10-14-80 BZA Minutes � � �u .�.. �� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OCTOBER 14, 1980 The regular meetin of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning AppeaLs was heJd on Tuesday October 14, 1930 at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden Valley Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members were present: Glen Christiansen, Chairman Mike Sell Art Flannagan Mahlon Swedberg Larry Smith, Atternate Members absent by prior arrangement: G. Wm. Forster The first order of business was consideration of the minutes of the regular meeting held September 9, 1980, copies which has previously been distributed to the Board. Upon further review of the minutes, it was moved by Mike Sell to approve the minutes as written and presented. The motion was seconded by Larry Smith and upon vote, carried. 80-10-55 (Map 3) Residential Lot 1 Block 3 Dahinden's Addition 3354-3360 North Lilac Drive Canadian Financial Housing Corporation (City Scattered Site Land) The petition is for waiver of Sections 3.02 of the Zoning Code, to allow a two-family dwelling to be constructed in a residential district, and � , � � � � ,��� � � � 3.12 of the Zoning Cdde, accessory buildi;ng,. to I allow a detached garage structure to be built to the front of the dwellings. (This item deferred from September, 1980 meeting.) The petition was in order, John Ward of Canadian Finance and Mr. Donald Lier architect for Windsor Faricy, were present and reviewed the proposed two-family dwelling. tt was noted that this is a subsidized housing facility, to be managed by Canadian Finance. The property has a two-family dwelling adjacent to the north fronts on Highway 100, and across the highway is City of Crystal , which has structures other than residential . � �—� �a .. . ? R.oard of Zoning Appeals Qctot�el' -]4, ��.$0 . Page 2 Mr. Richard A. Berg, 3350 North Lilac Drive, questioned the reason for placing the detached garages to the front �f the dwelling. The architect noted the traffic and the noise g�nerated by the highiwayiand the desirability to use the garage as a buffer. After consi,derable discussion on the history of this and other scattered site proposals, Mi'ke Sett moved to approve these waivers as requested noting the desirability of the placement of the garages for noise buffer and privacy. The motion was seconded by Art Flannagan and upon vote carried. 80-10-56 (Map 11) Multiple West 404 Ft. of the South 1/2 of Block 14 Yarnall ' s Outlofs 2100-2120 Dougtas Drive North Canadian Financial Housing Corporation (City Scattered Site Land) The petition is for waiver of Sectsons 1 .03 of the Zoning Code, for more than one principal structure on one parcet of land, and 4.03 parking spaces, and 4.04 for 15' off the required 50' front setback to a front setback distance of 35' • (This item deferred from September, 1980 meeting.) The petition was in order, adjacent property owners has been contacted by the proponent. A large number of the surrounding property owners were present. The architect reviewed the proposed dwellings, a four unit, 3 bedroom structure with one enctosed and one �xterior parking space for each unit, and a separate two-family unit with one .enclos:ed :and ane exter�i,or pat-:king space f�or .each unit. The architect has rendering of a typical structure as proposed. Mrs. Gertrud Schroeder of 2155 Brunswick Ave. No. asked to speak to the Board and presented a petition from approximately 13 concerned property owners which stated the are not in favor of six units on the property. The petition read that in the fall of 1978, a single four-family unit with garages and parking space was considered acceptable to the neighborhood. The Board noted the property_was more than adequate to meet the requirements for six units and as zoned multiple, different building arrangments could provide for substanitally more than was proposed and stilt meet code requirements. A lengthy review was made by individual property owners of the proposed scattered site development and specific concerns for adequate parking, play areas for chiPdren, traffic, etc. , were discussed. ���� Board of Zoning A.ppeals �ctober 1�+, 148Q Page 3 David Johnson, 21�+5 Brunswick Avenue South, said that originally �+ units were proposed. Mr. Johnson stated he did not object to the specific variances, per se, however, he was concerned that in the future further development to the rear of the property could occur and was also concerned about adequate parking. Mahlon Swedberg stated the Board's determination is specifically to the waiver as requested. He noted the 35 foot setback is in keeping with other residential requirements. The proposal for two separate structures still is a total of six units and in keeping with the zor_ing code. It appears the site could support the required parking with the exception that all of it would not be enclosed. Mike Sell noted the traffic on Douglas Drive and felt the covered parking spaces are sufficient, bu.t there should be adequate parking spaces available so guests would not find it necessary to park on Douglas Drive. There also should be adequate area to provide for snow removal. Larry Smith noted the previous concerns expressed for further possible development of structures to the rear of the property. Smith stated this could be addressed as a requirement in the minutes if the proponents were receptive to those assurances. The proponents stated they were. Considering the previous discussion and concerns, Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waivers as requested, subject to the following: l. Adequate parking be provided for each unit with one (1) enclosed space and two (2) exterior spaces to be provided for each dwelling unit. 2. That no further development be allowed to the rear open area of the property. Mike Sell seconded the motion, and upon vote, carried unanimously. 80-10-57 (Map l�+) Industrial 71�+0 Madison Avenue West Rapid Copy, Inc. By: Thomas Sicora, President The petition is for waiver of Sections 7.051 of the Zoning Code, yard requirements, for �+0' off the required 50' landscaped area along the north lot line to a landscape area of 10' , and for 10' off the required 10' of green area along the east line, and 13.01 of the Zoning Code, parking, for four parking spaces off the required 79 spaces to a total of 75 spaces on the site. Mr. Thomas Sicora, President of Rapid Copy was present. Fred Sicor�, Architect ��� Hoard af Zoning Appeals October 14, 1980 Page � for Rapid Copy was also present. No surrounding property owners were in attendance. Signatures of approval had been received from all affected properties. Mr. Thomas Sicora reviewed his proposal and in doing so said his building was the first constructed in the area. He said he has an acute need for additional space and desires to maintain his facilities in Golden Valley. In designing the proposed addition, Mr. Sicora, at "considerable expense", has provided for additional parking below the proposed addition to more nearly meet the code. A significant problem is the topography at the rear which will require a retaining wall and special landseape construction to provide for parking in this area. Mr. Sicora noted that on his north lot line a portion of the adjacent property is a remaining single family home which necessitates the substantial setback require- ment. This has been discussed thoroughly with the resident, Mrs. Lucille Gregorson, and she has signed the petition in approval. Following further discussion of the landscaping and drainage at the street level, Mike Sell moved to approve the waiver as requested, noting the proponent's extra efforts to provide parking and the hardship of the topography for development and soil retention along the north lot line. Motion seconded by Larry Smith, and upon vote, carried. 80-10-58 (Map 20) Residential 1821 Independence Avenue North Theodore Van Herzeele The petition is for waiver of Sections 3.07(1) of the Zoning Code, front setbacks, for l7' off the required 35' front setback to a distance of 18' from the front lot line to proposed new dwelling, and 3.07(2) rear setback, for �' off the required 10' rear yard to a distance of 6' from the rear lot line to the proposed dwelling. Mrs. Van Kerzeele was present. Consent has been obtained from all adjacent properties. The property has an existing old house in need of repair on the site. The praponents propose to tear this structure down and construct a new home. Other variances for front setback have been granted along Eari Street. The proposed house would face Earl Street. The present structure on this corner lot faces Independence. The adjacent house to the west is set at 17 feet from the front lot line on Earl Street. As noted, this proposed new home is set at 18 feet. �,�`� � ��� Board of Zoning Appeals October 1�+, 1980 Page 5 Mrs. Gail Johnson, 1.g17 Independence Avenue North, asked what the setback for this home would be on the side that faces Independence. The reply was 35 feet as the code requires. Mike Sell moved to approve the variance as requested, noting the hardship of the small lot, and the setback requirements of a corner lot. Larry Smith noted the improvement the new structure would add, and seconded the motion. Upon vote, carried to approve. 80-10-5g (Map 3) Residential 3310 Kyle Avenue North Richard Haan The petition is for waiver of Section 3.07 (3) of the Zoning Code, for 11.25 feet off the required 11.25 feet sideyard setback to allow reconstruction of an existing below ground garage and permit a room to be built above the garage. Mr. Haan was present and explained that his existing basement level garage was constructed to the property line. At the present time the back walls are deteriorating and his proposal is to tear down the existing garage portion and rebuild it foux feet away from the lot line and constr�uct a room above. This property received a waiver in 1953 to build to the lot line, however, no upper level above the garage was included at that time. It appears that originally when the home and garage were constructed it was built 'two (2) feet over the lot line onto the adjacent property to the south. The owner of that property subsequently sold two (2) feet to the owner of 3310 Kyle and the waiver granted in 1953 was to allow the garage to exist to the lot line. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson, the present owners of 3300 Kyle Avenue were present and expressed their concerns about an existing retaining wall, location of some existing bushes which they stated were on their property, and also the view of the structure above the basement garage level. Art Flannagan noted that in rebuilding the proposed garage will now be four (�+) feet back from the lot line and that the proposed room above should inprove the overall appearance of the total structure. Mr. Johnson questioned this and noted the importance of adherance to zoning setbacks. It was noted by Staff that as built surveys done to many existing homes reflect errors in placement of' structures. Mr. Johnson's home also had recei:�ed a setback waiver when constructed to a distance of 25 feet--l0-feet off the 35 foot requirement--however, his survey shows a setback to the existing structure of 21.6 feet from the lot line on Kyle Avenue. Considering the topography and the limited possibility for any other alternative and also the improvement the reconstruction would make, and that it would now be fuxther from the lot line, Art Flannagan moved to approve a waiver to construct within four (�+) feet of the south lot line. Seconded by Larry Smith, and upon vote, carried. ��/�L Board of Zoning Appeals October 1�+, 198� Page 6 80-10-60 (Map 7) Residential 12�+5 Angelo Drive Merlin B. Hovden The petition is for waiver of Sections 3.02 of the Zoning Code, to allow a two-family dwelling (existing) in a residential area, and 3.0�+1 lot area, for square feet off the required 18,750 square feet to a total fo 17,680 square feet of the existing site. Mr. Hovden was present. Also present were over sixteen (16) surrounding property owners and also other interested persons. Mr. Hovden explai:ned that the present structure had been built in the early 1950's, had initially been occupied by his family as a basement home, and subsequently the upper level was constructed. He noted there was sepatare electrical services and that the intent and occupancy by his family and his parents was as a two family dwelling. He has sold the home subject to approval for use as a two family dwelling. Mr. Hovden has originally received consent from five abutting property owners on his petition; however, it appears that when notices were mailed to all surrounding properties within 500 feet, further concern developed and others reconsidered their approval. Following the discussion with Mr. Hovden, Art Flannagan noted that as it was used at the present time, a two family status appeared reasonable and moved to approve the request. Larry Sinith seconded the motion and it was opened for discussion. Mr. Gary Levinson, a property owner at 12�+0 Angelo Drive addressed the Board, said he was spokesman representing 16 concerned families in the area. Mr. Levinson noted the desirable neighborhood--all of which are single family homes, their concers for a two family dwelling, the possibility of absentee owners, etc. Mr. Levinson noted his association with a multifamily housing association and his familiarity of multiple occupancies. He said he understood';the proposed new owner may have a similar assocation in real estate and questioned the possibility of a nonowner--occupied two family dwelling. Mr. Hovden stated the building was intended to be owner occupied. Mr. Herbert Bedwell, 1335 �gelo Drive, objected to the proposal. P�Ir. James M. Lyon, 50�+5 Alfred Road, explained he originally signed in consent on the petition based�.��n Mr. Hovden's statements to him; however, he now object: to the proposal and asked his approval be withdrawn. Mr. Robert Plaster, noting he was a resident for 22 yeaxs, said there may be other houses in the community presently occupied as Mr. Hovden's is. Mr. Erwin Schaeffer, 121+0 Angelo Drive, asked for all the interested parties in the audience to stand. They did so. Diane Bedwood (no address given) said they were new neighbors and understood when purchasing their home that the neighborhood was and would be al1 single family. �;'�L�ie� Board of Zoning Appeals October 1�+, 1g80 Page 7 Mike Sell noted this is not a rezoning but a request for a waiver of certain requirements that address two family structures in a residential zoning. The Board reviewed the lot size and square footage with Mr. Hovden. Mr. Hovden stated that if he counted the area of the boulevard (City property) he would have more than 18,750 square feet. It was noted this could not be done. Mr. Hovden explained he owned additional property until several years ago and when it was subdivided and sold he unknowingly reduced his lot size to below the minimum for two family. Glen Christiansen said as he reviewed the area he saw all the homes established as single family and noted the exception this proposal would make within that area. Mahlon Swedberg stated that some previous two family approvals in other areas had certain redeeming values such as buffers from a higher zoning use, were in high traffic and noise areas where a two family home was an alternative, etc. Art Flannagan noted his previous motion f�r appro�ral, at whick time he was u.naware that the property had previously been subdivided and originally could have had the required square footage. Following all this discussion, the chairman called for a vote on the existing motion to approve, and upon vote, it was opposed unanimously. Mahlon Swedberg moved to deny the waiver as requested, seconded by Mike Sell, and upon vote, carried unimously. Mr. Hovde was made aware of the appeal process available if intended. At this time Chairman Christiansen declared a 5 minute recess. Following the recess, Chairman Christiansen called the meeting to order. The Chairman noted that the last item on the lenghty agenda was a residential request and rather than have the proponent wait through the United Property request, if there were no objections, he would reverse the order of the agenda and hear the request of Erika Sober, 292�+ Noble Avenue. There being no objections, this petition was next. 80-10-61 (Map 4) Residential 292�+ Noble Avenue North Erika A. Sober The petition is for waiver of Section 3.07(3) of the Zoning Code, sideyard setback, for 6.8' off the required 12.7' sideyard setback to a distance of 6.9' from the north lot line to the proposed garage addition. The petiton was in order and consent had been obtained from seven adja�ent properties. Erika Sober's dau.ghter explained the proposal as Mrs. Sober could not attend. It was explained that the present single car garage was inadequate and it was not practical to park on Noble Avenue with the traffic. The proponent has several automobiles and no storage space for other household items, such as lawn mowers, etc. � �_� Board of Zoning Appeals October 1�+, 1g80 Page 8 Following a thorough review and any alternatives that might be possible or reasonab?>e, Mahlon Swedberg stated that this is a classic example of a structure built in the 1950's and 196o's and is similar to others the Board has heard, and in addition to adding enclosed parking, is an upgrading of the property to today's standards. Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waiver as requested, seconded by Larry Smith, and upon vote, carried. 80-10-61 (Map 16) Business & Professional Office 7575 Golden Valley Road United Properties The petition is for waiver of Section �3.01 of the Zoning Code, for waiver of 32 parking stalls on the west parking lot to provide for a drive-thru bank facility on the site. Mr. Boyd Stofer of United Properties was present and made the presentation. Also in attendance were representatives of the proposed bank facility. Mr. Harold Lutz, 75�+7 Country Club Drive, adjacent property owner, and Mr. Dennis Jackson, a member of the Valley Square Commission were also present. Mr. Stofer reviewed the background of the present office building nearing completion to date. He explained the consideration for a bank facility on the site and the analysis and studies by professional consultants for potential traffic generated by the drive thru facility. Mr. Stofer noted the cross parking agreement with Calvary Lutheran Church and the effect the stacking of automobiles in the drive thru service area would have in the absence of 32 parking spaces on the west side. Chairman Christiansen expressed his concerns for the traffic this would generate at this intersection, and noted the planning and expenditures the City had done to develop a suitable means of traffic through the Valley Square area. He noted the concerns of the City Engineer. Mr. Stofer and the Board reviewed the proposed parking changes in the draft of the new Business & Professional Office ordinance. This proposed B & P.O. ordinance does not provide for drive thru facilities, however. This is the reason the proponent is seeking approval as a P.U.D. Larry Smith stated it appeared to him this waiver request was the cart before the horse approach as in actually no P.U.D, existed because it has not been addressed by the City Council. Smith noted that loss of the 32 parking spaces may not be that significant as they relate to the drive through facility, but would vote for denial on the merits of this proposal, as it will and should be addressed by the City Council anyway. The P.U.D. ordinance and the requirement for parking to be waived separately by the B.Z.A. was discussed. It was noted that staff is presently working on changes to the Zoning Code including this requirement. Harold Lutz expressed his concern for the potenetial traffic problems, and questioned ��� � �� � �'' _„_`a Board of Zoning Appeals October 1�+, 1g80 Page 9 the adequacy of the remaning parking. Dennis Jackson expressed his concerns and noted the efforts to date in development within the Valley Square area. Jackons noted the previous denial of the proposed P.U.D. by the City Plannin� Commission and he said he agreed and supported their position. Mahlon Swedberg moved to deny the waiver as requested. Motion was seconded by Mike Sell, and upon vote, carried unanimously. The Board reviewed several administrative items. A copy of the proposed Business & Professional Office (B & P.O. ) ordinance had been mailed previously to the members for their review and comments. Mike Sell noted the previous bank proposal and said he felt financial institutions, and banks, per se, should be a part of the commercial section of the Zoning Code. There ;�ere no further comments. The sectetary stated that the next re�;ular, meeting w�:s on'November l]., a day observed as Veteran's Day and a municipal Holiday. The Board approved the change of tl�e regular meeting to Wednesc�ay, :November 12, 1980. There being no further business to come before the Board, it was upon motion, second, and vote that the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p•m• � - � � � �,�� ����� � � len Christiansen, Chairman Lloyd Becker, Recording Secretary