12-09-80 BZA Minutes �� .-�..,�
DECEMBER 9, 1930
The regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, December 9, 1g80 at 7:30 P.M. at the Galden Va11ey Civic Center,
7FOO Golden -Va11ey Ro�d, Golden Valley, Minnesota.
The following Soard members were present:
GTen Christiansen, Chairman
Art Flannagan
Wi11i'am Forster
Mike Se11
Mahlon Swedberg
Lloyd Becker, Secretary and Staff Liaison was also present.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular meeting
held on Wednesday (due to a holiday) tJovember 12, 1�80.
It was maved by Mike Sel1 and seconded by William Forster to approve the
minutes of the fJovember 12, JgaO minutes a� written and presented, copies
of whieh had previously been forwarded to the Board. Upon vote motion to
approve carried.
80-12-69 (Map �) Residential
Lot at 216 Janalyn Circle
Erland K. Persson
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3.07 (l ) of the Zoning Code, for front setback for
20 feet off the required 35 feet setback to a
distance of 15 feet from the front lot line to
the garage area of the propo'sed home and' for C.6
feet off the required 25.6 feet rear yard requ'rre-
ment to a rear yard of `1g.0 feefi at the location
of the proposed house.
The petition was in order. Present for the meeting was Mr. Persson. Also
present were adjacent property owners, Mr, and Mrs. Kastor of 224 Janalyn
This is a lot with extreme topography with a drop of approximately 35 feet from the
east side with a pond at the bottom.
Mr. Persson had drawings of the proposed dwelling and profiles showing c4nstruction
as it would appear. The house would be constructed primarily o� the east side of
the' lot and woul-d run depthwise on the property, Mr. Persson explained he could
adjust his front setback requesfi somewhat if necessary, however this would also
increase the requirements for a rear yard waiver.
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Qoard.of Zoning Appeals
Page 2 December 9, 1980
It was explained that the street is now developed to full width and in all
probabi°lity cons�dering the topography, it will not be widened in the future.
Mr. Perssons stated that with the front of the house built to within 15 feet
of the front 1ot line it would stiTl -be 40 feet back from the existing ' street.
The longer the driveway on this site, the more diff'icult it is to construct.
Mr. and Mrs. Kastor participated in the plan review and discussions,
Mike 5e11 mcaved to adju�t the waiver reque�t to 15 feet off the required 35
feet setback, to a distance of 20 feet from the front lot line and to approve
the required rear yard waiver for a rear ya rd of lg feet from the lot line to
the proposed home. Second by Mahlon Swedberg. Discussion on fhe motion called,
During further discussion, Mr, Perssons de5cribed the proposed home as 60 feet
in depth, plus approximately 21 feet deep for the garage portion. The house in
effect running from f:ront to back on the property with maximum trees and existing
growth maintained. The vote was called on the mo t'ion and it carried unanimously.
80-12-70 (Ma $) , Residential
O1 France Avenue North
Ronald R. Moody
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3.07 (2) of the Zoning Gode, far rear setback for 7.4 feet
off the required 25.4 feet (20% lot depth) to a
distance of 18 feet #rom the rear lot line to the
proposed house addition.
Mr. Maody was present, the petition was in order, consent had been obtained from
all adjacent praperties.
Mr. Moody explained in his petition that they were previous owners of a home at
630 Sunnyridge Lane whieh was acquired and removed in the HRA area. The previous
home was on three lots and had a three-car garage.
They purchased this smaller home to stay in the area.
Mahlon Swedberg noted the proposed addifiion puts this home generally in line
with adjaeent properties, proposes no significant impact on the area, and also
noted the placement of the existing home which requires setback waiver to provide
any cc�nstructive additions.
It was moved by Mahlon Swedberg, to approve the waiver as requrested, second by
Art Flannagan and upon vote carried.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Page 3 December 9, 1980
80-12=:7i (Map 11) Residential
1411 North Lilac Drive
Albert H. Schuler
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3. 12 (1) of' the Zon:ing Code, for F�ouse to garage �eparation
for t2 feet off therequired 20 foot separation to
a distance of 8 feet 6etween the existing garage
and the proposed hou�e addition.
Mr. and Mrs. Sehuler were present. The petition was in order.
This property is adjacent to and south of property zoned BP�, where an office
building is lacated.
Mr. Schuter explained they presently have five in the family with another
child arriving in the spring: He descr�ibed the smal°1 kitchen area they
now have and provided color° pictures of the interior, which allows a table
and seatir�g area for two people.
Art Flannagan moved to approve the waiv�r as r�quested, noting the location
of the propose:d kitchen addition was the only feasi6le alternative' for expansion.
and subject to the interior wa) ls of the existing garage being sheetrocked for fire
protectiorr on those areas within the 20 feet separation requ'irements .
William Forster seconded the motion and upon vote carried to approve.
There being no further business to come before the Board, ifi was upon motion,
second and vote to adjourn at 8:45 P.M.
� ' ,� �
Glen Christiansen; airman loyd . Becker, Recording Secretary