01-10-78 BZA Minutes l- ����
January 10, 197$
The regular �eeting of the Gatden Valley Board of Zoni�g Appeals was held
Tuesday, January 10, 197$ in the Cou�cil Chambers at the Golden Valley Civic Ce�ter,
7800 Golden Valtey Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The followi�g BQard members
were present:
Walter Kost, Chairman
Mike Sell
Glen Ch�istiansen
Robert Wagman
Mahlon Swedberg
lloyd Becker, Secretary and Staff Liaisor�
�, Members absent: None.
The meeting was called to order pranptly at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Kost.
The first order of business was the consideration of tMe minc�tes of t�e reguiar
rne�ting of the Board held on �ecember 13, 1977, copies of wk�ich had been dis-
tribwted to the Board. It was moved by Mike Sell , seconded by Robert Wagaaan,
and upon vote carried unani�c�sly to approve tk�e �ainutes cf the December 13, 1977
Board af Zoning 1�ppeats mi�utes as written and presented.
78-1-1 (Map 23) Ir�de�strial 9200 Wayzata Bouleward Ger�eral Mills, Inc.
The petition is for tMe waiver of Section
7.0� for 128�4�� in addition to the aliowable l�eight of �'
to a total building height of 168�4�'� frorn grade to th�
top of the elevatar penthc�use on tk�e West wi�g of the
existi�g building.
Th� Chairr�an reviewed ti�e petition and found it in order.
Present for tl�is rt�eetieag and representing General Mills, Ine. were 0r. Rabert Haun,
Vice President, Johr� Shevi�ius, and Richard Johnsot�. �r. Hawn �ade the present-
ation for Ger�eral Mi 11 s, Ir�c.
This petitioc� had been appro�►ed twice before a�d each tin+e expired after one
year because of no construction being initiated. The last approval was granted
in 197�•
�r. k�aur� reviea+ed the previous petition reqc�ests, the str�ct�ral req�ireme�ts
for the adc�ition, and previor�s structural preparations for this proposal . It
was rwted that more than 1 ,000 to�s of structural steel is atready propared
for this project, having beer� prepared for constr�ction after the 197�+ approval.
Dr. Haun noted that the reqwest is for exactly the s�e construction and heigt�t
as before, with only the passenger elevators being moved to a different
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Board of Zor�i ng Appeal s
Jar�uary 1�, 1978 page 2
Mike Sell asked if this proposal is again appro�red will it definitely result
in construction this time. Dr. Haun cor�firmed that it wc�uld and also detailed
their procedures during construction. The initial construction startir�g date
i s to be earl�r Spri�g 197$.
Mahlor� Swedberg noted the prematr�re annec�ncement of the proposed construction �
prior to rneeting with the Board of Zorting Appeals. Or;. Haun said that the
decision to �ow merve with this project was �ade at a Board af Directors n�eeting
approximatety a month before the Board of Zoni�g Appeals meeting and that
decision was to proceed ir� the proper �anr�er noting previotas approvals and
their intent to again seek the same, Ne said he apologized far the news release
and ce�taic�ty there was no itatent to assume any decision by the Board of Zoning
Mahlon Swedberg mc�ved that in vire of the fact that nothing had changed from
the previocts reqwests which were granted, for those same reasons he now wot�ld
mc�we to approve the request as presented. Robert Wagman secor�ded th� motion,
and wpon vote the foltowi�g voted in favor of the nx�tior�: Wagman, Selt , Swredberg,
and Christiansen. Chairman Kost abstained from voting, noting that he is an
employee of General Mills, Inc.
There being no further business to cmne before the Board, it was on motion,
duly secor�ded, to adjourn at 8s3fl P.M.
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Chairman Walter Kost Rec rd n retary Lloyd Becker