03-08-77 BZA Minutes ��_� �
March 8, 1977
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, March 8, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Valley Civic Center,
7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board
members were present:
Mike Sell , Chairman
Mahlon Swedberg
Donald Hughes
Walter Kost
Glen Christiansen
Lloyd Becker, Secretary � Staff Liaison
Members absent: None.
The first item of business was the consideration of the minutes of the meetir►g
held January 11 , 1977, copies of which had been distributed to the Board.
(There was no scheduled meeting February 1977). The Chairman reviewed the
minutes with the Board. Mahton Swedberg noted that in the request of the
Golden Valley State Bank the portion to approve a waiver of 10' off the
required 10' of green area along the West property line should include that
the trees and green area within that 10—foot area be preserved to the greatest
extent possibte while providing the parking as approved along the West property
line. The staff to coordinate with contractor. Walter Kost moved to approve
the minutes as amended. Donald Hughes seconded the motion. Upon vote,
motion carried unanimously.
77-3-3 6824 Olympia Street (Map 15) Merrill J. Nilsen
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 for 3' off the required 35' front yard setback distance to a set—
back distance of 32' from the front property tine along Olympia
Street .to the South wall of the proposed addition only.
Merrill J. Nilsen was present for the meeting.
The Board reviewed the proposal with Mr. Nilsen. The proponent explained his
plans for changing the front entrance to his home, re—routing the traffic
pattern to the living room, and improving the front appearance of his home.
Walter Kost moved to approve the proposal as presented, as the modification
will add to the appearance, value, and livability of the home. Glen Christiansen
seconded the motion, and Chairman Setl called for discussion of the motion.
Chairman Sell noted that due to adjacent irregular setbacks and an older existing
home nearby that is set ahead of the general building line, the improvement as
proposed by Mr. Nilsen would not affect existing building lines. Glen
Christiansen stated that upon viewing the site he had generally the same opinion
as Chairman Selt . The motion was called and upon vote, it was unanimous to
approve the proposal as presented.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
March 8, 1977 page 2
77-3-4 Vacant Lot—Southwest corner of Sunnyridge Lane � Woodstock Avenue
�Map 8) A. H. Edl i nq
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 for 10' off the required 35' front yard setback distance to a setback
distance of 25' from the property tine along Woodstock Avenue to the
" North side of the proposed single f�nily dwelling only.
3.07 for 2' off the required rear yard setback distance of 8� to a setback
distance of 6' from the South property line to the proposed single
family dwelling onty. �
A. H. Edling was present for the hearing. Mr. Earl Wilson, adjacent property
owner, was also present.
Chairman Sell reviewed the proposal . During discussion with Mr. Edling and
reviewing the survey and proposed house location, Chairman Sell noted that the
request as stated on the agenda and the location of the proposed house on the
survey were incorrectly presented by the proponent and the surveyor. The request
for waiver is to read: for 25' off the required 35' setback along Woodstock
Avenue to a distance of 10' from the lot line to the proposed dwelling, and for
2� off the required 8' to a distance of 6� from the rear lot line as proposed.
This lot is an existing 40' corner lot and is impossible to build on without
suitable waivers.
Earl Wilson, contractor, explained to the Board that he is presently constructing
a home adjacent to this property and wanted to be assured that the 35' setback
would be maintained on Sunnyridge Lane. Mr. Edling assured Mr. Wilson and the
Board that as shown on his proposal , this would be done. Mr. Wilson noted that
he did not object to Mr. Edling' s proposal and indeed it was a difficult lot to
build on.
The Board members thoroughly reviewed the adjacent lots and possibilities for
future construction in the area.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the proposal as stated in the corrected agenda.
Glen Christiansen seconded the motion. Discussion was called on the motion.
Chairman Sell proposed, as additional requirements, that the surveyor stake the
site for correct location of the house and that a corrected survey showing the
proposed location of the house be presented to the Building Inspector before the
building permit is issued. Upon vote, the motion to approve the proposal including
Chairman Sell ' s requirement as stated was carried unanimously.
77-3-5 Lot 1 Block 2 Heathbrooke 2nd Addition Revised (Lee Avenue North)
(Map 5) Dr. Robert Goltz
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 for 10' off the required 35' setback distance from the property line
along Lee Avenue to the attached garage only.
3.07 for 3' off the required 35' setback distance to a setback distance of
32' from the property line along Lee Avenue to the Southwest corner of
the proposed dwelling only.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
March 8, 1977 page 3
3.07 for 5' off the required 35' setback for a setback of 30' from the
property line along the Lee Avenue cul-de-sac to the South corner
of the proposed single family dwelling only.
3.07 for 12' off the required 35' setback distance to a setback distance
of 23' from the property line along the Lee Avenue cul-de-sac to
the South corner of the proposed deck only.
Mr. Jay Carpenter of Redfield Homes was present for the meeting. Dr. and Mrs.
Robert Goltz were also present.
Messrs. Carpenter and Gottz reviewed the ptat and plans for the location of the
home on the property. This is an unusual building site as it is bounded on
three sides by Lee Avenue. The tot also has a sloping topography and is unusual
in size. Mr. Carpenter had complete drawings and a rendering to scale of the
home as it would appear. He stated that this home is especiatly designed in
keeping with the surrounding homes and to compliment and retain the value of the
neighborhood. Mr. Carpenter noted that he had numerous meetings with the staff
in his efforts to suitably tocate an appropriate dwe1ling on this lot.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the proposal as presented. Walter Kost
seconded the tion. It was noted by the Board that their decision to approve
this request wa based on the topography of the lot, the unusual lot size and
street locations, and an effort to maintain the continuity of the neighborhood.
Upon vote, the tion was carried unanimously.
77-3-6 8801 Wayz ta Boulevard (Map 23) Rudy Luther G.M.C.
The petition is for the waiver of Section
7.06(2) for 35' off the required 35' landscaped area to a landscaped
area of 0' atong Wayzata Boulevard and Boone Avenue South as
presently exists for the existing service station.
7.06(E) to allow the outside storage of 11 vehicles in excess of the
maximum allowabte of 4 for a total outside storage of 15
vehicles on the existing service station site.
Mr. Ted Gruidl , representative for Rudy Luther G.M.C. was present for the meeting.
Chairman Sell reviewed the proposal with the Board and Mr. Gruidl . The present
Mobil service station has been closed and is for sale. Rudy Luther G.M.C.
desires to use the station for servicing their vehicles and the area adjacent
for vehicle display as shown on the plot plan. Mr. Gruidl stated that the
existing station v,rould not be used as a sales office or display area and that
if purchased, the property would be combined into one parcel . It was noted
in all probability the only other use for that particular building would be a
"cut rate" service station.
Walter Kost stated that he was not in favor of granting a waiver of the green '
area and the Board concurred. Glen Christiansen moved that because of the
indefinite plans for future development of Highway 12, the proponent,
Rudy Luther G.M.C. , be allowed to display or store the number of new or used
vehicles as shown on the proposal , which is up to 15 vehicles on the site,
part of which is within the required 35' green area. The 35' green area
Board of Zoning Appeals
March $, 1977 page 4
is to be upgraded after 36 months in accordance with the requirements of
the Ordinance. The Board further noted that the structure is not to be used
for display of vehicles, sale of vehicles, or sales office. Donald Hughes
seconded the motion. Upon vote, motion carried with 4 aye votes and 1 nay vote.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was on motion,
duly seconded, and upon vote, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
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Mike Sell , Chairman L oyd B c er, Recording Secretary