11-07-77 BZA Minutes � � i":
November 7, 1977
The regutar meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Monday, November 7, 1977 in the Gold Room at the Golden Valley Civic Center,
7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The foltowing Board members
were present:
Walter Kost, Chairman
Mike Sell
Gten Christiansen
Mahlon Swedberg
Dona1d Hughes, Planning Commission Alternate
, Lloyd Becker, Secretary and Staff Liaison
Members absent: Robert Wagman absent by previous arrangement.
The meeting was called to order promptly at 7:30 P.M.
The first item was the consideration of the minutes of the previous meeting held
October 11 , 1977. Chairman Kost noted that in Item 77-10-43 - 2231 Lee Avenue,
that as the vote is recorded in the second motion made by Glen Christiansen,
"to refer final ptans for the dwelling to the Building Board of Review, this
vote should be corrected to read, Glen Christiansen voted aye and Walter Kost
and Mahlon Swedberg voted naY. Motion to refer plans to the Building Board of
Review failed. In Item 77-10-47 - Ridgeway Construction, that part reading
"The Secretary noted that some years past a waiver had been granted for a two-
family dwelling on the lot at the Northeast corner of Winnetka and 23rd Avenues
North, should be changed to read, Northwest corner of Winnetka and 23rd Avenues."
There being no further errors, ommissions or corrections to the minutes of
October 11 , 1977, Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the minutes as amended.
Mike Sell seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, it was unanimous to
Chairman Kost reviewed the Agenda and noted that the first item may require con-
siderable time and as there are onty two items on the Agenda, he thought it
desirable to reverse the order of the Agenda.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to change the order of the Agenda. This was seconded by
Glen Christiansen and upon vote it was approved.
77-11-49 (Map 8) Residential 4215 Poplar Drive Bruce R. Monick
The petition is for waiver of Section
3.07 of the Zoning Code for construction of a garage to the
North property line at its closest point. 4
Chairman Kost reviewed the petition and all descriptive materials and found them
in order. He also noted approval from all nine (9) surrounding property owners
also one additional signature favoring the proposal .
Mr. Bruce Monick was present for the meeting. Also present was Mr. Lloyd Jafvert,
4200 Poplar Drive, a neighbor directly across the street from the Monicks.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
November 7, 1977 page 2
The Board made a detailed review of the proposed construction and questioned
atternatives to this design and their feasibility and consideration.
Mr. Monick described how this area was developed and divided into some unusual
parcels. The history of Poplar Drive, starting with the original Plat in
1915: was reviewed.
Chairman Kost asked the secretary about any future plans for construction or
changes the City may have for Poplar Drive. In reply the secretary noted
that both he and the City Engineer had reviewed the site and any possibility
of future development of Poplar Drive. It was the opinion of the City Engineer
that there was no purpose for any further development of Poplar Drive in the
future and the proposed construction would have no effect in any manner on
the status of Poplar Drive.
In describing his home, as constructed, Mr. Monick explained the present home
has no basement except for one room for utilities. The present laundry is
located in the garage and especially during winter months it is cold and
hard to maintain.
Mr. Lloyd Jafvert and three other affected property owners are all architects
and they concurred that the plans as developed were the best possible solution
to construction on the site. Mr. Monick noted his plans were done by anotMer
architect who is not a resident or adjacent neighbor.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to grant the wa�ver as requested noting fihat in doing so
he is influenced by the unique history of the property, the diffieulty of
some areas of the terrain and the existing limited basement and utility areas.
Mike Sell seconded the motion and upon vote it was unanimous to approve.
77-11-48 (Map 12} Industrial Lots 2-3-4 Block t , Expressway International Park
,F (Dougtas Drive and Olson Hiqhway)
The petition is for waiver of Section
1 .03 of the Zoning Code. For more than one principal
building on one parcel of land.
Chairman Kost reviewed the petition and found it in order.
Present for the meeting was Mr. G. T. Mork, also accompanying Mr. Mork were
Mr. Donald Clausen and Mr. David Bertelson. �
The Board entered into a lengthy and detailed review of Mr. Mork' s proposal .
Comparisons were made with plans as presented and with the concept of one
large building of equal square footage on the site and also the possibility
of one (1 ) building on each of the separate lots.
Mr. Mork explained they had gone over twenty concepts in their consideration
of development of this site and the proposat now presented was the result of
their efforts. He noted that studies have shown that presently there are
many large buildings availabtefor lease and standing empty, while there is a
high demand and shortage in the Metro Area of the type of buildings he has
Board of Zoning Appeals
November 7, 1977 page 3
The Board questioned Mr. Mork on the type of occupants for the structures,
his typical lease agreements and his procedure in developing the individual
portions of the buildings. Mr. Mork stated that use and design of the
structures is office warehouse only, noting that the parking, for example,
is based on this use. The Board noted that no commercial use shall be made
of these buildings and that they are strictly office warehouse structures and
are to be used as such.
Mr. Mork explained his procedure before signing a tenant to any lease, stating
that the tenant must fully comply with all Local , State and Federal requirements.
He also gave several examples of what he has done in other communities in the
event a tenant is a problem.
Donald Hughes reviewed the percentages of use of the site noting the relation—
ship between green areas, blacktop and structures.
The Board discussed the procedures for combining the property to one description
including the approximate time required to accomplish this. The �oard also
noted that this variance is subject to the lot combination being done before
construction and also stated that any future changes or division will be through
the regular procedure which is the Planning Commissio� and City Council .
The Board asked the Secretary to confirm that this proposal would be reviewed
by the Building Board of Review prior to any permit being issued. The
Secretary confirmed this to be the correct procedure required.
Donald Hughes questioned the appearance and visibility of this proposal to
surrounding buildings in the area, noting its relationship to the Winkley
Buitding proposed for construction on Douglas Drive.
Mike Sell said he felt the concept of the five buildings was a more advantageous
proposal than one large building and the appearance and use outweighed �ny
proposal for one large building on the site.
Mike Setl moved to grant the waiver as requested. Glen Christiansen seconded
the motion. Chairman Kost called for discussion on the motion.
There was no further discussion. Upon vote being taken, there were 4 ayes to
approve the variance as requested subject to the three lots being combined into
one parcel of land and 1 nay (Hughes opposed).
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was on motion,
duty seconded to adjourn at 10:30 P.M.
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Chairman Walter Kost cording S cre a y Lloyd Becker