to garage separation
distance of 20' to a separation of 15� between the
proposed garage and the existing house.
Fred Norgaard was present for this petition.
The Chairman reviewed the petition application. Mr. Norgaard explained his
desire to construct the garage of sufficient size to store several extra
vehicles and a motorcycle. He explained to the Board that to construct the
garage 5' further from the house would require removal of some large size
bushes and also further expense in footing and foundation wbrk because of
the sloping lot. The Board discussed several alternatives with Mr. Norgaard.
After thorough review it was r►ic>ved by LeRoy Anderson and seconded by
Mahlon Swedberg to deny the proposed petition. Upon vote, motion carried
76-6-13 3106 Manor Drive (Map 1 ) Residential Terry Le�ell
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (3) for 5.65' off the required 15' sideyard setback to a
setback of 9.35' from the west property line to the
proposed garage addition only.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
Jc�ne 8, 1976 Page 2
Terry LeDell , petitioner, was present for the hearing.
Chairman Sell reviewed the request and it was in order. Mr. Leflell presented
further drawings which in effect clarified that the proposed garage was in
reatity an addition of substantiat size of two stories, including the two—
car ga�rage, and wro�ld have the total �ffect of doub�ing the. siz� of the existing
Upon discussion it was moved by LeRoy Anderson and seconded by Walter Kost to
defer this proposal to the next regutarly scheduled meeting of the Board of
Zoning Appeals. Upon vote, rrbtion carried unanimously.
76-6-14 2485 0rkla Orive (Map 19) Residential John Oleska
The petition is for waiver of Section
3.07 (3) for 7' off the required 15' sideyard setback to a distance
of 8' from the property line at the closest point of the
garage to the north property line.
John Oteska was present for the hearing.
The Board reviewed the application with Mr. Oleska and during the discussion
Mr. Oteska noted that a recent survey necessary for the petition application,
when corr�ared to an older survey, actually showed that the garage addition would
not require as much of a distance waiver as originalty noted.
It was moved by LeRay Anderson and seconded by Walter Kost to prowide a variance
of 4� which would allow the garage to be constructed at its closest point on fihe
lot line at 11 ' from the property line. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously.
7b-6-15 9235 Medicine Lake Road (Map 19) Cammercial R.C. Ernst
The petition is for waiver of Section
S.OS (B) for 18� off the required 50' setback distance to a setback
distance of 32' from the East property line to the
proposed addition,
5.�5 (B) for 25' off the required landscaped area of 50' to a
landscaped area of 25' along the Soath property line, and
13.01 for 43 spaces of off street parking spaces from the required
number of 16U off street parking spaces to a total of
117 parking spaces on the site.
R. C. Ernst was present for his proposal and accompanied by his attorney.
Also present were taro rr�mbers of the Good ShepMerd lutheran Church Board.
The apptication was thoroughly reviewed by the Chairman and Board members.
The representatives of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church were questioned and
attention was called to Mr. Ernst' s existing wood fence adjacent to the present
building. This fence is deteriorating and the Church asked that this be
corrected and a chain link fence be installed as an extension of the existing
fence if the proposal is approved. Mr. Ernst agreed and assured this would
be done.
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Board of Zoning Appeats
June 8, 197b Page 3
It was noted during the discussion that the bas�nent storage area and mechanicat
area must not�be developed at a later date. No parking spaces are required
or included for this basement area.
The motion was made by LeRoy Anderson and seconded by Walter Kost to approve
the proposal as discussed and presented. The question was called and upon
vote, the motion carried with 4 ayes and 1 nay.
Chairman Seli noted a letter from the City Manager catling attention to the
City Council attending the August 10, 1976 meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals
as a further effort by the Council to establish communications with the various
boards and comnissions.
There being no further business to come before the Board it was on motion,
duly seconded, adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
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Chai an Mike Sell cord�ng Secretary Lloy Becker