06-09-81 BZA Minutes ,,.�-.
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JUNE g, 1981
The regular meeting of the Gotden Valley'Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, June 9, 1981 , at 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley
Road, Golden Vatley, Minnesota.
The fallowing Board members were present:
Art Flannagan, Chairman
Mike Sell
Mahlon Swedberg
William Forster
Donald Hughes (alternate)
Lloyd Becker, Secretary and Staff Liaison
Absent by prior arrangement, Glen Christiansen.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular meeting
held Tuesday, May 12, 1981 , copies of whieh had previously been distributed to
the Board.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the minutes as written and presented, second
by Mike Sell and upon vote carried.
81-6-20 (Map 1) Residential
3513 2 th Avenue North
Dr. Ronald K. Malone
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3.07 (1) front setback for 5.9' off the required 35' front
setback to a distance of 29. 1 ' from the front lot
line to th� existing house and the proposed addition.
Dr. and Mrs. Malone were present. The petition was in order. Consent had been
obtained from the four adjacent properties.
Dr. Malone explained his present home has no dining area and his family has increased
to a total of five this past year and they need the additional space. The proposed
addition is 12 x 12. This lot is a corner lot of an unusual slope and the addition
would be added to the east side of the house and in line with the existing front
wall . The building inspector required an as-built survey to be done because by�all
appearances there may have been a side setback problem for the addition. As a re-
sult of tha survey, it showed there was sufficient side area for the addition.
However, the existing home is 29.9' from the front lot line on 26th Avenue (35' required) .
Mahlon Swe:dberg stated he had reviewed the property as had the other Board members
and said this did not appear to be a controversial issue, would have no significant
effect on anyone and would further enhanee the existing structure. All of the
houses in the arEa have similar alignment and the boulevard right-of-way makes a] 1
the yards appear as more than 35' in depth.
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Board of Zoni,n� Appeals
Page 2 June 9, 1981
Swedberg noted there is ample room for the addition and Dr. Malone does have a
hardship with the existing structure placed as it is.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waiver as requested to include the existing
house also. Second by Mike Sell and upon vote carried unanimously.
81-6-21 {Map 5) Institutional 1-1
000 Golden Vatley Road
Unity Christ Church
The Petition is for waiver of Sections
13•Ot for 4g parking spaces off the required 108 spaces
to a total of 59 spaces on the site and a corres-
ponding agreement to provide an additionat 75 spaces
at the Courage Center site.
11 .07 17.4' off the required 35' green area yard requirement
along Mary Hil:ls Drive to a yard area of 17.6' from the
lot 1ine.
The Chairman reviewed the petition. It was not�d that four signatures were undecided,
one not for approval and two for approvat . There were several adjacent property
owners whose signatures had not been obtained.
A letter had been reeeived from an adjacent neighbor, Larry Smith at 2080 Ma ry
Hills Drive, which expressed his objections to the proposed addition and described
the existing parking and traffic problems at this site.
Present to' represent the ehurch were Mr. Skujins, Architect, and Mr. Wayne Murphy,
Chairman of the Chursh Board. The architect had six renderings of the praposed
addition and overall remodel of the structure.
Mr. Murphy made a detailed pres�ntation of the n�cessity for the proposed expansion,
the efforts the church and the architect had made to compty with setbaeks ahd parking,
and exptained the cross parking arrangement they could have with the Courage Center
for 75 additiona1 spaces.
Mr. Murphy noted the hazard of crossing Gotden Va11ey Road when members now park
across the street but stated the instatla�Cion of the new traffic light when completed,
should alleviate any problem. Mr. Murphy explained that some of the existing parking
areas will be moved to the north side of the structure and green areas will be
established in a more aesthetic and pleasing manner than now exists.
Mr. Skujins, the arehiteet, explained his design which included Solar heating and
stated this would be the first structure of its type in Golden Valley and was
unique in appearance.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Page 3 June 9, 1981
Mr: Murphy stated the seating .capacity of the sanctuary was 403, that the
present congregation is presently some 300 members, many whom are young
fami1ies. The present seating capacity is for 200. The church is looking
at a satellite location in St. Pau1 , Minnesota. The exact location not yet
determined. Some of the present members may attend services there when
Mike Setl asked if there are classrooms existing and what educational services
are offered. Mr. Murphy explained primarily Swnday School but there are also
some evening weekday classes which presently may have attendance up to 25 or
30 persons. The biggest attendance is Sunday.
Mahlon Swedberg noted the changes in church functions over tMe years. Most
churches when originally established served a neighborhood and fitted in well
with a residential area. Today churches serve not only community areas but
many functions and members from outside the area. These have resulted in
problems, particularly parking at many church sites.
Mr. Murphy agreed the present site has parking problems and that the first 59
automobiles woutd be the lucky ones to park on the site and the others woutd
require parking acros's the street.
Mike Sell questioned the utilization of parking across the street and specutated
the first other places would be used on the street which is now causing
neighborhood problems.
Mr. Murphy explained the cross-parking agreement was by a letter from Courage
Center, which at this time he did not have. Mahlon Swedberg noted previous City
requirements for cross-parking agreements which were <recorded documents and of
50 years or more duration. Mr. Murphy could not confirm that Courage Center
could provide this.
Art Flannagan commented that with the proposed addition the parking requirements
would double but only two additional on-site spaces are provided �o what now exist.
' Mr. Murphy speculated that if parking on the street became a major problem, the
street cou}d be posted for no parking.
Donatd Hughes said this was not fair to the ofiher residential property owners.
The church representatives completed their presentation and Art Flannagan opened
the discussion for commenfis from surrounding property owners in attendance.
Mary King, 4025 Wasatch Lane, qu��fiioned if a retair�ing walt could be a requirement
on the north end of the church lot if approvat was granted. This was confirmed.
Mrs. King noted her objection to the proposed addition and stated she does not
have a good feeling on how functional the new traffic tight would be in alleviating
the present traffic probtems and explained her concerns for accidents and traffic
backups that may occur through a cross-parking agreement. Mrs. King referred to
previous comments made at the public hearings when held for the traffic light
proposal . Mrs: King presented the Board a tetter she had brought to the meeting.
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Board of Zoni.n� Appeals
Page 4 June 9, 1981
This letter is frc�m Mr. and Mrs. Leni and George Wileox, 4035 Wasatch Lane.
The letter described the concerns for parking at and around the site and
stated that unless changes in the proposed parking scheme are made, they
oppose the building plans for the church.
Rita Seeman, 2040 Mary Hitls Drive, asked what kind of agreement does the
church and Courage Center have now for the dai]y parking that occurs there.
Mr. Murphy responded that he could not confirm of any type w ritten agreement.
Mr. Murphy said that indeed the church was community oriented and that facilities
could be available for other than church services.
Several members of the audience expressed their concern for use of the facility
for seminars or etc. , by the Courage Center. Mr. Murphy said he couldn't cate-
goricalty state this could not happen but did not see this as a significant or
major u�e of the church facility.
George Svendsen, 2100 Mary Hil1s Drive, expressed his concerns. George described
himself as one of the first families in the area in 1956, which at that time was
a pleasant, open green area with a view of the pond. He described how it has now
developed, and hated to see any more problems develop in the area. Mr. Svendsen
described previous tenants (Mormon Church and Torah Aeademy) as not having created
problems but the present church has parking problems and traffic in the area.
Mah1on Sw�dberg described the original situation as a smaller institutional lot,
with a small building to serve a small congregation and now the congregation is
proposed to be doubled and atmost half of the parking required would be by cross-
agreement with Courage Center. Swedberg asked if Mr. Murphy had any rebuttal to the
overall comm�nts made. Mr. Murphy replied none specifically, that he felt they
had described their proposal and emphasized the church had every intent of being
a good neighbor to the area.
Donald Hughes stated that he personally does nat be1ieve cross-parking agreemtns
work. He noted the architecture as proposed is pleasing and the solar energy
efforts are commendable but they are not a concern when considering the variance.
The only considerations are the green areas and` setbacks and the inadequate parking
as proposed,
William Forster stated the parking problem exists now and further expansion could
create more problems. Forster described the expansion plans and appearance as
beautiful but the site is not sufficient to support it.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to deny the waivers as requested and required, noting the
proposed expansion does not fit or belong on the tot. Swedberg noted he did
so retuctantly as he coutd understand and appreciate fihe churches efforts but
could not support them.
Donatd Hughes seconded the motion to deny and upon vote carried unanimously. The
method for appeal to the Council was explained to Mr. Murphy if the church so decided.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
Pa9e 5 June 9, 1981
81-6-22 (Map 16) :Residential
1031 Pennsylvania
Beverly Ann Kottas
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3.02 (1) to allow a two-family dwelTing in a single family
residential area. The site meets the required 150'
frontage and 18,750 sq. ft. , however, it does not
abut a heavier use district and is not directly
across from a commercial , light industrial or indus-
trial use.
This petition was not considered as the proponent asked that .it be removed
from the agenda to allow her to explore with the City Planner, the possibility
of subdividing to provide two lots for two single family homes.
$1-6-23- (Map 18) Commercial
7901-7q21 Wayzata Blvd.
(Existing Bang Bang 0il Station)
H � I Enterprises, Inc.
The Petition 7s for waiver of Sections
5•05 (A) front setback for g' off the required 35' set6ack
to the center line of the gasoline pumps to a distance
of 26' and for 24' off the required 35' to the overhead
canopy on the pumps and for
5•�5 �B) for 10' off the required 20' rear setback to a distance
of 10' from the rear lot line (abuts St. Louis Park) to
the proposed building.
5.06 (2) landscaping for waiver of the required 20' along Wayzata
Blvd, for those areas not driveways.
5,Q6 D�(2) for 9 outside parking spaces to be located forward and
to the side of the building. �
Mrs. Beverly Ann Kattas was present as an owner and representative of H � I Enter-
prises, tnc, Also present was Ptr. Sam Thorpe of Tf�orpe Realty an adjacent office
property owner.
Lloyd Becker explained that the City Planner, Mike Miller, had worked with Mrs.
Kottas over. the past year reviewing her various proposals for the site and at this
time the proposal as presented is what the proponent has decided is the minimum
they can develop for the service stat'ion and retail sales on the site.
Board of Zoning ppeals
Page 6 June 9, i981
Mrs. Kottas expl ined how they lacated the station to the east as far as pc,ssible
and to< the rear o pravide the required parking and setbacks. Mrs. Kottas F�as
reviewed her pro osa1 with the Minnesota Highway Qepartment and they have explai,ned
that in ali prob bility when Highway 12 is upgraded, this site may gain further
property to the �ront Tot line. Htrs. Kottas atso fiad and' presented written per-
missiorr from the Highway Department' to de�elop and landscape the existing right-
of-way in front of her property. Mrs. Kottas noted this is a difficult triangular
lot with a steep bank at' the rear }ot 1ine. She-expTair�ed she discussed her pro-
posal with the developer regarding construction of the townh4uses in St, Lauis Park
at the rear of the property. SF�e stated he had no objection as his nearest town-
house is 250' from her property and up the hi11 and not visible.
Mr. Sam Thorpe expressed his concern for what appeared to be' an unu�ual amount 'of
variances fior the propasal and he stated w�ien they constructed theFr adjacent office
building they received no waivers firom the city and comptied witf� a11 requirements
of the Zcaning Gode anef he felt Mrs, Kottas should make every effort to do so, if
possib}e, especiall''y the landscape areas. He stated he had no real objection to
the service station as proposed,
Mahlon Swedberg commented that to the best of his recollection the Thorpe Office
Building had received a waiver. A review of pa�t minutes showed that at a July
meeting 1976, Thorpe Brothers had received a waiver of the BPO Ordinance for one
additional story to the one-story office structure altowed.
Mahlon Swedfierg said this was an unusual location=and quest�oned what effeet future
p1arrs for Highway-12 wou1d have.. Mrs. Kottas said she was confident 6as�d on' infor-
mation she had that it woUld not be a pro6lem or she would not' pursue construction
on the site.
Mike Sell , noting the present o>ld structures and their condition o� the site, said
this appears to be the best approach to developing the s'ite and suggested possibly
expanding on the variance from the rear lot linE to allow the building and parking
to be .placed further back and thus reduce the front setback and provide further
potential for landscape along Wayzata Blvd. Following furth�r discussian and in
agreement 6y Mrs. Kottas to: move the building further baek, Mike �ell moved to approve
the varianees with a rear setback variance to 3' from the rear lot line to the 6uild-
ing and 10' from the rear 1ot line to the parking area.
Wil3iam Forster seconded the motion> and upon vote carried unanimously,
81-b-24 (Map 12) Residential
Lot 1 , Block 1 , Valleywood AdditPon
Robert Sanko
The Petition is for an extension of the one-year time limit wh7eh expires
August 12, 1981 . Previous approval was for a two-family dwelting witf�
waiver of 3" -off the required rear set6ack.
Robert Sanko was present. F1r, Sanko reviewed his waiver which-was granted August
198Q for a two-famil'y dwelling. He explained this would be an expensive structure
in keeping with the covenants of the Valleywood development. He fias not commenced
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Board of Zoning Appeals
Page 7 June 9, 1981
consfirucfiion to date because of extremely high interest rates. The present waiver
does not expire until August of this year, however, he wanted to be a�sured that
if interest rates drop as he has f�een led to believe, he will commence construction
After considerable discussion, Mr. Sanko stated if at all possible, he would
build this fal1 .
Mike Sell moved to grant an extension of the waiver for one year from the date of
this meeting (June 9, 1981) . L•lilliam Forster seconded the motion and upon vote
earried unanimously.
81-6-24 (Map 18) Industrial
0�'0 —Wayzata Blvd, former Chrysl.er City)
Menard, 1nc.
The Petition is for waiver of Section
13.01 parking for 303 spaces off the required 574 spaces
to a total of 271 spaces.
The petition was reviewed and signatures had been obtained from all property 4wners
within S00' exc�pt Church of the Good Shepherd, which Menards noted t�iey could not
contact. Perkins Pancake House headquarters were contacted by telepfione :and they
stated they had no objection to the varianee. Written notice by the city �iad been
mailed to all adjacent properties.
Present for the meeting were �1r, Marv P�-ochaska, Uice President, Real Estate,
Menards, Inc, , and Mr. Gary Dreher, Project �1anager, Menards,
Mr. Dreher explained P1,enard's purch:ase of the former Chrysler City prope�ty, He
described their approval by the Building Board of Review for storage and signs
at the rear of the building and the lumber and storage roof expansion at the
rear a1so.
Mr. Prochaska stated the structure was larger than Menards needs and they have
leased a portion of the west end of the building to C�h1BS Company. Mr. Prochaska
descri6ed COMBS as a limited retail outlet for surplus items with a large wholesale
and distribution of items sometimes purchased as surplus or bankrupt stock and sold
as a complete lot without necessarily being moved to this location. He des.cri6ed
other COMBS outlets in conjunction with Menard buildings.
The east end of the building has approximately 19,000 sq. feet tentatively proposed
for a furniture store similar to others in other Menard locations. h1ike Se11 asked
how this site and the parking compared to other Menard stures. Gary Dreher reviewed
the other stores and noted his recent report by Tom Shwarts, Menard's Division Con-
troller. This report listed the parking available at 14 other locations and listed
the daily number of customers at each site from January 1980 thru P,pril 1981 .
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Board .of �oning �ppeals
Page 8 June g, 1g81
The Fridley lacation had a high of 1 ,532 custor�ers` in one day in April 19$1 .
This site has 1g2 parking spaces and Mr. Procha.ska sfiated it has exper�ienced
no problems with parking. He nated the store hours-on a -regular business day
are g:QO A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Donald Nughes stated ther� are many unknowns i:n the operation of the businesses
and he. has a problem with a variance to waive approximately 50q of the' requ'ired
parking at the site.
The Board reviewed the staff r�eport by Mike Miller, Ci:ty `Planner. In t�is. report
Mike described the overall site, its proposed occupancies �nd requirerneMts, He
noted there may be some justifiab1e hardship with tC�e site and stated if a variance
is approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals thr:ee conditions as noted should be a
par� of the variance. A copy of this memo was received by Mr, PrQehaska and
Mr. Dreher.
Donald Hughes moved to approve the- waivers as requested subject to t�e conditions
stipulated in the memo of the City Planner` and su6j�ct to positive review of this
memo, its conditions, and the Board's actions by Robert Skar�e, City Attorney.
Motion seconded 6y Mike Sell ' and upon`vote carried.
The Board Secretary, Lloyd Becl�er, stated .this would be referred to the City Attorney
Thursday morning, June 11 , 1981 . The memo was signed and dated as his acceptance
and knowledge of the`conditions of the waiver by Mr, Marv Prochaska, Menard, Jnc.
This was marked as Exhibit "A" to be filed w'ith fihe variance.
There being-no further business to come be�fore the Board, it was moved to adjourn-
at 10:35 P.M: by William Forster, secorrd 6y Donald HUghes and upon vote carred,
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Art Flanna a , Charrman loyd G, Becker, Secretary
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