03-09-82 BZA Minutes ���� � �''�j MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS March 9, 1982 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesday, March 9, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota The following Board members were present: Glen Christiansen William Forster M i ke Sel l Donald Hughes (alternate) Absent by prior arrangement: C hairman Art Flannagan Mahlon Swedberg In accordance with current by-laws, Glen Christiansen, as immediate p ast chairman, assumed the chair in the absence of Art Flannagan. The first order f business was approval of the minutes of a regular meeting held Jan ary 12, 1982, copies of which had previously been distributed to the Board. (Note: no regular meeting was held in F ebruary, 1982, as no petitions had been filed. ) Mike Sell moved to approve the minutes as written and presented, second by William Forster and upon vote carried. , 82-3-4 (Map 20) Residential 6 Aquila Avenue North Gary and Cynthia Swenson The Petition is for waiver of Section 3A.06(3) sideyard setback for 5.1 feet off the required 12.9 feet sidey ard setback from the sau th lot line to a distance of 7.8 feet from the south lot line to the proposed garage addition. M r. and Mrs. Swenson were present. The petition was in order and consent had been obtained from all adjacent properties. M r. Swensen explained his proposal to expand their existing single-car garage into a double garage and in using a portion of the interior of the existing attached garage as a mud room entrance to the house. S wenson described his lot as similar to a parallelogram with house placed on an opposite angle and creating the north rear corner and the south f ront corner as closest points to the side lot lines. He noted that on the side where the variance is requested, the proposed garage would more than comply at 13.4 feet (12.9 required for this 86 foot wide lot) a t its farthest point from the lot line. r�; '��. n_ Board of Zoning Appeals Page 2 March 9, 1982 Mike Sell suggested narrowing the garage to provide more accessibility around the south side of the house. Sell noted there was a fence there now. Mr. Swenson said he would like the proposed width because the e xisting house is small with limited storage space and also the area pro- posed for a mud room in a portion of the existing garage limits that side to only a compact vehicle. M r. Swenson said he had discussed this thoroughly with his neighbor and that he planned on removing the wood fence along the area discussed. His neighbor has a chain link fence beginning at about the rear of the proposed garage addition. William Forster said this appeared similar to other proposals for expansion from single car garages and said he could see the advantages of the proposal and the o verall improvement to the structure. D onald Hughes noted the configuration of the lot and the placement of the e xisting house and that as the lot line angles in relation to the house the set- back becomes greater and conforming. M r. Swenson said the addition would be stucco to match the existing house. William Forster moved to approve the waiver as requested. Second by Mike Sell and upon vote carried. 82-3-5 (Map 16) Residential ar� au t treet corner F aribault Street and Winnetka Avenue) Richard A. Middlemist The Petition is for waiver of Section 3A.06(1 ) for 10 feet off the required 35 feet f ront setback to a setback of 25 feet f rom the south 1 ot 1 i ne to the proposed garage addition. M r. Middlemist was present. Consent had been obtained from ail adjacent p roperties and the petition was in order. This is a narrow lot on the east side of Winnetka Avenue at Faribault Street. In 1977, Mr. Middlemist received a waiver from the setback requirement along F aribault Avenue to a mean setback distance of 27.6 feet at the center of the lot. (The lot is 53 feet wide at Winnetka and 70 feet wide at the east lot line) . A new home was constructed with an attached double garage. M r. Middlemist proposes to construct his garage addition within the previously approved setback from Faribault Avenue and within the required setback from Winnetka Avenue (35 feet and 37 feet proposed) . M r. Middlemist described the site as very visible and he needs the additional space to provide storage for such items as a boat, trailer, etc. �,:�,- �� �" �. ., Board of Zoning Appeals March 9, 1982 Page 3 Glen Christiansen said he did not look favorably on this addition and he noted the previous approval for setback from Faribault Avenue which stated all other requirements f or setback would be met. M r. Middlemist said he intends to abide by that and only would like the same consideration as previously granted from Faribault Street. Glen Christiansen noted that at the present time there is a metal shed on the east end of the lot. Mr. Middlemist stated he placed it there for temporary s torage with full consent of his adjacent neighbor. Mike Sell said the proposed addition could possibly allow expansion of living a rea into a portion of the existing garage and increase the livability and value of the home. Mr. Middlemist said the roof lines would be maintained and it would not look patched on to the existing. William Forster said he favored getting outside storage under cover. Donald Hughes said he was concerned about approving a waiver for a three-car garage. However, the advantage of additional storage and the appearance of the a ddition as described may not be prohibitive in this case. M r. Middlemist described the noise and traffic at the railroad crossing and said the addition would provide further as a barrier from the noise for his adjacent neighbor and also his own living area. Glen Christiansen noted again his concern for visibility of the adjacent neigh- bor from the south side of the house. Middlemist stated his neighbor favored the addition. Mike Sell moved to approve the waiver as requested noting the configuration and location of the lot and the advantage of inside storage. William Forster seconded the motion and upon vote motion carried, 3 ayes and 1 nay, Chri sti ansen. Donald Hughes brought to the Board' s attention a previous approval for a de- t ached garage at 5140 Lowry Terrace, Mr. William Bick. Hughes noted that the garage had received a waiver of the requirement to be placed to the rear of the h ouse because of soil conditions and because it was a corner lot with insuf- ficient room to locate the garage at the rear. A condition of the approval was subject to the garage being architecturally and aesthetically similar to the existing house. At the present time and as constructed, it does not appear to meet that intent. The secretary said the Bui1ding Department had not received a request for an inspection as yet and the Inspection Department would contact Mr. Bick and reaffirm the requirements. No approval will be given to Mr. Bick until he complies. There being urther business to come before the Board, it was upon motion, ec�n nd ot� adjo " at 8:40 P.M. ` � � � len ristiansen, Chairman Pro-Tem o d . cke , Secretary ,