04-11-78 BZA Minutes „, �
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Apri1 11 , 1978
The regu]ar meeting �f the 6olden Valley Board af Zaning Appeals was held
Tuesday, April 11 , 1978 at the Golden Valley Civic Center, 7800 Golden� Vatley
Road, Golden Valley, Minneso�a. The following Board members were present:
Mahlon Swedberg
Glen Christiansen
Mike Sell
Larry Smith
L1oyd Becker, Secretary and Staff Liaison
(A representative from the. Planning Commission to be appointed. �
Members absent: None.
The Secretary called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 P.M. , as election
of a new c.hairman was required by ordinance at this time. Nominetions were
called for. Glen Christiansen nominated Mahlon Swedberg
Mike Sell nominated Glen Christiansen
larry Smith moved and it was seconded to close the nominations.
Upon discussion Mike Sell moved to appo�nt Mahlon Swedberg as Cha�rman. It
was seconded by Gl�n Christiansen and upon vote the motion carried unanimously.
Ouring the discussion Glera Christiansen noted his wiltingness to serve as
Chairman this year, however the demands of his position with Northwestern
Bell Telephone Company have required many long hours recently and it appears .
they wi 1 1 remai n so i n the irr�nedi ate future.
Mahlon Swedberg asss�med the f hair. Swedberg reviewed, for those in attendance,
the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Zoning Appeals noting it is
an honor, priviledge, and responsibility to serve on the Board. Swedberg
welcomed Larry Smith, a new Board member.
TMe first order of business was the consideration of the minutes of the regular
meeting of the Board held on March 14, 197�• Gten Christiansen moved to
approve the minutes as written. Mike Sell seconded the motion and apon vote
it was unanimous to approve.
78-�-8 (Map 11 ) Residential 2400 Douqlas Drive David Schutz
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1 ) for 2.2' off the required 35' setback to the
existing structure on the Wynnwood Road side
to allow a conforming addition to be built
on another portion of the stracture.
Mr. Schutz was prese�t for the meeting and exptained his proposal .
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Board of Zoni�g Appeals
April 11 , 1978 page 2
Chairman Swedberg asked the secretary for any staff information on this item.
The Secretary noted the request for a setback variance is for the existing
stracture which did conform prior to the City acquiring an additional 20 feet
for roadway o�► the north side of Wynnwoo�i. It was noted the addition to the
stt-ucture is on the north and west side of the existing structure and is
Mike Selt moved to approve the waiver as requested, �oting it applies to the
existing structure and also noting that the City, by acquiring an additianat
20' for roadway in reality ereated the setback distanc� as it naw exists.
Glen Christiansen seconded the motion. Upon vote it was unanimous to approve.
'8-4--9 (Map 19� Residential 2425 wiscansin Avenue North Jadit� M. Olson
The petition is for the waiver of Section
3.07 (1 � for appraximately 1 .6� off the required 3S'
front setback to the existing structure to
allow an addition to begin at this closest point
and cantinue along the front building tine to
the Southwest.
Chairman Swedberg reviewed the petition and found it in order. Approval had
been received f►-am all surrounding affected property owners.
Mrs. Olson was present for the meeting. She explained her proposal to add to
the home. Mrs. Olson ha� uwned the dwellinq since 1961 . In 19a2 the property
was surveyed and faund to be at its closest point - 1 .6� ctoser to the street
than permitted. This variance is requested to bring the �existing building in
conformance and allow an additian to be constructed along this tine beginning
at the closest point and ending at approximatety 38' from the front lot line.
7he existing structure is on a cul de sac t�rpe frontage.
Mike Sell rr�ved to grant tn�e waiver as +-equested for the structare at its
closest point. With the addition running parallel with the existing home,
b�ginning at the closest point as requested. The motion was seconded by
Larry Smitfi, upon wote the r►�tion carried unanim�usly.
7$-!4-10 (Map 20) Res.i_dent.i_al. Lot 11 B1QCk .12 _Lakevi_ew Neights Addition
(Northeast corner of Ir�dependence � Olynnpia) West Suburban Builders, Inc.
7he p�etition is for the waiver �f Section
3.47 (1 ) for 1 ] ' off the req�.�ired 35' front setback on
Olympia Street to a distance of 24� from the
front lot line to the proposed building.
Mr. Earl Wi1so� of West Suburban Builders, Inc. was present for the meeting.
Chairman Swedherg noted this request appears to be routine in this area, as
simalar waivers have previously been granted on adjacent properties along
Olyrr�ia Street. The petition was in arder.
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Board of Zs��i ng Appeal s
April 11 , 197$ page 3
G1en Christiansen rr►�ved to approve the waiver as requested, noting his reason
in doing so was the precedent established for i-ror�t setbacks on adjacent
properties, a recent waiv�r heing granted Apri1 8, 1975.
Mike Setl seconded the mation and upon voCe the motion passed unanimously.
Ttems noted for additi�nal information to be discussed at the next meeting are:
1 . Board of �oning Appeals �Y LAWS — requis-ements for surveys with petitions.
2. 1? meeti nc� �ui th Ci ty A.ttorney Rohert Sk�ret
3, A meeting with City Bui?ding tnspe�tor �llan fastrow.
4, RequQ�t for � r�ast+er l i�t af r�m!aers of a! 1 r;ty Boards an�l Co�rrni ssions.
The Sec�-etary s�r91 � ���r�e na*e fcr the next me�ti n�.
Th�r� bei ng nc� fur�her busi n��s xo c�me l�efore the Bo�rd, i t eAras on motian,
ctei 1 y ��cande�i *o ar�j�u?rn at �s 45 P.M.
Chairman Mahlon Swedberg R�cord ng Secret�ry Lloyd ecker