10-13-81 BZA Minutes F ., � � � �
OCTOBER 13, 1981
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, October 13, 1g81 , at 7:30 P.M. at fhe Civic Center, 7800 Golden
Valley Road, Golden lfaltey, MN.
The following Board members were present:
Art Flannagan, Chairman
Witliam Forster
Mike Sell
Glen Christiansen
Mahlon Swedberg
The first item was approval of the minutes of a regular meeting held September
8, 1981 , copies of which had been previously distributed .to the Board.
Glen Christiansen moved to approve the minutes' as written and presented. Second
by William Forster and upon vote carried.
�31-10-46 (Ma 5) Residentiat
5 0 Golden Va11ey Road
John J. Alexander (Not heard at September meeting)
The Petition is for waive r of Section
3A. 10 (1) accessory buildings for 25 feet off the required
35 feet front sei:back to a distance of 10 feet from
the front tot line to the praposed detached garage
and for waiver to allow the garage to be placed in
front of the existing house. House is 94 feet from
front lot line.
Mr. Alexander was present. He explained that he missed the September meeting
because he was out of town and was confused as to what date he was to appear.
He noted that he had sent a subsequent letter of explanation to the Secretary.
A copy had been included in the Board member`s agenda packets.
Mr. Alexander explained the signatures he had obtained from adjacent properties,
however Chairman Flannagan noted he did not have any signature from the adjacent
property owner on the east. Mr. Alexander said he had tried but the occupants
were retired and not available. Mr. Flannagan expressed his concerns over this
and asked ifi Mr. Alexander had ever discussed the proposed garage with them. Mr.
Alexander said he had and that he also had several discussions when building his
brick wall around his property. He said to his knowledge they had no objections
and noted his proposed garage is on the opposite (west) side of his lot.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Page 2 October 13, 1981
Glen Christiansen noted that the request is to place a three-car garage in front of
the house and within t0 feet of the property tine. Christiansen stated that even
though the wall wouYd partially conceal the proposed garage, the wa11 was no excuse
for such a large variance. It was noted that the exisfing house is ome 90 plus
feet from fhe front lot line and with some adjustment the garage would be placed
in conformance with the front setback. Mr. Alexander noted the topography and
said this was difficult because it slopes upward �Coward the house and would atso
block his view from a front picture window.
Mahlon Swedberg questioned the need for 'a three-car garage. Mr. Atexander said he
had three vehicles and with his children growing up he wanted to be sure he had
adequate garage space.
lt was called to Mr. Alexander's attenti�n that the City had received complaints
thafi he possibly was running a construction busir�ess from this location. Mr.
Alexander acknowledged that he has art office in his home but that his construction
business is done from three other locations nnt in the city (Lyon Construction) .
Following considerable further discussion on the needs of the garage and atternatives
possibly available, Mike Sell moyed to defer this item to thE next regular meeting
to allow Mr. A)exander time to prepare some e]evations and site drawings for the
next meeting.
Glen Christiansen seconded the motion and upon vote carrie d unanimously.
81-10-47 (Map 1) Residential
1 11 Yark Avenue North
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Custard
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06 front setback for 10.3 feet of�F the required 35 feet
front setback to a distance of 24.7 feet from:the
front lotline to the proposed new attached garage.
(This petition deferred from las't month for owner
to adjust proposal .)
Mr. Custard was present. He explained his new plan to attaeh the proposed garage
rather than his previous proposal which was detached and set further forward. Mr.
Custard said he now had consent from all adjacent neighbors. New notices of this
meeting had been sent to all adjacent property owners. None were present.
The existing house is 31 .8 feet from the front Tot iine. The proposed garage
addition would be at a setback of 24.7 feet from the front lot line. The previous
proposal would have ptaced it at 19.6 feet from the lot line. The Board noted that
there is irregularity in setbacks along this block and that because of topography
(steep embankment to the rear) no garage could be constructed in that area. During
discussion it was noted that in deferring this proposa) this was an examPle of the
Board`s efforfis to work with proponents where a hardship exists with the intent if
possible to provide garage space for example while retaining the intent and integrity
of the requirements of the Zoning Code in the best manner possible. Mr. Custard
� �'�
Board of Zoning Appeals
Page 3 October 13, 1981
Glen Christiansen moved to approve the waivers as requested, second by Mike
Sell , and upon vote carri.ed unanimously.
$1-10-48 (Map l) Residential
2531 Zenith Avenue North
Stephen J. Mickus
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A. 10 (1) for 24.9 feet off the required 35 feet se�baek
from 26th Avenue North to a distance of 10. 1
feet from 26th Avenue to the proposed detached
ga rage.
Mr. Mickus was pres�nt, consent had been obtained from all adjacent properties.
The City of Crystal is across the street. The garage faces Crystal .
Mr. Mickus explained the garage is well to, the rear of the house which faces
Zenith Avenue, The garage is in line with the setback of the house along 26th
Avenue North and is within the required setback from the rear lot line.
Mr. Mickus 'stated if he set the garage f�rther back on the site there is an
embankment and it would be difficult and expensive.
Glen Christiansen moved to approve the garage as requested, noting it +s +n
alignment with the same setback as the house along 26th Avenue and at 22'x22`
it is a reasonable sized double garage. Christiansen also noted the topography
at the rear of the lot and the hardship in adjusting further on the .lot. William
Forster seconded tfie motion.
During further dis�ussion on the motion, Mahlon Swedberg noted this would not
detract from the appearance to adjacent properties , would not disturb any other
neighbors and'he also noted adjacent setbacks are irregular and there appears to
be no nega�ive impact whatever. Upon vote motion earried unanimously.
81-10-4g (Map 20) Residential
Lot 1 , 81ock 1 , Lakeview Heights
(Lot located at corner of Flag Avenue
and Dututh Street - undeveloped to
the north)
Roger and Janis Clem
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06 (1) - front setbaek for ll fc�et off the required
35 feet setback from Duluth Street to a dis-
tance of 24 feet from the lot line at Duluth
to the proposed dwelling.
� � ��
Board of Zoning Appeals
Page 4 October 13, 1981
Mr. � Mrs. Clem were present. They had obtained signatures of approval again
from adjacent properti�s and notices had again been mailed, This item had been
deferred from the previous month to a11ow Mr. and Mrs. Clem to review and adjust
their previous proposal wMich requi-red an 18 foot setback waiver from Duluth
Street which is platted but not developed at this point. The previous proposal
was a dome home which because of the required diameter could not be adjusted to
a further setback. As noted in the previous meeting, the setback now proposed
is consistent with many others previously granted in the area.
The proposed dwel }ing is now of conventional construction (Capp Home) and was
adjusted to meet the setback now requested.
Mahlon Sw�:dberg noted this waiver is now consistent with others previously
approved and commended the Clems for their efforts. Swedberg moved to approve
the waiver and plans as requested. Second by GTen Christiansen and upon vote
81-10-50 (Ma 14} Industrial
71 0 Madison Avenue West
R. C. Printing Company (Thomas Sicora)
The Petition is for extension of time for waivers granted for a
building addition in October, 1980.
The secretary noted the letter previously received from Mr. Sicora. The Board
noted other recent approvals and extensions because of high and variable interest
rates and construction costs.
Mike Sell moved to approve an extension of the waiver to one year from this date
to October 13, 1982. Motion seconded by William Forster and upon vote carried.
81-10-51 (Ma 19) Commercial
2500 North County Road 1
Robert L. Halseth (Westview Liquor)
The Petition is for waiver of Section
5.05 for 25 feet off the required 35 feet of green area
from the service road adjacent to Hennepin County
#18 to the proposed parking lot.
(This property is presently being subdivided and
to file the plat with the existing building in
non-conformance requires approval by the Board
of Zoning Appeals.)
�` .� �
Boa rd of Zon i ng Appea 1 s
Page 5 October 13y 1981
The Board noted the memo of Mike Miller, Planning � Redevelopment Coordinator,
dated October 2, 1981 . This memo described that this is an existing parcel of
land with a structure on it that is proposed for platting. It was noted in this
memo that neither the Planning Commission nor the City Council can rightfully
approve a plat that would create a non-conforming use under the provi�ions of
City Ordinance.
Since the proponent is in a position whereby he cannot practically correct the
setback deficiency created by Hennepin County, he has little alternative but
to appeal to the BZA for relief. The BZA can grant such relief contingent upon
approval of the plat by the Planning Commission and City Council .
Mr. Halseth was present and explained his reasons for platting the property and
he further described his business operations and parking requirements as they
now exist.
Mike Sell moved to approve the waivers as:::requested and required to plat the
property and in doing so, noted the memo from the Planner as previously described.
Second by Glen Christiansen and upon vote carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved, seconded
and carried to adjourn at 8:45 P.M.
I, � � �
ann gan, Chairm � oyd G. Becker, Secretary