05-11-82 BZA Minutes ��������
May 11, 1982
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, May 11, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Civic
Ceriter, 7800 Golden Va11ey R�ad, Golden Valley, Mir�esota
The follawing Board n�mbers were present:
Chairnia.n, Mike Sell
Herb Polachek
Mahlon SwecU�erg
Art Flannagan
Glen Christiansen
The first order of business was approval of the mirnztes of a regular
meeting held April 13, Z982, a�pies of which had previausly been
distributed to the Board. Glen Christiansen m�ved to approve the rr�r�utes as
written ar�1 presented. Sec�nd by Art Flanr�agan and upon v�te �rried.
82-5-10 (Map 19) Business & Professional
2445 Winnetka Avenue North
A. J. Poppelaars
The Petition is for waiver of Section
10.052(A) for 25 feet off the required 50 feet
building setback tA a distance of 25
f eet fran the west lot lir�e to the
proposed office addition.
(Please note: This item d�ferred from
the April 13, 1982 meeting to allaw the
proponent to adjust arld reviaa his
p raposal. )
Mr. Foppelaars had previ�sly requested that his petition be deferred
to the June meeting because of a c�nflict of a prior corm�itmerit that he o�uld
not change.
Art Flannagan moved to defer this item tA the regular meeting for June, 1982.
Seoond by Herb Pol.acheck and upon vote carried. It should be noted that Mr.
Poppelaars had informed the secretary of his conflict of dates approxi.�tely
a week before the rreeting. 'I}ze neighbors had been notified of the May
meeti.ng and they were subsequently nptified of Mr. Peppelaars request for
defermerit to the Jurbe meeting so it was not necessary for th�n to appear at
this time.
Board of Zoning Appeals
May 11, 1982
Page 2
82-5-11 (Map 1) l�sidential
3508 Manor Drive
James and Rose Abendroth
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06(3) side setbackf for 1.6 feet off the required
15 foot sideyard setback fran the north
lot line to the proposed c�arage additian
and for
3A.06(1) fr�t setback, for 11.9 feet off the
required 35 feet fr�t setback tA the
e xisting hause which is naw r�n-conforming.
Mr. and Mrs. Abendroth were in attendance, rr� adjaoent praperty c�nmers were
p resent. 'Ihe petition was in order arid consent obtained fram adjacent
This is a large lot, 123 feet wide at the rear, 110 feet wide at the front.
The south side lot line is 110 feet deep, the north lot line is 89 feet deep.
The existing house is set on an angle with the closest point of the existing
house at 23.1 feet from the front lat line. Zhe praposed rocgn additi� to
the rear does conform. The additiona.l garage stall praposed is 1.6 feet
c loser to the north lot line than allawed because of the angle of the house.
Mr. Abendroth explained his proposa.l to the Board and in cbing so nated that
the existing breezeway to the attached single garage would remain and an addi-
tional stall added to the north side. He nated that because the house is set
on an angle, to angle the side wall of the garage to c�onform to the north lot
line w�uld render the additional garage stall alimst useless and would be
esthetically a�akward.
Follaai.ng further discussion on the structural requiremerits and the corr
f iguration of the lat relative to the placexnent of the existing house, Glen
Christiansen moved to approve the waivers as requested which include the
e�sting house. Seoond by Mahl� Swec�erg and upon vote carried.
$2-5-12 (Map 17) E�sidential
510 Ellis Lan�e
Tom and Lynette Iverson
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06(1) fr�t setback, for 5 feet off the required
3 5 feet fr�t setback tA a distance of
30 feet frcan the frce�t lot line to the
existing hause at its closest point
on the cul-d�-sac. 'Ihis waiver required
i n order to allc�a a o�nformZ.ng additian
to be added to the rear.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
May 11, 1982
Page 3
Mr. & Mrs. Iverson were present. O�nsent had been obtained fram adjaoerit
prc�erties. No athers were present for the r�eting.
This is an existing tw�-family c�velling which is located on a azl-de-sac and
when constructed, �e corner of the house was placed at 30 feet fram the
radius of the front lat line. 'Ihe proposed rocxn addition o� �e side at the
rear c�nfornis; haaever, because a mn-c�forming structure cannot be added to,
a waiver of the n�-ccazfornti.ng portion was required.
The Board discussed the proposed addition ar�cl Mahlcn S�,vecmerg noted that this
is not a oontroversial or detrimental r�uest. `lhe secretary said a review
of the files shaved that the two-family home had been approved by past City
Council and that by present standards for twrrfamily c�aellings the lot area
was more than adequate.
Art Flannagan imved to approve the waiver as requested noting the difficult
f ront lot line of the existing hause because of the cul de sac.
S econd by Herb Polachek ar�d upon vate carried.
82-5-13 (Map 20) Residential
8070 Duluth Street
George and Evelyn Sormichsen
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06 (1) fr�t setback, for three feet off the
required 35 feet to a distance of 32
feet fran the front lot line to the
p roposed addition.
George and Evelyn Sonnichsen were present. No adjacent praperty avners were
i n attendance. Cbnsent had been obtained fran all abutting praperties.
This house has an existing twc�-car garage and the praposal includes expansion
of a dini.ng area into a portion of one bay of the garage. By adding three
feet to the front of the garage as praposed (which is an area where the
e xisting soffit projects) , the Sonnichsens would gain the additiona.l length
to make the garage bay useable for a car and also sare storage space in front
of the other bay.
During his explana.tion, Mr. Sonnichsen noted that based on the pitch of the
existing roof, they may not need the full three feet as they requested, kzzt
uritil it can be opened up for construction, the exact dimension cannat be
determir�d. Follauing further discussion, it was agreed that a waiver of
2 '6" would in all probability be adequate. Mahlan Swec3berg stated that the
f ront setback is rrr�st closely guarded and while the Sonnichsens rrr�y questi�
the attention given to such fine increrroents fr�n the front lot line, this is
done so because in mr�st cases the front setback has the rrost visible inpact
on most neighborhoods.
Board of Zoning Appeals
May 11, 1982
P age 4
Glen Christiansen rroved to a�rove a waiver of 2'6" into the front setkx�ck
for the proposed addition and in doing so noted that this would make a niae
addition to the existing h� which fits in with the adjacent praperties.
Seoond by Art Flannagan and upon vote carried.
The Board discussed several ac�ni.nistrative items and the secretary reviaaed
present construction projects in the City.
There being no further l�.isiness to cca�� before the Board, it was upon rrotion,
s econd, and vote to adjourn at 8:20 P.M.
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Mike Sell, Chairn�an ayd . cker, Secretary